Re: poll ideas quest
by OzzyOsbourne (Chaplain) on Mar 30, 2001 at 17:55 UTC
Update: CowboyNeal.
Which would you rather give up:
- CowboyNeal
- Perl
,- mustard,
- or DVD's?
Before Perl, I coded mostly in: - Pascal,
- VB,
- C,
- Cobol,
- Basic,
- Klingon
When I code, I listen primarily to: - CowboyNeal
- Rock,
- Pop,
- Techno
- Rap,
- R&B,
- Oldies,
- Classical,
- "Alternative",
- Kenny G. Rules!,
- The little voice sings for me.
My job is: - full of Perl Monks,
- Perl Friendly,
- Perl Hostile
- Perl Bailey?
Right now, my boss thinks that I'm: - CowboyNeal
- coding,
- documenting,
- doing a status report,
- which boss?,
- working late..mmm kay?
My primary O/S is: - Unix,
- Linux,
- BeOs,
- *BSD
- Windows,
- OS/2
- I wrote my own O/S
I use a: - PC
- Mac
- Dumb terminal
- C64
- Timex Sinclair
- Rock and stick make noise
Computers have: - Made me socially inept
- Brought me out of my shell a little
- Made me the HIT of my office
- given me access to more military plans than I thought imaginable
- Made me a porn star!
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by yojimbo (Monk) on Mar 30, 2001 at 14:12 UTC
Some quick ideas (don't know if they've been done before)
- Which monk pictures do you find most cute/scary/disturbing?
- Which other programming language would you learn if you only
had more time?
- How much time can you waste in PerlMonks in one day/week/lifetime
(eg 1 hour, 2 hours, > 1 day, "time is never wasted on PM"...)?
- Which killer node would you write if only you had the
skillz (eg teleport, smite user, /msg aliens, etc)?
- Where would you expect to find the greatest gathering of
Perl Monks (eg, here, at a Perl Mongers conference,
linux installfest, under a rock, etc)?
- Which cartoon character do you most resemble (eg
Dogbert, Dilbert, Yosemite Sam, Asterix...)?
- Which cartoon character most resembles Perl?
- How many miles would you walk for a camel?
- Which mind-altering substance helps most with Perl hacking?
- What's your favourite music for coding to?
Ummm... now I've even run out of crap ideas. I'm sure someone
else can do better :-)
(PS: Do I get my XP now? Huh? Please..?)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Zoogie (Curate) on Mar 30, 2001 at 21:49 UTC
Some of these I came up with for the Linux Users Group at Georgia Tech page,
but many apply to coding in general:
- I prefer sleeping...
- During the Night
- During the Day
- When I'm Tired
- Sleep is Unintentional Downtime
- Favorite Unix Holy War (by Buddy Smith)
- Pine vs. Elm
- Emacs vs. Vim
- Gnome vs. KDE
- GUI vs. Console
- Lihnucks vs. Lynucks
- Worst command to run as root
- rm -rf /
- killall -9 init
- dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda
- make install
- Number of different OS's I've run Perl on
- One
- Two
- 3-5
- 5+
- My brain has a built-in 5.6.0 compiler.
- Best way to get a bug fixed.
- File a bug report.
- Whine, whine, whine.
- Kill the coder (they're replaceable, right?).
- Ha><0R the bO><oR
- Make random noises.
- Redefine the Unix epoch.
- Troll Slashdot.
- Reinstall WindowsTM.
- What's the best way to untar tar.gz files? (by Lincoln Durey)
- tar xzvf
- tar -xzvf
- alias unpack="tar xzvf"
- zcat | tar xvf -
- rpm --install
It would be an interesting (if very highly unscientific) to
see what differences there are in the poll responses on
PerlMonks vs. on a LUG homepage...
- Zoogie | [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tune (Curate) on Mar 30, 2001 at 19:21 UTC
Why do you use Perl?
- Perl is my lover
- I like it and want to develop myself
- I get a bunch of money with it
- Because regexp rocks!
- Because its simplicity rocks
- i hate to use it...
- What is Perl?
What are you doing while you go to work at the morning?
- Staring in front of me
- Finding out cute obfuscation snippets
- grepping the other passengers by skin color, age, and sex
- Working hard on my laptop/palm/gameboy
- Laughing in myself about yesterday nights beer party
tune | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by wombat (Curate) on Mar 30, 2001 at 22:42 UTC
What you say!! I got XP as a result of this quest! I just upvoted the comments until I got one point! :-D Seriously. How 'bout we get no points now, but 20 points if you use one of our ideas as a future poll.
What do you take into the bath/shower with you?
- A rubber duck
- A rubber camel
- A waterproof pen so I can code by writing on the walls.
- An umbrella (so I don't get wet)
- Why shower?
- Vroom/Cowboy Neil
What's the best way to prank your cubicle/office mate
- The old underwear up the company flagpole routine
- Forging a note from the boss stating that the next project is to be coded in Aramaic.
- Angry lobsters in the desk drawer!
- Waiting until they pass out from too much coding, tying them to their chair, naked, with a note taped to their chest saying "Have a happy Saturnalia", covering them in office condiments such as non-dairy creamer, and then wheeling them to a department on the other side of the building.
- Replace his Perl binaries with Ruby.
What does PERL stand for?
- Partially Etherial Religious Life
- Patented Evil-Removing Language
- Poingent Erudite Ribald Lecture
- Painless Effervescent Radient Lingo
- Pasty Elastic Relaxing Larry
- Very Respected Object Oriented Manufacturer
What's the best part about the Monastery?
- Our holy water is Mountain Dew.
- "Hail Larry" rhymes with "Hail Mary"
- Fewer difficult names (such as Zerubbabel, Eliakim, and Rehoboam) in our holy texts.
- CPAN gives us a limited sense of what omniscience feels like.
- We all really dig eachother!
I'm gonna add more! Just you wait!
~W | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by iamcal (Friar) on Mar 30, 2001 at 16:10 UTC
- What's the funniest perl function (chomp,die,kill,sin,fork etc.)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jorg (Friar) on Mar 30, 2001 at 14:22 UTC
What is the % of people in your team/departement that are "Perl aware"?
That would be like 10% for my situation (hint: there are about 10 people in my team)
"Do or do not, there is no try" -- Yoda | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Adam (Vicar) on Mar 30, 2001 at 23:17 UTC
What kind of software do you write in Perl?
- Sys-Admin scripts and utilities
- Networking scripts via the Libnet (Net::*) modules
- CGI script
- Video games
- Servers
- Compilers
- Just JAPHs and other Obfuscations
- I just do one-liners!
- Oh!, software - that's what Perl is for!
Outdoor activites
- Ride Bicycle
- Soccer
- Hiking / Backpacking
- Astronomy
- Swimming
- Surfing
- Water Polo
- Other
- Allergic to the sun
Favorite Color
- #FF0000
- #800000
- #FF0000
- #FF00FF
- #808080
- #000000
- #808000
- #00FF00
- #0000FF
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Beatnik (Parson) on Mar 30, 2001 at 20:17 UTC
- How many times you tried convincing non perl programmers to give it a try
(5 or less, 10, 20, 40, 50+)
- How long it takes you to explain (RE|OO|...) to a newbie
(5 or less, 10, 20, 40, 50+)
- How many perl tutorials you have written (or attempted to write) (5 or less, 10, 20, 40, 50+)
- Reasons why you think people should give you your perl books back ASAP
- So you can borrow em to other people
- They look nice on your bookshelf
- So you can brag how many perl books you have
- So you can read em again, and again and again
- So you know which ones you don't have yet
- You like the smell of used books
- Where/when do you think about code?
- Work (during coffee break, during work, during meeting,..)
- Bathroom (in bath tub, while brushing teeth, while peeing,...)
- Bedroom (while trying to get some sleep, during sex,...)
- Other places (park, while driving home, while jogging,...)
- I dont think about that stuff, I just code
... Quidquid perl dictum sit, altum viditur.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by MF (Scribe) on Mar 30, 2001 at 19:03 UTC
What is your favourite beverage/brand?
- Coffee
- Coca-Cola
- Pepsi
- Other cola brand
- Apple juice
- Espresso
- Capuccino
- Mountain Dew
- Red Bull
- Jolt
- Black Booster
- Milk
- Multi-Vitamin Fruit Juice
- Alcoholic beverage
- You don't want to know
- Other
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by arturo (Vicar) on Mar 30, 2001 at 22:08 UTC
Why do birds suddenly appear every time that you're near?
- Just like me, they long to be ...
- coding perl
- debating the merits of emacs vs. vi
- Making jokes about poor Pater
- circumventing site security measures
- Robo
- sucking flavoured ink out of a fountain pen
Philosophy can be made out of anything. Or less -- Jerry A. Fodor
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by one4k4 (Hermit) on Mar 30, 2001 at 18:43 UTC
How many times a day do you have to slap yourself because you realize you're speaking in code.
Hey, give me a break. Its friday. :)
_14k4 - (
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tune (Curate) on Mar 30, 2001 at 20:57 UTC
| [reply] |
(zdog) Re: poll ideas quest
by zdog (Priest) on Mar 31, 2001 at 02:22 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by mr.nick (Chaplain) on Apr 01, 2001 at 00:30 UTC
What is the first computer you owned?
- TRS-80 Model 1
- TRS-80 Model 3
- Timex/Sinclar TI99/4a
- Coco
- Amiga
- Apple ][
- Atari
- That HP luggable I forget the name to
- Other
What was the first language you wrote a program in?
