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Found 50 nodes roughly between 2024-12-08 and 2015-07-27 (searched 12.37% of DB).

where title contains "strptime"

Date:Author/owner:Title:Node type:
2022-07-22 Discipulus Re^4: Challenge: sort weekdays in week-order -- strptime errors Re:CUFP
2019-05-31 chandantul Re^2: Installation error of DateTime::Format::Strptime Re:SoPW
2019-05-31 1nickt Re: Installation error of DateTime::Format::Strptime Re:SoPW
2019-05-31 stevieb Re: Installation error of DateTime::Format::Strptime Re:SoPW
2019-05-31 chandantul Installation error of DateTime::Format::Strptime SoPW
2019-04-05 soonix Re^8: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-04-04 thanos1983 Re: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-04-03 ozboomer Re^7: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-04-03 parv Re^6: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-04-03 ozboomer Re^5: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-04-02 parv Re^4: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-31 hippo Re^3: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-30 ozboomer Re^2: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-30 ikegami Re: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-30 ozboomer Re^3: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-27 parv Re^2: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-26 ozboomer Re: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-25 Athanasius Re: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-25 tangent Re: DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? Re:SoPW
2019-03-25 ozboomer DateTime::Format::Strptime Parsing Seems to have a Problem? SoPW
2019-02-05 Laurent_R Re^5: strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 Re:SoPW
2019-02-05 leszekdubiel Re^4: strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 Re:SoPW
2019-02-05 Laurent_R Re^3: strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 Re:SoPW
2019-02-05 choroba Re^3: strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 Re:SoPW
2019-02-05 leszekdubiel Re^2: strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 Re:SoPW
2019-02-05 Laurent_R Re: strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 Re:SoPW
2019-02-05 choroba Re: strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 Re:SoPW
2019-02-05 leszekdubiel strptime("%Y-%m") in perl6 SoPW
2017-02-10 Anonymous Monk Re: timelocal returns time one month ahead - figured it out... (strptime/strftime/Time::Piece) Re:SoPW
2016-01-27 1nickt Re^3: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-27 GrorkGnom Re^2: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-26 GrorkGnom Re^4: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-26 poj Re^3: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-26 1nickt Re^3: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-26 GrorkGnom Re^2: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-26 grasshopper!!! Re^4: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-25 stevieb Re^4: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-25 1nickt Re^3: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-25 stevieb Re^2: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-25 1nickt Re: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-25 stevieb Re: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-25 Mr. Muskrat Re: Using Time::Piece Strptime Re:SoPW
2016-01-25 GrorkGnom Using Time::Piece Strptime SoPW
2015-08-18 Anonymous Monk Re: In windows facing issues with DateTime, DateTime::Locale, DateTime::TimeZone, DateTime::Format::Strptime perl modules. Re:SoPW
2015-08-18 Anonymous Monk Re^3: In windows facing issues with DateTime, DateTime::Locale, DateTime::TimeZone, DateTime::Format::Strptime perl modules. Re:SoPW
2015-08-18 ikegami Re: In windows facing issues with DateTime, DateTime::Locale, DateTime::TimeZone, DateTime::Format::Strptime perl modules. Re:SoPW
2015-08-18 Anonymous Monk Re^2: In windows facing issues with DateTime, DateTime::Locale, DateTime::TimeZone, DateTime::Format::Strptime perl modules. Re:SoPW
2015-08-17 1nickt Re: In windows facing issues with DateTime, DateTime::Locale, DateTime::TimeZone, DateTime::Format::Strptime perl modules. Re:SoPW
2015-08-17 jobinjoseph121 In windows facing issues with DateTime, DateTime::Locale, DateTime::TimeZone, DateTime::Format::Strptime perl modules. SoPW
2015-07-27 Anonymous Monk Re^3: Convert GMT timestamp to EST/EDT ( DateTime::Format::Strptime set_time_zone( 'America/New_York' ) Re:SoPW

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