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by joe++ (Friar)
on May 08, 2000 at 19:54 UTC ( [id://10620]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Some surrogate biography

When I registered for Perlmonks, now "years ago", I was pretty active with Perl for website development. Not long afterwards I lost interest more or less due to concentrating more on PHP and XSL(T). We use PHP in a very uninteresting way: only for doing "smart server side includes", based on lots of snipppets that are rendered from XML data and feeds. So my knowledge of PHP is still only basic, but I love XML and all those related technologies like XSLT, XPath, DOM and CSS.

Recently I'm doing more backend stuff (and thus Perl) again.

Most significant change is that I got interested in Extreme Programming and improving my OO techniques. That is an interesting area for Perl: previously I had the impression that Perl's OO implementation was just a half-hearted hack, piggy-backed on procedural Perl 4, but just now I'm starting to learn that Perl can even have advantages over pure OO languages like Java.

What surprised me in a very pleasant way, is that over the last two years the Perl community has evolved very much. Perlmonks is really on a very high level generally spoken, and lots of very good tutorials started to pop-up, like "perltooc".

Hmm... more of a rant than a bio...

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