- Assembly
- C
- C++
- Pascal
- Fortran
- Cobol
- Perl
Do you think integrated development environemts for HTML are
- Good, because they abstract you
- Bad, because they abstract you
- Are helpful
- Create people who know nothing
- Allow non-tech people to write pages
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by PsychoSpunk (Hermit) on Mar 31, 2001 at 03:17 UTC
Plain, simple, and surprisingly hasn't been done yet:
I have been using the Internet for...
- 0-3 years
- 4-10 years
- 11-15 years
- 16-20 years
- 21-30 years
- I had one of the first hundred nodes on ARPAnet.
- CowboyNeal
- I don't use the Internet
I chose the cut off years for the first two options based
on the type of web that existed in each period. If you have
been on for more than 3 years, you know what I'm talking
Surprisingly, CowboyNeal makes sense in this poll.
I was almost tempted to add a 'Net option, but realized
that it would invalidate my desire to not see a certain /.
ALL HAIL BRAK!!! | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by extremely (Priest) on Mar 31, 2001 at 05:09 UTC
Which Silly Poll Answer is the Silliest?
- CowboyNeal
- Bill Gates
- Velveta™
- Vroom's Grades
- Other
- NodeReaper
- Buzz Off
- I refuse to answer...
Oops, there is another Idea:
I refuse to answer on the grounds that
- it might incriminate me.
- the -- votes will only drag me further down.
- it might intimidate me.
- I wrote a bot and still couldn't answer as fast as some
of the monks.
- The timestamps let my boss know I'm goofing off at work.
- NodeReaper
$you = new YOU;
honk() if $you->love(perl) | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by scottstef (Curate) on Mar 31, 2001 at 07:46 UTC
1. Favorite source of music while programming:
a. shoutcast
b. napster
c. real player
d. the flat/shiny thing that goes in the cup holder
e. What is a sound card?
2. Favorite editor:
a. Vi/Vim
b. Xemacs/Emacs
c. UltraEdit
d. notepad
3. What language would you use if Perl didn't exist?
a. Shell
b. Basic
c. Java
d. dos batch file it
4. Biggest disruption when writing code:
a. Perl Monks- having fun in the chatter box
b. Family
c. the boss
d. Meetings to blow an hour and accomplish Nothing
5. Things I wish I could change about my job:
a. More Money$$
b. Less Meetings
c. Bigger Cube
d. More Time off
e. Better/Free snacks/drinks
6. Things ever job must have
a. Season tickets to everything
b. Wet bar in every cube
c. >21" monitors
d. Lazy Boys for office furniture
e. Milton from office space in the cube next to you.
Update: fixed a typo at the suggestion of dws | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by KM (Priest) on Apr 05, 2001 at 00:00 UTC
I like Perl because:
- CowboyNeal
- CowboyNeal
- CowboyNeal
- CowboyNeal
- CowboyNeal
My Favorite OS is
- CowboyNealOS
- FreeCowboyNeal
- OpenCowboyNeal
- LiCowboyNealux
- BeCowboyNeal
May favorite pattern match is:
- /^CowboyNeal/
- /^CowboyNeal$/
- /(Cowboy|Neal)/
- /CowboyNeal.*/
- /CowboyNeal/
I keep my perl at:
- /usr/local/bin/CowboyNeal
- /usr/bin/CowboyNeal
- c:\Perl\CowboyNeal.exe
- /opt/bin/CowboyNeal
- HD:CowboyNeal f:CowboyNeal
My Favorite Editor is:
- vCowboyNeal
- emacCowboyNeals
- piCowboyNeal
- NoteCowboyNeal
- elCowboyNealvis
Best Perl 5.6 Feature is:
- CowboyNeal()
- CowboyNeal() emulation on Win32
- Lexical CowboyNeals
- Autovivfying CowboyNeal
- vCowboyNeal.12.34 notation
KM | [reply] |
(jcwren) Re: poll ideas quest
by jcwren (Prior) on Mar 30, 2001 at 21:52 UTC
So far, everyone one of these polls is flawed. Not a single one offers the 'CowboyNeal' option. And I ain't taken no stinkin' poll if ain't got the 'CowboyNeal' option.
e-mail jcwren
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by LD2 (Curate) on Mar 31, 2001 at 03:41 UTC
First or Favorite(or Preferred) Web Browser:
- Internet Explorer
- Netscape
- Mosiac
- Opera
- Lynx
- Other
- Telnet
Favorite LAN Game:
- Age of Empires
- Quake
- Starcraft
- MechWarrior
- Heros of Might and Magic
- Diabolo
- Other
Favorite(or Hated) Debates:
- Java vs. Perl
- ASP/PHP vs. Perl
- Delphi vs. VB
- C# vs. Java
- *nix vs. Windows
- MS SQL vs. Oracle
- IIS vs. Apache
- Other
Update: added telnet per PsionicMan's suggestion.. I'll try it one of these days. :)
| [reply] |
(tye)Re: poll ideas quest
by tye (Sage) on Apr 03, 2001 at 08:58 UTC
My favorite lie is:
- The check is in the mail
- Wasn't me!
- I've never met that person before in my life! (or "Just a friend/co-worker")
- No, Officer. (or the very popular: "Two beers")
- No, that doesn't make you look (fat|stupid).
- I know that!
- It's not the size... (also, "That's alright; it happens to lots of guys")
- Your call is very important to us...
- But PerlMonks is work related.
(but my friends call me "Tye")
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by risacher (Beadle) on Mar 31, 2001 at 20:35 UTC
Competing language whose own zealots are the most irritating:
- Python
- VB
- php
- C/C++
- Java
- elisp
- French
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by strredwolf (Chaplain) on Mar 31, 2001 at 01:01 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by frag (Hermit) on Mar 30, 2001 at 22:18 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by greenFox (Vicar) on Apr 01, 2001 at 07:17 UTC
my voting strategy is-
- ++ good questions and answers
- -- dumb questions and answers
- ++ anything that makes me laugh
- ++ Merlyn/favourite monk
- -- (insert monk) who I suspect downvoted me
- ++ coolness factor
- I vote by best/worst nodes
- random browse-by voting
- who cares I vote for the XP
- ++ CowboyNeal
update: I thought of another one-
my favourite section of the monastry is:
-- my $chainsaw = 'Perl'; | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by coreolyn (Parson) on Mar 31, 2001 at 00:12 UTC
I'm curious as to what the results of the following would be:
How many people are in your company?
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Gremlin (Acolyte) on Apr 01, 2001 at 13:20 UTC
Which is your favorite bumper sticker?
- I left my wife for Perl
- I'm no longer impotent... I use Perl to spawn
- Perl Monk on Board
- The Matrix is coded in Perl
- I dont have a car... I only drive on the Information Super Highway
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by suaveant (Parson) on Apr 02, 2001 at 17:01 UTC
How about, "Best Perl quote"
'To Perl, or not to Perl'
'Tis better to have Perled and lost, than never to have Perled at all'
'Perl, I am your father...'
'Its Perl, its Perl, its Perl, its in my head'
'I've fallen, and I can't use Perl'
'Wyld Perlyns RULE!'
'I don't wanna work, I just wanna code on the Perl all day...'
'What the hell is that camel doing in my bathroom'
and finally
'Larry Wall isn't a God, but he plays one on the Internet'
don't mind me, I'm just feeling a bit silly this monday AM
- Ant | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by wardk (Deacon) on Apr 02, 2001 at 19:40 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tlm (Prior) on Apr 28, 2005 at 23:42 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Chady (Priest) on Mar 31, 2001 at 00:44 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by cascadefx (Novice) on Mar 31, 2001 at 03:37 UTC
When something on the computer doesn't work I:
- Start up my trusty debugger
- Start up my trusty programming environment
- Start hacking a perl script to find and solve the problem
- Start asking for help with a perl script that might fix the problem
- Start swinging a baseball bat until it doesn't matter whether anything works or not
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by dws (Chancellor) on Apr 03, 2001 at 03:52 UTC
Since I'm among friends, I'll admit that the majority of my bugs are caused by
- Not checking error codes
- Not being clear on list vs. scalar context
- Inadequately tested regular expressions
- Plain-old logic errors
- Stupid typos
- Other
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Macphisto (Hermit) on Apr 01, 2001 at 07:15 UTC
What will Jcwren think of next:
- Auto-Porn Surfer
- CowboyNeal
- Breaking into Jelleybean's codetree to rewrite it all in java
- Rewriting pmstats to only collect data on chromatic to discern his true identity
- "I gotta pee"
Who is most likely to be killed by a rampaging duck:
I'm out of ideas...
Everyone has their demons....
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Elian (Parson) on May 23, 2003 at 17:34 UTC
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by flyingmoose (Priest) on Mar 29, 2004 at 00:04 UTC
Your addiction to PM:
- What addition? I am here totally by accident.
- I post before breakfast
- I post during breakfast
- My manager thinks I am looking at pr0n
- My wife left me because of PM
- I post with my hands while I code with my feet
- You can log out any time you like, but you can never leave
- Direct neural interface to PM
- I have become one with all that is PM
Favorite programming flaw:
- One-off
- Infinite Recursion
- Memory Leak
- Data Corruption
- Unhappy Mac
- Seg Fault
- Bus Error
- Guru Meditation Error
- JustAnotherPerlDeath
What is the capitol of Assyria?
