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The stupid question is the question not asked


by Crian (Curate)
on Feb 04, 2004 at 13:17 UTC ( [id://326482]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

homepage: (available only in German)
country: Germany
city: Bielefeld
job: Software Engineer

I am a german mathematician working now as a software developer here in Bielefeld, programming in Perl and other languages.
My nick name Crian comes from my Christian name, what is "Christian" *g. When you slice enough letters out of it, "Crian" remains.

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Monks I meat in RL

Monks well known from other VL-sites

My career as a perl monk so far:

  • Initiate 04.02.2004 14:17:15 GMT-1
  • Novice 01.03.2004
  • Acolyte 07.03.2004
  • Scribe 01.04.2004
  • Monk 08.06.2004
  • Friar 03.02.2005
  • Friar (again...) 13.03.2007
  • Hermit 23.06.2009
  • Chaplain 13.03.2014

Friar Friar Text

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