#!/usr/bin/perl #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Concordance Generator # Date Written: 13-Aug-2001 04:02:11 PM # Last Modified: 14-Aug-2001 04:14:00 PM # Author: Kurt Kincaid # # This is free software and may be distributed under the # same terms as Perl itself. # # A simple concordance generator, particularly useful for linguistic # analysis. #--------------------------------------------------------------------# use strict; use vars qw($opt_h $opt_s); use Getopt::Std; my @theseWords; my @theseLines; my @found; my %Count; my %Line; my ( $line, $word, $count, $LineNum ); my $VERSION = "1.0"; getopts( "hs:" ); if ( $opt_h ) { Usage(); } my $file = shift || Usage(); open ( IN, $file ) || die "$file not found\n"; @theseLines = ; close (IN); chomp @theseLines; if ( $opt_s ) { Word($opt_s); } foreach $line ( @theseLines ) { $count++; $line = lc $line; $line =~ s/[.,:;?!]//g; while ( $line =~ /\b\w+\b/g ) { $word = $&; if ( $word =~ /\s/ || $word eq "" ) { next } $Count{$word}++; if ( defined $Line{$word} ) { $Line{$word} =~ m/(\d*?)$/; if ( $1 == $count ) { next; } else { $Line{$word} .= ", $count"; } } else { $Line{$word} = $count; } # push @{$Line{$word}}, $count unless exists $Line{$word} && $Line{$word}[-1] == $count; } } @theseWords = keys %Count; @theseWords = sort @theseWords; foreach $word ( @theseWords ) { # print ( "$word ($Count{$word}): ", join ', ', @{$Line{$word}}, "\n\n" ); print ("$word ($Count{$word}): $Line{$word}\n\n"); } sub Word { my $word = shift; foreach $line ( @theseLines ) { $LineNum++; $Line{$line} = $LineNum; } @found = grep { /$word/i } @theseLines; foreach $line ( @found ) { print ("$Line{$line}: $line\n"); } exit; } sub Usage { print <