#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use autodie; # Open file in read/write mode open my $FH, '+<', 'tmp.txt'; # Skip the first line my $t = <$FH>; # Remember the starting location of the second line my $pos = tell $FH; # Read the second line $t = <$FH>; # Rewind back to the start of the second line and obliterate it seek $FH, $pos, 0; print $FH "*" x (length($t)-length($/)); #### $ head -5 tmp.txt You are on the edge of a breath-taking view. Far below you is an active volcano, from which great gouts of molten lava come surging out, cascading back down into the depths. The glowing rock fills the farthest reaches of the cavern with a blood-red glare, giving every- thing an eerie, macabre $ perl obliterate_second_line.pl $ head -5 tmp.txt You are on the edge of a breath-taking view. Far below you ************************************************************ come surging out, cascading back down into the depths. The glowing rock fills the farthest reaches of the cavern with a blood-red glare, giving every- thing an eerie, macabre