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by dws (Chancellor) on Apr 03, 2001 at 04:38 UTC
And the Monastery award for Best Supporting Module goes to...
- strict
- The Template Toolkit
- Bone::Easy
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by cascadefx (Novice) on Mar 31, 2001 at 03:45 UTC
another one.
If I had unlimited processing power and memory, I would use perl to:
- model Natalie Portman as an AI
- model Natalie Portman as a graphical simulation
- take over the world (I already have the script, I just need the unlimited resources)
- pick my lotto numbers
- perform realtime manipulations of the video streams of all my favorite movies, so that I am the main character.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by marto (Cardinal) on Jul 17, 2005 at 18:54 UTC
In Future I must:
- Spend more time in the Chatterbox?
- Spend less time in the Chatterbox?
- Wear a silly hat?
- Answer more questions in Seekers of Perl Wisdom?
- Not argue about editors (or other religious issues).
- Add more things to my Think Geek wish list.
- Read more of this sites fantastic Tutorials.
- Write that killer Obfu I have in mind.
Martin | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by mikeraz (Friar) on Jul 19, 2005 at 22:11 UTC
Favorite procrastination activity
- Washing the dishes
- Catching up on email
- More research
- Finish reading That Book
- Adding more comments to the story online
- Rearrange the desktop
- Tweak the colors and/or settings
- Sleep
- Travelling across town to get what's available close by
- Any other task besides the one that needs doing
- Writing poll ideas
Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Elias (Pilgrim) on Apr 03, 2001 at 14:06 UTC
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by ktross (Deacon) on Jul 08, 2005 at 12:26 UTC
Why did you decide to become a named monk:
- Thought I would get more/better replies to my nodes
- To participate in the CB
- To view Worst Nodes
- For fame
- To get a Homenode
- For the excitment of the quest twards saithood
- All of the cool monks were doing it
- Haven't...I'll be an Anonymous Monk for life!
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by castaway (Parson) on Sep 29, 2003 at 11:48 UTC
Just occured to me in the CB:
'If you were a perl keyword, which would you be?'
- use
- tie
- require
- undef
- grep
- map
- chomp
- chop
- ref
etc, pp.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Mago (Parson) on Jan 09, 2005 at 15:29 UTC
I had a idea: search and identify all the native languages of Monastery users, to calculate the real size (environment) of this "Babel's Tower" (Holy Bible expression that means "mess", "something fuzzy").
Top 12 languages:
* English
* German
* Spanish
* Portugese
* French
* Russian
* Hindi/Urdu
* Bengali
* Arabic
* Japanese
* Mandarin
* Indonesian (Malay)
* Other
* I only speak Perl
* I don't speak you insensitive clod!
Language groups:
* Indo-European
* Dravidian
* Afro-Asiatic
* Caucasian
* Nilo-Saharan
* Niger-Congo
* Uralic
* Altaic
* Korean
* Japanese
* Miao-Yao
* Tai
* Austro-Asiatic
* Sino-Tibetan
* Austronesian
* Aztec-Tanoan
* Penutian
* Andean
* Equatorial
* Pidgins and Creoles
* Other
* pod
* Language agnostic $@#! words
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by djw (Vicar) on Apr 03, 2001 at 15:45 UTC
Who would win a fight to the death:
- Yoda
- jcwren
- CowboyNeal
- Morpheus
- Larry Wall
- Pitr
- George Bush
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by rdm (Hermit) on Jan 07, 2005 at 08:38 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by djw (Vicar) on Apr 03, 2001 at 21:55 UTC
* CowboyNeal hasn't contributed as far as I know, but its
against the law in Canada to have a poll without CowboyNeal
as an option.
djw | [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Albannach (Monsignor) on Apr 05, 2001 at 05:38 UTC
I couldn't think of a damn thing before the deadline for this quest,
but here's something anyway (gee, this is remarkably similar
to my scheduling at work):
How is your work injuring/killing you?
- eye strain
- back problems
- excessive stress
- ulcers
- exposure to smoking/drinking/solvents
- voluntary exposure to smoking/drinking/solvents
- oxygen/light deprivation
- I'm ok, but my work drives others insane
I'd like to be able to assign to an luser | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by radiantmatrix (Parson) on Jul 19, 2005 at 18:16 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by nop (Hermit) on Mar 31, 2001 at 03:45 UTC
| [reply] |
poll idea: Where do the monks live?
by crenz (Priest) on May 23, 2003 at 22:26 UTC
It would be fun to know were people are living. There's a very old poll, I live in this Continent (node id 2142!), but that one only focused on continents.
I suggest the following regions (people should pick the closest match):
- China (incl. HK), Taiwan, Singapore
- India
- Japan
- North/South Korea
- South-East Asia
- Asia
- France
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Italy
- Netherlands
- Russia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Eastern Europe
- Northern Europe
- Southern Europe
- Western Europe
Middle East
(I know this is not a continent, but I'm not sure where to include it)
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Oceania
Rest of the world
- Africa
- Arctica
- Antarctica
Of course, I don't want to discriminate against anyone here. This is just a trade-off between a list that will allow the majority of monks to choose their country of orign and having a list that is too long. Just reply to this node or /msg me to specify countries or regions that you feel should be specifically included. Or /msg me if you feel the list is too long :).
The question should be "Where do you live?", rather than "Where are you from?", since quite a number of people probably hail from a different country than they currently live in.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by trammell (Priest) on Jun 17, 2005 at 16:28 UTC
This subthread suggests a poll to me:
My desk is:
- Clean
- Sorta clean
- Average
- Sorta messy
- Messy
- I don't have a desk you insensitive clod!
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by rinceWind (Monsignor) on Sep 22, 2002 at 22:47 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by martin (Friar) on Feb 03, 2006 at 19:17 UTC
How about:
Which of these books would you most like to see in print?
- Mastering Irregular Expectations, by Jeffrey Friedl
- Perl7 Core Dumps and the Kakapo Engine, by Allison Randall
- A Brief History of DateTime, by Dave Rolsky and Flavio Glock
- Visual Perl#.NET Step by Step, by Microsoft Press
- Desert Camel Maintenance and Care, by brian_d_foy
- The Lord of the Perls, by Larry Wall and Tom Christiansen
- Perl Best Practical Jokes, by Damian Conway
- The Perl Psychiatrist - Mental Recovery after Exposure to Mission-Critical Line Noise, by Peter Scott
- The Geek-Cruiser's Guide to the Galaxy, by Randal Schwartz
- Getting Abstinent of in 21 Days, by Perl Monks Anonymous
Pardon me for things I write on a Friday night. | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by extremely (Priest) on Apr 03, 2001 at 07:23 UTC
vroom is probably the only one who will ever see this but with all these good suggestions, maybe we need a "what poll do you want to take next" poll!
Maybe a series of polls for a run-off where we spend weeks
just picking the next poll. That will help keep you in polls for the next month, alone...
$you = new YOU;
honk() if $you->love(perl) | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by injunjoel (Priest) on Oct 15, 2005 at 00:03 UTC
| [reply] |
Favorite editor (again)
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 09, 2003 at 23:53 UTC
This poll was already proposed long time ago (Your editor of choice is..). Only 63 people voted at that time. I guess that the Monastery has grown a bit since then.
Moreover, the list of editors has increased as well, as reported in Editor / IDE Consolidation, Recommended Editor, and Text Editors.
Here is a tentative list (in alphabetic order).
- CodeForge
- Crimson Editor
- Elvis
- Emacs
- gedit
- jEdit
- Kate
- Kdevelop
- Komodo
- mc
- Notepad
- Open Perl IDE
- Pico
- SciTe
- UltraEdit
- Vedit
- Vile
- Vi
- Vim
- Visual Slick Edit
- Word
- Xemacs
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by g0n (Priest) on Jul 16, 2005 at 08:19 UTC
How about:
My beard is:
- < 1cm long
- 1cm to 2cm
- 2cm to 5cm
- 5cm to 10cm
- 10cm to 20 cm
- Big enough to lose a badger in
- I don't have a beard
Update: Thought of another one
My favourite PDA OS is:
- Windows CE
- Symbian
- PalmOS
- Linux
- Other
Update: after conversation with apotheon & virtualsue in the CB, how about an amended beard poll:
My beard is:
- Large and bristly
- Clipped and tidy
- Big and scary
- Stereotypically geeky
- Called Stallman
- Detachable
- Fooling my parents
- I prefer to store soup in tins
g0n, backpropagated monk
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Ri-Del (Friar) on Apr 05, 2001 at 01:00 UTC
What platform would you most like to see Perl ported to?
1. PalmOS
2. NewtonOS
4. VxWorks
5. CP/M
5. Your cellphone
6. Your watch
7. CowboyNeal
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by bageler (Hermit) on Jul 27, 2005 at 21:48 UTC
why did the camel cross the road?
join @friends
require sleep
kill $0
not defined
CowboyNeal | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by AdamQuark (Priest) on Jul 28, 2005 at 12:32 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by geekgrrl (Pilgrim) on Aug 03, 2005 at 17:29 UTC
What is your favorite module?
Ideally it wouldn't just be the *BIG* modules like DBI or CGI, but maybe things like:
- WWW::Mechanize
- Class::DBI
- Data::Dumper
A similar question is
Which module, if taken cruelly away from you, would leave you about as productive as a Java programmer?
- It hasn't been written yet.
