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Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister


by dystrophy (Monk)
on Nov 15, 2000 at 23:18 UTC ( [id://41832]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I consult for this guy as well as Stanford's Department of Geophysics - I do mostly systems and networking, but I also program perl, php, java and C.
I truly enjoy programming in perl. I've been forced to work with Java for the last year at San Jose State University. I'm due to graduate in December. I plan to get married shortly thereafter to the woman of my dreams.

Links of interest:
Mapquest link -> see where I live
Some poetry - I love you
A s‎crip‎t to rotate wallpaper in Gnome2

Fun nodes:
one-liner hogs
Holy Grail - Scene 4


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