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by dragonchild (Archbishop)
on Jun 04, 2001 at 23:41 UTC ( [id://85580]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I've decided to maintain a list of PerlMonks who have decided to make themselves available for contract work, either short or long-term. This is not meant to replace any other resource, but to be a supplement.

Please /msg them if you wish to discuss a possible project or position with them. Only real requests, please.

If you wish to be put on this list, please let me know.

  • dragonchild - Web applications, CGI, parsing, databases (especially Oracle), object-oriented, remediation
  • corenth - General programming, parsing, ETL, data entry automation (including Verisign)
  • biosysadmin - Computational Biology, Unix Sysadmin, and bio-Perl.
  • sh1tn - system s‎crip‎ting, web, databases, data munging, object oriented programming
  • zoro - web application, CGI, data manipulations, perl queries
  • friedo - General data-munging, DBI (MySQL/Oracle), mod_perl applications, OO Perl, etc
  • arc_of_descent - Web development, Linux, Perl, CGI, MySQL, Networking
  • dhoss - mysql database work, CGI application development, AJAX, online community design, Jifty, Catalyst, Ruby-on-Rails
  • simonm - designing and building web and database applications in Perl
  • salva - sys admin automation, network apps, data munging, OOP
  • serf - Perl, Linux & Shell s‎crip‎ting (11 yrs) mainly telco & Internet
  • spx2 - CGI applications,Web Development( Catalyst),web automation(robots/ crawlers/site scrapers),general programming,data manipulation,GUI Perl applications, Linux,network programming, multithreading applications, system s‎crip‎ting,object oriented programming etc.

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