- Data::Dumper
- HTML::Mason
- TT
- Carp
- Test::More
- Hey, I like Java!
- Caffeine::Coffee
If the Camel Book disappeared from the planet, what Perl book would you rely on?
- None, I would just die w/o the Camel,
- Object Oriented Perl Programming
- Advanced Perl Programming
- Cookbook
- little pocket ref
- Beginning Perl
- books, I don't need no stinking books.
I'm sure there are books I'm not including that would be better here.
What is your Favorite NON-O'Reilly Perl Book?
- Effective Perl Programming
- Perl Medic
- Object Oriented Perl
etc. (please add more, i think these are all the ones I have)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by monarch (Priest) on Jun 03, 2005 at 07:55 UTC
What form of education do you have?
- Engineering degree
- Computer science degree
- Other degree
- Tech diploma or paper
- Other computer course
- High school only
- "Them cows taught me all I know"
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tbone1 (Monsignor) on Jul 21, 2005 at 12:39 UTC
- Because.
- I dunno.
- Why not?
- Who knew?
- Zee.
- Something to do with coriolis effect.
- It's the media's fault.
- Because Mr. Gates says so.
tbone1, YAPS (Yet Another Perl Schlub)
And remember, if he succeeds, so what.
- Chick McGee
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by monkfan (Curate) on Nov 09, 2004 at 20:40 UTC
In response to tye's response to my posting.
Thanks for jacques pointer to this node.
There, I was suggesting a more Perl-style polling.
I thought I would benefit beginners like me, who like to learn more from the master's style.
So here is my suggestion (apologize if it sounds silly)
"My favorite place to put subroutines collection is:"
1.Before main
2.After main
3.use Module::
"My favorite way to 'die' is: "
1. open (FOO,$foo|| die "Can't open $foo: $!)
2. unless (open OLD, "counter") {die "Cannot open counter";}
3. etc..(I was referring to merlyn's article)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by VSarkiss (Monsignor) on Dec 31, 2004 at 00:47 UTC
Here's a timely if not entirely relevant poll topic.
Most of the email spam I get is:
- Rolex knockoff
- Nigerian 419 scam
- Phony lottery winner
- V1a6ra or other meds
- Body part enlargement
- Pr0n sites
- CPAN bug reports
- Undecipherable
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jacques (Priest) on Aug 03, 2005 at 21:00 UTC
Perl needs more:
- Jobs
- Buzz words
- Women
- Magazines
- Optimization
- Programmers
- Love
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tlm (Prior) on Apr 04, 2005 at 02:12 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Coruscate (Sexton) on Aug 02, 2003 at 07:40 UTC
My stab at a poll, thought of during a chatterbox debate over how stupid javascript is and how some people choose not to have javascript enabled (whether partially or completely). So I devised the poll as follows:
My browser's javascript settings are set to disable:
- all javascript (completely disabled)
- nothing at all (completely enabled)
- popup windows
- window manipulation (move/resize/focus)
- cookie reading and/or writing
- status bar manipulation
- changing images
- 2 of options 'c' to 'g'
- 3 or more of options 'c' to 'g'
- My browsers are compiled sans javascript!
- The damned 'other' option
If the above content is missing any vital points or you feel that any of the information is misleading, incorrect or irrelevant, please feel free to downvote the post. At the same time, please reply to this node or /msg me to inform me as to what is wrong with the post, so that I may update the node to the best of my ability.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by mikeraz (Friar) on Aug 11, 2005 at 21:35 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by duelafn (Parson) on Jul 15, 2005 at 17:05 UTC
entertainment is:
* a book
* a Hollywood movie
* an independent movie
* "Cats"
* cats + a 6-pack + a slingshot
* the three tenors
* the three stoodges
* the camel + a computer + a pot of coffee
* DirectX + a computer + many liters of Mountain Dew
preferred editor:
* self programmed (in perl) editor
* MicroMir
* LedLineIt
* NotesPad (NOT notepad)
* sam
* Wished
* pryzm
* SeX
* woody
* Ticonderoga
These, "< >", are pronounced:
* angle, angle
* left angle; right angle
* angle bracket, angle bracket
* Waka, Waka
* less than, greater than
* \060, \062
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest (sport)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Apr 17, 2004 at 20:56 UTC
Update: done: The sportiest activity that I do regularly is best categorized as...
What kind of sports do you do?
- Archery or shooting
- Baseball
- Basket-ball
- Bowling
- Boxing
- Chess, bridge
- Climbing
- Combat sports (karate, kung fu, judo, what is the correct English term
for all those)
- Cricket
- Cycling
- Darts
- Fencing
- Fishing
- Golf (not perl)
- Gymnastics
- Horse-riding
- Ice-hockey
- Motor sports
- Roller-skating
- Rugby
- Running, athletics
- Sailing or surfing
- Skating
- Skiing, snowboarding
- (Update) Hang-gliding, parachuting
- Soccer
- Squash
- Swimming, diving, etc (water sports not involving a water vehicule, just tr to put that in less words)
- Table-Tennis
- Tennis
- Wrestling
- All of the above
- Other
- None
Please post me if you know about sports that should be added here.
Update 2006 jul 13: removed accidental duplication of all sports between running and swimming. This is the original proposal otherwise, no factual corrections have been made since.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by BerntB (Deacon) on Jul 16, 2005 at 14:59 UTC
How about these?
Best code editor when programming Perl?
Then list Emacs, Xemacs, TECO-Emacs, Gosling Emacs and no more alternatives.
What do you think of children (generally, not your own)?
- Wonderful, cute and adorable... some of them share my interest in My little pony
- Usually less scary than adults
- Their good reflexes makes them fun when they get old enough to play FPS, etc.
- Boring. Like vegetables intellectually
- I have no idea... I run when I see them
- I told my friends I was a pederast so noone will ever, ever ask me to babysit!
- They are sociopaths... until they become teenagers and become just mentally disturbed
- I love them! But all the junk food they eat makes them an unhealthy part of my diet
- When I become world dictator, they'll be up against the wall before Vi users
The above doesn't necessarily describe my own opinions (TECO is horrible).
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Popcorn Dave (Abbot) on Apr 26, 2002 at 23:18 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest (thinking)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Apr 26, 2005 at 19:59 UTC
Here's an idea.
Feel free to comment if you have ideas to improve the
list of answers.
You'd probably have to choose from the later options,
I give here more ideas then approperiate for a poll.
When I count, I think of numbers as...
- spoken words
- other sound
- positions
- shapes
- colours
- other images
- feelings
- the basic building blocks of thought
- scalars
- beans
- fingers and toes
- someone else's fingers and toes
Updates: added scalars
Update 2008 sep 6: done: When I count, I think of numbers as....
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by davies (Monsignor) on May 18, 2005 at 11:49 UTC
One I'd really love to see the answers to:
How long do you spend R'ing TFM and S'ing TFU before asking your fellow monks for help?
Ask first, read & search later
5 minutes
15 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
Half a day
A day
2 days
I taught programming to Larry Wall, I never need help.
John Davies | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by KPeter0314 (Deacon) on Oct 14, 2005 at 20:55 UTC
When I write perl, the language it most resembles is:
- Perl
- C
- C++
- BASIC (god forbid!)
- PigLatin
- Obfuscation
- Random Characters (see Obfuscation)
- Merlyn's code
I'm sure there are other items to add to the list, but that is all I came up with in the shower.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by collin (Scribe) on Aug 15, 2005 at 06:36 UTC
If Perl was no longer I would:
- settle for C/C++.
- cry.
- still avoid PHP.
- weep.
- create my own language and get it really popular :)
- sob uncontrollably.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jbrugger (Parson) on Oct 25, 2005 at 05:44 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tcf03 (Deacon) on Jul 16, 2005 at 13:38 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by rinceWind (Monsignor) on Oct 10, 2002 at 15:59 UTC
Here comes another poll idea.
I mainly program Perl:
- At work, as my main programming activity
- At work, whenever I get the chance
- At work, but the boss doesn't know
- At home, just for fun
- At home, I have some serious applications
- At home, I don't have a job (swatting for résumé)
- At school/university
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by prasadbabu (Prior) on Mar 02, 2005 at 14:41 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest :: Users must
by marto (Cardinal) on Aug 04, 2005 at 09:23 UTC
Users must:
- Take a number and get in line
- RFTM (or learn to read first, if required)
- Not speak until spoken to
- Run for cover
- Stop looking for the 'Any key' on their keyboard
- Never phone me again!
Having a strange day with some of our users.
Martin | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by cosimo (Hermit) on Jul 20, 2005 at 08:58 UTC
I know this is something that already came up, but years passed since then. I'd be curious to know what you other monks think now about...
Your feeling about Perl 6 is:
- The version after Perl 5
- No doubt, the best computer language in the known universe
- The Java/C#/Ruby/Python/Brainf*ck/... killer
- The definitive compiler-interpreter with its multi-backend architecture
- It's a stunningly advanced higher-level language
- Somewhat complex, sometimes I can't even follow perl6-* lists
- Far too complex, I definitely can't follow perl6-* lists
- Will I need to modify my scripts and classes?
- Is there a Perl6 language?
- Huh?
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by sub_chick (Hermit) on Dec 15, 2005 at 15:57 UTC
| [reply] |
Monastic Vows
by ptum (Priest) on Dec 27, 2005 at 20:55 UTC
Many monastic orders have traditionally offered temporary and permanent vows by which novices could become 'professed' (full) monks. These vows (in the Christian traditions) can be grouped into the categories of poverty, chastity and obedience.
