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The day's catch... 50 of the top 2000 nodes of all time!

(Refreshed every 6 hours, approximately. Inspect the xml feed to see how many minutes until the next refresh.)

Selected Best Nodes of All Time!!

# Node Author Rep
1 How to (ab)use substr Erudil 416
2 find-a-func Erudil 374
3 A little fun with merlyn jcwren 362
4 Propose. Falkkin 264
5 pVoice 0.01 Jouke 168
6 Cheap idioms Juerd 165
7 XML for databases?!?! Is it just me or is the rest of the world nutz? S_Shrum 165
8 Portable perl: usb thumbdrive zzspectrez 164
9 I Was a Saint (sung to the tune of "I Will Survive") sauoq 162
10 What training do YOU need? deprecated 154
11 Re: Damian Conway's ten rules for when to use OO mrmick 151
12 Isn't that nice? frankus 148
13 AutoSurfer cures boredom redsquirrel 146
14 Aaah, spring (A Very Special Perlmonks Contest) boo_radley 145
15 Parsing credit card track data Ovid 142
16 Operator Associativity and Eliminating Left-Recursion in Parse::RecDescent ikegami 141
17 TIMTOWTDI and other languages Ovid 137
18 Thinking in perl K_M_McMahon 131
19 Griping about Typing Ovid 131
20 A most obscure bug robin 131
21 I can't get no... jepri 130
22 Making perlmonks seach engine friendly blakem 127
23 Request for Comments on Perl::Critic jthalhammer 124
24 is XML too hard? thraxil 121
25 Article on how to be a programmer gmax 118
26 Re: use strict won't require explicit name for all variables? Matts 117
27 Give up your modules! Ovid 116
28 Re: 1st Monasterians gmax 115
29 Re: Overhead of __DATA__? stefp 114
30 perlcheat Juerd 113
31 Multi-Word Anagrams japhy 111
32 Combinatorics ezekiel 110
33 Programming Department danambroseUK 108
34 Re: perl2exe - no more secrets gmax 108
35 Stepping up from XML::Simple to XML::LibXML grantm 105
36 40,053 Philosophical Errors Zaxo 104
37 Re: On Creating an Effective Work Environment chromatic 104
38 Perl 6 release date Juerd 104
39 Digital Signatures on Web Pages John M. Dlugosz 104
40 Re: Advanced Perl Programming, 2nd edition xdg 102
41 the ghost of xmas past. teamster_jr 102
42 The costs of packages BrowserUk 102
43 Reinventing the spaceship nothingmuch 102
44 The purpose of testing g0n 101
45 Request for comments - Proc::UID pjf 101
46 giulienk 101
47 Editor / IDE Consolidation trs80 101
48 Vocal Japh liverpole 100
49 better union of sets algorithm? perrin 100
50 Start smoking (Perl) kudra 100
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