Elegant simplicity, very pleasing on the eyes.
# Essence of this script is the dereferenced reference construct
# 'Just Another perl Hacker' == ${\('Just Another Perl Hacker')}
print "Just Another Perl Hacker\n" if 'Hacker' == ${\(Hacker)};
# Each line is best read from right to left. The embedding of the
# derefed literals make a clever obfuscation but repeats almost
# identically for each block. Got one got em all.
# \u -> title case next char only
# \L -> lowercase until \E
# \E -> end case
# $" -> $LIST_SEPERATOR default value ' ', used for ' '
# Splitting the $" onto two lines is a rather clever trick which
# removes the newline which is present in the code presented below:
print qq'${\(foo)}$ # split line $" syntax avoids newline here
print qq'
\u\L$ {\(J.${\(U.${\(S.${\(T)})})})}
tachyon |