If you were to take the monk metaphor a little further, which of the following vows would you consider taking upon yourself (or would want imposed on someone else)?
- A vow of Silence (like [id://Erudil])
- A vow of Patience and Kindness
- A vow of Brevity
- A vow of Spellchecking
- A vow of Helpfulness
- A vow of Irreverence
- A vow of Accuracy
- A vow of Ingenuity and Laziness
- A vow of Silliness and Frivolity
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Coleoid (Sexton) on Apr 04, 2001 at 08:21 UTC
* Funk R.E. /gx
* Use Phat::Rhymes
* No Strict Q.Q. Whitespace
* Original Jaffa M.R.L.N.
* Bless Selfy Self
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by systems (Pilgrim) on Jul 15, 2005 at 22:27 UTC
Is Perl relevant any longer?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe, I dont know, is it?
- Hell yea, you make me so angry >:(
- Is programming relevant any longer?
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kutsu (Priest) on Oct 21, 2005 at 16:17 UTC
Idea for poll, with much thanks to tye:
This year for Halloween I will dress up as a(n):
- Animal
- Vegetable
- Mineral
- Profession
- Famous Person or Character
- Hardware/Software
- Other Inanimate Object
- Other Sex (Gender)
- Supernatural Creature
- Alien
- "Call the cops, NodeReaper's streaking again"
- other (please comment)
Update: Added option suggested by holli; Changed last option slightly
"Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - I think that I think, therefore I think that I am." Ambrose Bierce
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by chb (Deacon) on Jul 19, 2005 at 12:29 UTC
My favourite value is:
- 0
- 1
- L Low
- H High
- X Tristate/Unknown
- 41
- 43 (come on, 42 would be boring...)
- 5.8.7
- 6ecab1f0-f850-11d9-8cd6-0800200c9a66
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by FoxtrotUniform (Prior) on Feb 19, 2003 at 06:04 UTC
How about:
I play...
- the guitar
- the bass guitar
- the violin
- another stringed instrument
- the trumpet
- the clarinet
- the piano
- the voicebox (I sing)
- many instruments
- nothing
- something else
It occurs to me that more Perl Monks (hackers in general, really) are musically inclined than you'd expect from the general population.
Found a typo in this node? /msg me
The hell with paco, vote for Erudil!
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by pileofrogs (Priest) on Dec 08, 2005 at 20:13 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by shiza (Hermit) on Jul 21, 2005 at 23:23 UTC
A Perl Monk's favorite gaming platform is?
- PC (DUH!)
- Gamecube (Mario and Link forever baby!)
- PS2 (why not?)
- Xbox (i have been assimilated)
- Grow up you slacker!
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by NateTut (Deacon) on Oct 19, 2005 at 15:51 UTC
What is your favorite kind of Poll choice?
A.) Serious and to the point
B.) Pithy
C.) Makes some obscure PM reference.
D.) Mentions an inside joke about a(n) (in)famous Monk
E.) Makes an obscure Perl reference
F.) Cuts down some other scripting language (preferably VBScript)
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by sacked (Hermit) on Sep 18, 2006 at 00:51 UTC
I wake up my monitor which is currently in power-save mode by:
- Moving the mouse around wildly
- Moving the mouse around in a controlled manner
- Accidentally bumping my desk, which in turn moves my mouse around wildly
- Clicking one of the mouse buttons
- Pounding the keyboard
- Pressing the shift key
- Pressing the spacebar
- Pressing another key which I believe will not affect any open programs or windows
- Pressing any key, not caring if it affects any open programs or windows
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kwaping (Priest) on Jul 22, 2005 at 18:33 UTC
I visit PM primarily to...
- get help
- help others
- socialize
- lurk
- get inspired
- pretend like I'm working
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by martin (Friar) on Jan 29, 2006 at 06:25 UTC
The worst piece of code in productive use I've seen so far was written in...
- Ada
- Algol
- AppleScript
- Assembler/Machine Code
- Awk
- Basic/Visual Basic
- Bourne Shell/C Shell/Korn Shell/Bash
- C
- C++
- C#
- Cobol
- Eiffel/Sather
- Fortran
- Forth
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript/ECMAScript/JScript
- Joss/Mumps/M
- Lisp/Logo/Scheme
- MS-DOS Batch
- Occam
- Pascal/Modula/Oberon/Delphi
- Postscript
- Perl
- PL/1
- Prolog
- Python
- Rexx
- Ruby
- Simula/Beta
- Smalltalk/Self
- Snobol/Icon
- Tcl/Tk
- Other
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by marto (Cardinal) on Nov 22, 2005 at 15:15 UTC
All I want for Christmas is:
- World peace.
- A piece of the world :)
- An Optimus keyboard.
- A subscription to Make.
- Something shiny, with flashing lights !
- To spend time with my loved ones.
- To spend time avoiding my loved ones.
- None of the above (please specify)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kwaping (Priest) on Feb 02, 2006 at 22:57 UTC
The PerlMonks section or page I visit most frequently is:
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Rudif (Hermit) on Apr 02, 2001 at 03:04 UTC
vroom, How about making those proposed answers dynamic (monk-generated)?
You could modify your voting booth script to list up to seven most popular answers to date.
This would ease your burden in starting a new poll. You would just have to choose and post the quest-ion, and prime it with 2 answers (which would remain at the end of list all the time)
At the end of poll, monks who first posted the most popular answers could perhaps get some appropriate number of XP.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Grygonos (Chaplain) on Jul 18, 2005 at 12:55 UTC
Which technoblabberer would you most like to meet in a dark alley?
- John C. Dvorak
- Steve Ballmer
- Darl McBride
- Timothy Roberts
- NodeReaper
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by liverpole (Monsignor) on Oct 14, 2006 at 17:27 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tbone1 (Monsignor) on Sep 07, 2005 at 12:52 UTC
Given that most of us must be Monty Python fans, how about a poll of favorite lines? Be sure to add your favorites
- Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
- I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
- This is an ex-parrot!
- Spam spam spam spam!
- 'Romanii eunt domus'? Romans towards the house go?
- "We're all individuals!" "I'm not."
- Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.
- 1, 2, 5!
- I think I'll go for a walk.
- I've got to sell you all for medical experiments
- It's spelled 'Raymond Luxury Yacht', but it's pronounced 'Throatwarbler Mangrove'.
- And Oliver has run himself over! What a great twit!
tbone1, YAPS (Yet Another Perl Schlub)
And remember, if he succeeds, so what.
- Chick McGee
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by fmogavero (Monk) on Apr 03, 2001 at 00:59 UTC
I would like to see a poll that would help out the whole monastery. Some people with lower XP may be very experienced Perl programmers. Maybe you could even save the poll results to know where the dark areas of the monastery are.
How many objects have you created in Perl?
Which of the following modules have you used?
How many lines of Perl code have you authored?(not plagarized)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by collin (Scribe) on Sep 27, 2005 at 05:11 UTC
If I was forced to use only one kind of loop for the rest of my days it would be a...
do while.
labeled block.
triple nested labeled goto spaghetti loop.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by anonymized user 468275 (Curate) on Oct 05, 2005 at 11:36 UTC
When I downvote a node its is usually because:
o It doesn't agree with what I already said clearly enough!
o I otherwise disagree
o The person's view conforms to my definition of arrogance
o It doesn't agree with what everyone else says
o other (please specify)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by logan (Curate) on Mar 22, 2003 at 20:18 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by insaniac (Friar) on Aug 08, 2005 at 08:19 UTC
Polls on techsites are:
- lame
- childish
- usually at the bottom of the page
- fux0red
- a great way to meet people
- a reflection of the amount of kids on the site
- boring
huray! ;-)
to ask a question is a moment of shame
to remain ignorant is a lifelong shame
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by SirBones (Friar) on Oct 13, 2005 at 02:50 UTC
| [reply] |
Which DBD module do you use the most at work?
by szabgab (Priest) on Mar 31, 2006 at 17:56 UTC
- Adabas
- DB2
- Excel
- File
- Google
- Informix
- Ingres
- InterBase
- Mock
- Oracle
- Pg
- Salesforce
- Sponge
- Sprite
- SQLite
- Sybase
- Yaswi
- iPod
- mSQL
- mysql
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by gri6507 (Deacon) on Aug 10, 2005 at 21:49 UTC
My preferred debugger is:
* print "Debug: here1"
* ptkdb
* Komodo
* Raid (tm)
* I don't need no debugger. My code is perfect
* Other | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by zby (Vicar) on Jul 25, 2003 at 12:28 UTC
There are some nodes mentioning siblings of monks. So I devised the following poll:
I have:
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5 or more
- I don't know
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by fauria (Deacon) on Jul 21, 2005 at 14:33 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Minimiscience (Beadle) on Jun 06, 2007 at 02:11 UTC
The glass is...
- half full.
- half empty.
- empty. Hey, I was thirsty.
- Hold on, let me measure it.
- a cylindrical object formed mostly from molten silicon dioxide, lacking an upper base, and containing approximately 50% hydrogen oxide with trace amounts of lead and 50% atmospheric gasses.
- just another part of the illusion that our senses are all tapped into.
- broken. Where's your stupid personality test now, huh?
- severely lacking in my alcoholic beverage of choice.
