in reply to pp with gui

A Basic debugging checklist style  print "PROGRAM STARTING\n"; can't hurt :)

Turn on debugging ( set PAR_GLOBAL_DEBUG=1, see PAR::Environment)

Try a simple diagnostic program  pp -e " use Data::Dump; dd\@ARGV; dd\@INC; dd\%INC; dd\%ENV; use PAR; dd[PAR::read_file(q{MANIFEST})]; "

PAR::FAQ, PAR::Tutorial


Re^3: Par Packer can't locate loadable module (pp -x or pp -l or pp -x -l ), Re: Par Packer can't locate loadable module
Re: Executable prepared using pp is creating some temporary folders
Re: __FILE__ fails in app built with PAR::Packer
Re: Decompiling PAR generated perl
Re: How PAR pp works?