- Wait, that's not a glass! It's a small mimic!
- Glass? What glass?
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by dimar (Curate) on Apr 07, 2006 at 17:02 UTC
Which perl feature are you NEVER going to use, even though you know how it works?
- __DATA__
- use English;
- formats;
- tr///;
- here documents;
- quotelike operators;
- prototypes;
- modules;
- require;
- eval;
- goto;
- labeled blocks;
- __END__
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: poll ideas quest : Cheese Matters
by Random_Walk (Prior) on Jul 22, 2005 at 11:56 UTC
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by DrWhy (Chaplain) on Aug 17, 2005 at 20:50 UTC
When are you moving to India in order to find a better job:
- Next month.
- Next year.
- When the company decides to outsouce my boss's job, so I can get him to train me to replace him.
- I already have a great job in India!
- When Mumbai freezes over.
- After I finish this Hindi-on-Tape course.
- Where's India?
- Dood. India's old nooz. I'm packin' my bags for SeaCode!
"If God had meant for us to think for ourselves he would have given us brains. Oh, wait..."
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by blazar (Canon) on Mar 11, 2007 at 12:23 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by GrandFather (Saint) on Aug 19, 2005 at 01:06 UTC
My age is:
- 1-10
- 11-20
- 21-30
- 31-40
- 41-50
- 51-60
- > 61
- a lady never revels her age
- none of your business
- I am ageless
Perl is Huffman encoded by design.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by grinder (Bishop) on Sep 19, 2006 at 15:48 UTC
If I was forced to program in another language, the Perl language feature I would miss most would be:
- formats
- heredocs
- do blocks
- block eval
- array slices
- qw operator
- next and last
- trailing commas
- statement modifiers
- variable interpolation
- anonymous subroutines
Note, I'm not talking about CPAN, the testing infrastructure or anything "big". I'm interesting in what makes Perl so nice to use when you're working at the coalface.
(the list is sorted by length of item, at least in my font).
• another intruder with the mooring in the heart of the Perl
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by pileofrogs (Priest) on Nov 19, 2005 at 01:42 UTC
Another surrealist poll. I'm either stealing this from a buddy in the 5th grade or a stand up comic...
How big is the color red, true or false?
Strongly Disagree []
Disagree []
Agree []
Strongly Agree []
| [reply] [d/l] |
I program GUIs in with perl with:
by gam3 (Curate) on Feb 02, 2006 at 15:38 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by BigLug (Chaplain) on Sep 26, 2002 at 04:26 UTC
How about:
What is the greated number of times you've clicked 'Preview' before you're ready to 'Submit' a post to perlmonks?
- More than 5
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 1, but thats just because there's no 'Submit' on the first page.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by greenFox (Vicar) on Sep 23, 2005 at 01:01 UTC
Which Perl Spy are you?
- Ace
- Le Chat
- Miss Engles
- Eric
- Jezebel
- Mama
- Natasha
- Oliver
- Pixie
- Mr. Radcliffe
- r0u73r
- Tina
- Wheelbarrow
- Wraith
- Wu-Li
- Mr. X
-- Murray Barton Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. -Basho
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by submersible_toaster (Chaplain) on Jan 08, 2003 at 01:28 UTC
I have an idea for a poll, however it's not particularly novel,
and the topic quite specific,
I wrangle magnetic tapes with perl ..,
- Never
- Occasionally with system('mt')
- Using a CPAN module
- Frequently, but it's a pain
- Magnetic Tapes? what are they?
What do I hope to glean from this? Some idea of how useful a Device::MagneticTape
module would be to the community. Aristotle kindly thrashed over Talking to Magnetic Tapes with
me , and it has reached the stage where I am satisfied using it
in backup and archive scripts, I'd like to get it out there if it's useful.
I can't believe it's not psellchecked | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Caillte (Friar) on Jul 20, 2005 at 16:27 UTC
Which work would benefit most from being translated into perl poetry?
- Harry Potter
- The Bible
- The Art of War
- Shakespear's The Tempest
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- The Joy of Sex
This page is intentionally left justified.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by talexb (Chancellor) on Jul 25, 2006 at 18:22 UTC
We just had a poll (or are still having a poll) on "How did you first get involved in Perl", so my suggestion is the followup to that question, which might be phrased as "Why do you stick with Perl after all this time?"
In my case, I'm (eight years into it, heh) still learning about how Perl works, how certain modules work, how testing works, and about Perl 6, which looks like it's going to be very cool when it arrives (in 18 months .. it's always 18 months away).
- I found CPAN
- I found Perlmonks
- I finally got a really good handle on regular expressions (or closures, or inheritance, or Perl OO ..)
- I found out I could use it for CGI scripts
- I found out I could use it for things other than CGI scripts
- I attended a Perlmongers meeting and was impressed with the local community
- I attended a YAPC and felt right at home (or was able to harangue a module author in person ..)
- I got a chance to re-do some horrible old Perl code and had so much fun doing it that I'm here to stay
- I tried some of the other scripting languages but got frustrated. (Indentation, lack of CPAN, verbosity, too OO, not OO enough ..)
Alex / talexb / Toronto
"Groklaw is the open-source mentality applied to legal research" ~ Linus Torvalds
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by wfsp (Abbot) on Nov 29, 2006 at 06:25 UTC
When I'm cold I...
warm by the fire
warm beside the fire
warm under fire (and get a medal)
sing carols by the fire
sling carol on the fire
argue about grammar
warm marshmallows by the fire ("...and put them where?")
warm nuts by the fire
deconstruct a conflagration
The bad jokes are mine and the good ones are from the cb.
Update: corrected spelling (yet another bourgeois prejudice). :-) | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by blue_cowdawg (Monsignor) on May 16, 2007 at 16:13 UTC
What is your idea of the breakfast of champions?:
- Fish and Chips
- Eggs and Bacon
- Boxed dry cereal (Corn Flakes, Total, Cheerios, etc.)
- Corn flakes and beer
- Beer
- Pancakes
- Bagels
- Toast
- Biscuits
- Oatmeal
- Cream of Wheat
- Other
Peter L. Berghold -- Unix Professional
Peter -at- Berghold -dot- Net; AOL IM redcowdawg Yahoo IM: blue_cowdawg
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest (watch)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Jan 08, 2006 at 14:54 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by shenme (Priest) on Feb 01, 2007 at 02:02 UTC
Answers come to me ...
- when I stand up (fundamental vascular decompression)
- when I walk away (mental decompression)
- when I leave work (attitudinal decompression)
- when I drive home (cylinder compressions)
- when listening to music (audio decompression)
- when watching TV (visual impressions)
- when waking up (diurnal recompression)
- when driving to work (schedule recompression)
- when in meetings (sudden pressures)
- in CowboyNeal's voice in my sleep (depressing, ain't it?)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by blazar (Canon) on Jan 25, 2006 at 08:38 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by McDarren (Abbot) on Apr 15, 2006 at 13:46 UTC
In light of Ovid's recent meditation, I think the only way to really settle which is the best Perl book, is to put it to a poll :)
Here is a list (mostly) taken from that thread:
Update: Suggested Poll Title: If I could only own one Perl book, it would be:
(Apologies if this one has already been done - but I couldn't find it, so I guess not)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by McDarren (Abbot) on Sep 18, 2006 at 07:59 UTC
The most unusual place I have logged into Perl Monks from is:
- my home
- my home, whilst taking a bath
- somebody else's home
- somebody else's home, whilst taking a bath
- my office/school/university
- my office/school/university, whilst taking a bath
- my car, whilst driving
- a train
- a bus
- a boat/ship
- an aeroplane
- StarBucks™
- a SpaceShuttle
- a public washroom
- a private washroom
- all of the above
- somewhere else...
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Spidy (Chaplain) on Nov 04, 2005 at 17:40 UTC
How many Surrealists does it take to write a Perl program?
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by mildside (Friar) on Nov 24, 2005 at 05:47 UTC
The coffee I drink (and what programmer doesn't) is usually:
- Crappy Caterer's blend provided by my employer.
- Cafeteria muck.
- Nescafe, and I bring my own.
- Plunger coffee, I and I bring my own pre-ground.
- Filter coffee.
- Quality Espresso coffee.
- I get my freshly roasted beans delivered and grind them myself.
- I roast my own beans (serious coffe lovers only).
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by holli (Abbot) on Feb 07, 2006 at 21:03 UTC
How would you look for a needle in a bundle of hay?
- burn the hay and sieve the ashes.
- use a magnet.
- use a metal detector.
- pick out every single straw and take what remains.
- x-ray the hay.
- none of the above (please tell us how).
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by marto (Cardinal) on Oct 15, 2006 at 23:14 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jimt (Chaplain) on Jul 19, 2006 at 19:55 UTC
I'm always curious about why people chose or started using perl. So how about...
I first became interested in Perl because...
- The regular expressions
- No need for explicit typing
- I thought I needed to use it to make CGI scripts
- all the modules on CPAN
- it seemed trendy
- it's very easy to pick up and start writing
- my employer told me to
- my friends convinced me to switch to it
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by gregor42 (Parson) on Nov 07, 2006 at 13:57 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by shmem (Chancellor) on Apr 24, 2007 at 16:36 UTC
My favourite typo is
- mkae
- prel
- sl
- acheive
- I get first and last char right, mostly
- ayn, Im' lysdexic / steghalenic
- exchnage
- fileds
- open I,'<',$life
- I have splice, pop and shitf at my fingretips
- swap or round-robin two or more chars
- none - I am globally strict
- tyeglob
- other (please specify)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by anonymized user 468275 (Curate) on Aug 04, 2005 at 11:21 UTC
Which of the following features is most likely to influence the order in which you read PM nodes, i.e. to read them before reading a nother node:
1) The timestamp (earliest first for replies, latest for original nodes)
2) The depth of reply level (treating an original node as 0 and having the highest priority in this case).
3) The category it lives in (e.g. SoPW, MonasteryGates...)
4) By Newest nodes
5) By Recently active threads
6) Other?
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by theroninwins (Friar) on Mar 20, 2006 at 14:53 UTC
If Perl would not exist, what would you be doing...
o be in the circuis business
o be inventing it
o be unemployed and proud of it
o be gaming
o using another language...they are all the same
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by davies (Monsignor) on Aug 09, 2005 at 07:43 UTC
Would it help to have some advance notice of what the next poll will be? That way, monks could comment on missing, duplicated or just plain funny options before voting started.
John Davies | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by DrWhy (Chaplain) on Aug 09, 2006 at 00:33 UTC
The Next Great Perl Book from O'Reilly will be:
- Perl in a Nuthouse
- Perl Worst Practices
- Learning Perl/Curses (and Other Magic)
- Mastering Perl Irregular Expressions and Other s/#!\t/.
- Embalming and Entombing Perl (or Why Won't Perl Just die()?)
- Prrrl for Grrrls
- Perl Tasting: A Developer's Cookbook
- Objectionable Disoriented Perl
- Perl for Middle Managers
- The Perl Kelley Blue Book
- Monkey Business: The Compleat Guide to the Perl Monastery
- All I Ever Needed to Know I Downloaded from CPAN
- Mastering Learning Perl Pocket Cookbook Reference CD Bookshelf for Perl Mongers and Other Insane Idiots in a Nutshell.
"If God had meant for us to think for ourselves he would have given us brains. Oh, wait..."
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kabeldag (Hermit) on Dec 03, 2006 at 10:47 UTC
When casting a vote, I usually :
- Send ++ to worthy nodes
- Send -- votes to George Bush
- Send ++ votes to George Bush
- Send votes to informative nodes
- open(XP,">>&STDOUT");
- open(XP,">>$ANONYMOUS_MONK");
- open(XP,">>/dev/null");
- open(XP,"<<&STDIN");
- Cast incorrectly due to a high ethyl alcohol reading
- Vote for change
- Vote for stability
- Vote for more motor sport venues
- Vote for pencils with erasers
- Read the node before voting
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by lima1 (Curate) on Aug 15, 2006 at 11:19 UTC
When I am bored, I usually...
- write some obfuscated code
- write some cool but completely useless modules like Lingua::Romana::Perligata
- Chat with Nevtlathiel
- Write a three page answer to the newest Hash-of-Hashes question
- Start some flamewars on
- Reload my favorite news page every 5 seconds to make sure I am the first who read the newest article
- Play a tetris clone
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by gregor42 (Parson) on Jan 31, 2007 at 21:30 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by InfiniteLoop (Hermit) on Aug 11, 2005 at 20:19 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by atemon (Chaplain) on Jul 03, 2007 at 07:22 UTC
I am most efficient in Perl, when I am
- Passionate
- Romantic
- Jocking
- Angry
- Frustrated
- Serious
- Happy
- Scared
- Others
I am most efficient in Perl, when I face
- North
- South
- East
- West
- Window
- Monitor/Screen
- Productivity? Whats it?
- Sleeping
- Others
Don't you like perl
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by 5mi11er (Deacon) on Jul 25, 2005 at 22:43 UTC
My favorite camel is:
I'd also run across this link: "A Camel toe", but I'm thinking it probably shouldn't be included in the list...
-Scott | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by tbone1 (Monsignor) on Sep 01, 2005 at 13:53 UTC
I prefer:
- 1
- 0
- null
- undefined
- null but defined
- beer
tbone1, YAPS (Yet Another Perl Schlub)
And remember, if he succeeds, so what.
- Chick McGee
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by dynamo (Chaplain) on May 31, 2006 at 23:16 UTC
In polls, I usually:
- Really think it through and choose the best answer for me.
- Roll a d20, and get the modulus vs. number of choices.
- Choose the one I think will be most popular.
- Choose the one I think will be least popular.
- Choose the one I want to be most popular.
- Choose the weirdest one.
- Choose what my party tells me to.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by VSarkiss (Monsignor) on Oct 02, 2006 at 17:27 UTC
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest (blanket; this sentence no)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Sep 06, 2005 at 08:20 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Hue-Bond (Priest) on Oct 10, 2006 at 06:59 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by hasimir44 (Sexton) on Jun 17, 2006 at 01:43 UTC
Which movie would you like to see first?
1. children of the cron
2. X11men
3. openoffice space
4. sleep ping in Seattle
5. tar cry
6. bash of the titans
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by marto (Cardinal) on Mar 19, 2006 at 14:15 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jwkrahn (Abbot) on Apr 01, 2006 at 04:29 UTC
Favourite comedy troupe:
- Monty Python's Flying Circus
- Firesign Theatre
- Whose Line Is It Anyway?
- Saturday Night Live - Ackroyd, Belushi, Curtin, Morris, Murray, Newman, Radner
- Kids In The Hall
- Parliament/Congress/Senate
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Tyraziel (Novice) on Jul 21, 2005 at 19:15 UTC
Should emoticons become accepted ways to end a sentance online?
- Yes
- No
- Only :-), :-/, :-(
etc etc
Sometimes ending a sentance with an emoticon adds a little to the way you should read it :-)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by BerntB (Deacon) on Sep 04, 2006 at 08:58 UTC
Worst work-destroying Poll:
- A list of web-comics where I've never heard of half
- Sigh.. what can compare to previous option? :-(
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by EvanK (Chaplain) on Feb 06, 2007 at 16:19 UTC
I really should know better, but I still don't...
- ...use strict;
- ...use warnings;
- ...not roll my own
- ...utilize a revision control system
- map or grep in non-void context
- ...control flow with loops instead of goto labels
- ...perform unit tests
- ...untaint user input
- ...lexically scope variables with my
- ...use Google and Super Search
- ...stop taunting the Node Reaper
__________ The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
- Terry Pratchett
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by gregor42 (Parson) on Jan 26, 2006 at 19:42 UTC
Two humble submissions:
Poll 1:
What is the correct plural form of the word "virus"?
- viruses
- virus
- viri
- virii
- CowboyNeal
Poll 2:
What is your favorite meta-syntactic variable name?
- foo
- bar
- baz
- qux
- quux
- jorge
- grault
- garply
- waldo
- fred
- plugh
- xyzzy
- thud
- CowboyNeal
Wait! This isn't a Parachute, this is a Backpack!
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kwaping (Priest) on May 04, 2006 at 17:08 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Gremlin (Acolyte) on Apr 01, 2001 at 12:44 UTC
We should get some bumper stickers with
"I left my wife for Perl !" | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by robot_tourist (Hermit) on Sep 06, 2005 at 06:48 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by syphilis (Archbishop) on Jul 08, 2007 at 15:38 UTC
When I convert to Islam I will change my name to:
- elsif mkdir
- umask chroot
- eof semget
- seekdir pack
- Sheik Rattle'n'Roll
- Other
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Pied (Monk) on Aug 01, 2005 at 08:17 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jonix (Friar) on Nov 24, 2005 at 10:35 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by ww (Archbishop) on Oct 23, 2006 at 14:47 UTC
Scariest part of Hallow'een at the Monastery is:
- cookie-crumblers (at the porticullis)
- zombies
- 'bots
- the bony one
- dragons
- other bretheren
- javascript
- <UNhidden>dhoss with a sock and numerous bars of soap after a night of trick or treating (ie: horseless headman)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Moron (Curate) on Apr 25, 2007 at 13:43 UTC
If at work I have to use Windows XP with a write-protected hard drive so I can't put Perl on my desktop, I ...
o format the disk and reinstall Windows
o format the disk and reinstall Linux
o format the disk and reinstall both
o produce a costing of the lost development time as a result of an ina
+dequate desktop and send it to my manager
o call the helpdesk and report it as a fault
o record half an hour per day "Windows overhead" in my timesheets
o nothing I just live with it
o what's Window's XP?
o bring own Linux laptop to work
o bring own Windows laptop to work
o instead go and fulfil my childhood ambition to be a train driver, wo
+oo! wooo!
^M Free your mind!
| [reply] [d/l] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Spidy (Chaplain) on Jul 21, 2005 at 02:20 UTC
- Favorite Cheese Flavor
- Shoe Size
- # of hours spent on perlmonks/perl related websites
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Preceptor (Deacon) on Jan 10, 2006 at 09:04 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jhourcle (Prior) on Jun 06, 2007 at 18:25 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by vrk (Chaplain) on Feb 28, 2007 at 21:05 UTC
Do you have a Perl Geek Code?
- Yes, of course.
- Yes, but I'm not telling you.
- No; never knew it existed!
- No. I don't do Geek Codes.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by EvanK (Chaplain) on Jun 18, 2007 at 18:17 UTC
Choose wisely:
- The ozone layer
- Cheese in a spray can
Systems development is like banging your head against a wall...
It's usually very painful, but if you're persistent, you'll get through it.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by jffry (Hermit) on Jan 27, 2006 at 17:41 UTC
If I won the lottery big-time, I'd spend my working hours:
- holding the same job; I love it here!
- contributing to Perl Core.
- contributing to CPAN.
- contributing to some other free software project.
- playing Dungeons & Dragons.
- watching Dr. Who episodes.
- writing/reading those novels I've been meaning to get to.
- catching up on my sunlight exposure deficit.
- finally giving those girls on a call.
- all of the above.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest (sleep)
by ambrus (Abbot) on May 13, 2006 at 14:33 UTC
Two polls about sleeping habits. They are not quite orthogonal, they could be combined to one if you really want to; or some options can be removed if you want a shorter poll.
I usually sleep ...
- lying on my back
- lying on my front
- lying on my left side
- lying on my right side
- lying curled up on my side
- lying on either my front or my back
- lying on either side
- lying in any position
- sitting
- standing
- walking
- I never sleep
I mostly sleep ...
- on a bed with a soft mattress
- on a bed with a firm mattress
- on a sofabed
- on a foldable camping bed
- on a hammock
- in an armchair
- on a mattress on the floor
- on the floor
- in a tent
- outdoor in a sleeping bag
- on the street
- sitting on a vehicle
- over work/studies
- in a meeting/conference
- walking
- (Update) via 4-arg select
- I never sleep
- I always sleep
(It might also be possible to ask about what kind of pillow one uses.)
(Update: thanks for ysth for his suggestion.)
Update 2008 sep 6: second one done: I mostly sleep...
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by TStanley (Canon) on Jul 08, 2007 at 15:16 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kwaping (Priest) on Jun 12, 2006 at 16:31 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by cosmicperl (Chaplain) on Oct 02, 2007 at 16:37 UTC
Some like the idea, some hate the idea. I think a poll would let us all know exactly what the figures are.
A) Think Perl certification is all round good
B) Think Perl certification is bad but see the need
C) Think Perl certification is bad but understand businesses would like it
D) Think Perl certification is all round bad
E) Undecided
Lyle | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by Marza (Vicar) on Sep 06, 2005 at 19:58 UTC
I am bad at remembering lines but how about a poll for the best game lines? | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by pileofrogs (Priest) on Dec 01, 2005 at 19:05 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest (housework)
by ambrus (Abbot) on Apr 13, 2007 at 15:27 UTC
The title for the housework poll shall be:
- The chore I hate the most is
- The chore I enjoy the most is
- The ideal partner is one that does
- I wish my spouse would do
- I force my spouse to do
- I force my children to do
- My family is grateful that I always do
- I wish parents didn't force children to do
- I pay a servant to do
- I belive people in 2050 won't have to do
- I wish perl would help me do
- looking after child
- shopping
- cooking
- feeding child
- washing up
- putting the cutlery in/out the dishwasher
- buying clothes
- buying chlotes for child
- washing by hand
- washing with a machine
- hanging chlotes
- ironing
- cleaning shoes
- doing the bed
- cleaning windows
- dusting shelves
- tidying my desk
- vacuum cleaning
- sweeping with a broom
- mopping
- repainting walls
- gardening
- watering plants
- repairing the car
- changing light bulbs
- feeding and walking pets
- looking after household animals
- something else (please detail)
This may be redundant to Irregular Webcomic poll 301: Which household chore do you dislike the least?, won by taking out the rubbish.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kulls (Hermit) on Dec 02, 2005 at 04:38 UTC
Purl Monks going to be very peak traffic in
- Asian timings
- European timings
- US timings
- Not at all - we manage well
- Weekend holidays
- 24 hrs Non-stop busy
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Re: poll ideas quest
by leocharre (Priest) on Mar 06, 2006 at 14:40 UTC
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by davis (Vicar) on Dec 05, 2005 at 15:22 UTC
- How many passwords does your (in-head) memory hold?
Kids, you tried your hardest, and you failed miserably. The lesson is: Never try.
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by rinceWind (Monsignor) on Nov 25, 2006 at 21:47 UTC
This is partially inspired by YAML for logs?.
My preferred way of handling config data in Perl is:
.ini files
perl code (eval, do or require)
shell environment variables
Something else: please tell
Oh Lord, won’t you burn me a Knoppix CD ?
My friends all rate Windows, I must disagree.
Your powers of persuasion will set them all free,
So oh Lord, won’t you burn me a Knoppix CD ? (Missquoting Janis Joplin)
| [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by monkfan (Curate) on Oct 15, 2005 at 02:39 UTC
I think I can be more useful to PM if I am allowed to be member of:
- pmdev
- janitors
- pollsters
- QandAEditors
- SiteDocClan
- power users
Yep. gods is not included. It's a birthright!
This is another one,
most helpful saint (that appears often in CB) is:
- Zaxo
- castaway
- ikegami
- Corion
- BrowserUK
- davido
- tlm
- tye
- ysth
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Re: poll ideas quest
by Skeeve (Parson) on Mar 17, 2007 at 06:54 UTC
Do you want to vote on this poll?
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Re: poll ideas quest
by arkturuz (Curate) on Jun 01, 2006 at 07:35 UTC
Here's an idea:
My next tatoo will be:
- use strict;
- Devil is a loser
- Rock n Roll
- Perl n Roll
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Re: poll ideas quest
by Trihedralguy (Pilgrim) on Mar 26, 2007 at 01:50 UTC
Do you understand the images that change on the different pages of 1. Yes 2. No
> As a new user, I dont understand why there is a guy with a bird on his head, or an evil girl that is red (the devil?). | [reply] |
Re: poll ideas quest
by kutsu (Priest) on Feb 10, 2006 at 20:29 UTC
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Re: poll ideas quest
by blazar (Canon) on Mar 13, 2007 at 16:46 UTC
In addition to PerlMonks, other online Perl comminities I'm regularly in are:
Other suggestions?
Update: added the third entry above, as per ambrus's suggestion.
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Re: poll ideas quest
by ambrus (Abbot) on Mar 18, 2007 at 15:24 UTC
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Re: poll ideas quest
by Ojosh!ro (Beadle) on Mar 30, 2007 at 12:16 UTC
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Re: poll ideas quest
by ferreira (Chaplain) on Apr 10, 2007 at 13:12 UTC
What Unix means to you?
- Everything
- Unix, what?
- A day dream
- Bread and butter
- A way of life
- Stuff for nerds
- Hell, no!
- Nothing
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Re: poll ideas quest
by leocharre (Priest) on Jul 12, 2006 at 15:46 UTC
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Re: poll ideas quest
by Moron (Curate) on Jul 20, 2006 at 09:59 UTC
Owing to tight operational rules and sharing of servers between systems, you cannot install non-core Perl modules on a server-wide basis. Assume you have several environments in your production line. Which of the following compensatory activities do you expect to be the most important:
- automating installations
- version control
- customising process environment and directories
- developing your own modules
- standardisation of code
- ...
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Re: poll ideas quest
by apl (Monsignor) on May 03, 2007 at 20:04 UTC
Favorite _Dilbert_ strip.
Favorite cartoon strip, current or dead. (Far Side, Dilbert, Adam @ Home, Calvin & Hobbes, Zits, ...).
Did you like the _Dilbert_ animated series?
Favorite animated TV series (Dilbert, Tick, Legion of Super Heroes, Cowboy Bebop, ... )
As far as favorite _Dilbert_ strip, I'd have to go with the first I ever read. The Pointy Haired Boss asks Dilbert if he know Eunuchs (sp). Dilbert replies that he does, and it's pronounced "Unix". PHB replies, "In that case, you can ignore this appointment with the Company Nurse.".
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Re: poll ideas quest
by lowphive (Monk) on May 14, 2007 at 09:18 UTC
i know, i know, kind of juvenile. but i *want* to know!
who would win in a fight?
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Re: poll ideas quest
by kabeldag (Hermit) on Aug 22, 2006 at 05:23 UTC
Would you use a email account ?
1. Yes
2. No
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Re: poll ideas quest
by blazar (Canon) on Jun 27, 2007 at 08:44 UTC
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Re: poll ideas quest
by Scott7477 (Chaplain) on Jun 14, 2006 at 17:52 UTC
Which academic institution would you rather be offered a job at:
Institute for Advanced Studies-Princeton NJ
Santa Fe Institute-Santa Fe, NM
Jet Propulsion Lab-Pasadena, CA
Los Alamos National Lab-Los Alamos, NM
Starfleet Academy-?
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Re: poll ideas quest
by EvanCarroll (Chaplain) on Oct 15, 2005 at 00:13 UTC
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Re: poll ideas quest
by clinton (Priest) on Apr 05, 2006 at 12:12 UTC
I'm gay and I have met only one other gay programmer. Likewise, by far the majority of developers seem to be men, so I'd be interested in finding out what proportion of perl programmers are male/female gay/straight.
Are you:
- A straight man
- A straight woman
- A gay man
- A gay woman
- A bi man
- A bi woman
- An asexual man
- An asexual woman
- Something in between
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Re: poll ideas quest
by EvanCarroll (Chaplain) on Oct 06, 2006 at 03:39 UTC
What version control system do you prefer?
- Git
- SVN - Subversion
- CVS - Concurrent Versioning System
- RCS - Revision Control System
- Arch
- Other
- None
- SourceSafe
Though no one is going to choose SourceSafe, lets get real, MS doesn't even use it
Evan Carroll
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