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Re^2: Padre Styles diy site/lib/auto/share/dist/Padre/themes/anon.txt

by Anonymous Monk
on Nov 19, 2013 at 14:17 UTC ( [id://1063336]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Padre Styles where to find/edit/yml/colors? share/themes/ultraedit.txt
in thread Dwimperl Padre (Windows)

Here is what I used in, the verbose version (cause StyleSetSpec no work yet), with comments , save it in the site/lib/auto/share/dist/Padre/themes/anon.txt

name en-gb SciteAnonymous ## based on ultraedit.txt (I replaced application/x-perl) # Padre Internal Editor Colours style padre StyleSetForeground PADRE_BLACK 000000 StyleSetForeground PADRE_BLUE 000099 StyleSetForeground PADRE_RED 990000 StyleSetForeground PADRE_GREEN 00aa00 StyleSetForeground PADRE_MAGENTA 8b008b StyleSetForeground PADRE_ORANGE ff8228 StyleSetForeground PADRE_CRIMSON dc143c StyleSetForeground PADRE_BROWN a52a2a StyleSetForeground PADRE_DIFF_HEADER 000000 StyleSetBackground PADRE_DIFF_HEADER eeee22 StyleSetForeground PADRE_DIFF_DELETED 000000 StyleSetBackground PADRE_DIFF_DELETED ff8080 StyleSetForeground PADRE_DIFF_ADDED 000000 StyleSetBackground PADRE_DIFF_ADDED 80ff80 StyleSetForeground PADRE_WARNING af8000 StyleSetBackground PADRE_WARNING fffff0 StyleSetForeground PADRE_ERROR af0000 StyleSetBackground PADRE_ERROR fff0f0 # Code folding margin SetFoldMarginColour 1 eeeeee SetFoldMarginHiColour 1 eeeeee MarkerSetForeground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND eeeeee MarkerSetBackground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND 111111 MarkerSetForeground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID eeeeee MarkerSetBackground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID 111111 MarkerSetForeground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL 111111 MarkerSetBackground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL 111111 MarkerSetForeground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL 111111 MarkerSetBackground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL 111111 MarkerSetForeground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB 111111 MarkerSetBackground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB 111111 MarkerSetForeground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER 111111 MarkerSetBackground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDER eeeeee MarkerSetForeground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN eeeeee MarkerSetBackground SC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN 111111 style text/plain include padre SetCaretForeground 000000 SetCaretLineBackground ffff04 StyleSetBackground STYLE_DEFAULT ffffff StyleSetForeground STYLE_DEFAULT 000000 StyleSetForeground STYLE_LINENUMBER 111111 StyleSetBackground STYLE_LINENUMBER eeeeee StyleSetForeground STYLE_INDENTGUIDE 0000ff StyleSetForeground STYLE_BRACELIGHT ff00ff StyleSetForeground STYLE_BRACEBAD ff0000 style application/x-perl include text/plain ## White space StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_DEFAULT 808080 ## Error StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_ERROR FFFF00 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_ERROR FF0000 ## Comment StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_COMMENTLINE 007F00 ## POD: = at beginning of line StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_POD 004000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_POD E0FFE0 StyleSetEOLFilled SCE_PL_POD 1 ## Number StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_NUMBER 007F7F ## Keyword StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_WORD 00007F ## Double quoted string StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_STRING 7F007F ## Single quoted string StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_CHARACTER 7F007F ## Symbols / Punctuation. Currently not used by LexPerl. StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_PUNCTUATION FF0000 ## Preprocessor. Currently not used by LexPerl. StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_PREPROCESSOR FF0000 ## Operators StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_OPERATOR 000000 ## Identifiers (functions, etc.) StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_IDENTIFIER 000000 ## Scalars: $var StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_SCALAR 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_SCALAR FFE0E0 ## Array: @var StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_ARRAY 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_ARRAY FFFFE0 ## Hash: %var StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_HASH 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_HASH FFE0FF ## Symbol table: *var StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_SYMBOLTABLE 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_SYMBOLTABLE E0E0E0 ## Regex: /re/ or m{re} StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_REGEX 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_REGEX A0FFA0 ## Substitution: s/re/ore/ StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_REGSUBST 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_REGSUBST F0E080 ## Long Quote (qq, qr, qw, qx) -- obsolete: replaced by qq, qx, qr, q +w StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_LONGQUOTE FFFF00 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_LONGQUOTE 8080A0 ## Back Ticks StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_BACKTICKS FFFF00 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_BACKTICKS A08080 ## Data Section: __DATA__ or __END__ at beginning of line StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_DATASECTION 600000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_DATASECTION FFF0D8 StyleSetEOLFilled SCE_PL_DATASECTION 1 ## Here-doc (delimiter) StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_HERE_DELIM 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_HERE_DELIM feeffe ## Here-doc (single quoted, q) StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_HERE_Q 7F007F StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_HERE_Q feeffe StyleSetEOLFilled SCE_PL_HERE_Q 1 ## Here-doc (double quoted, qq) StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_HERE_QQ 7F007F StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_HERE_QQ feeffe StyleSetEOLFilled SCE_PL_HERE_QQ 1 ## Here-doc (back ticks, qx) StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_HERE_QX FFFF00 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_HERE_QX A08080 StyleSetEOLFilled SCE_PL_HERE_QX 1 ## Single quoted string, generic StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_STRING_Q 7F007F ## qq = Double quoted string StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_STRING_QQ 7F007F ## qx = Back ticks StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_STRING_QX FFFF00 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_STRING_QX A08080 ## qr = Regex StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_STRING_QR 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_STRING_QR A0FFA0 ## qw = Array StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_STRING_QW 000000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_STRING_QW FFFFE0 ## POD: verbatim paragraphs StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_POD_VERB 004000 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_POD_VERB C0FFC0 StyleSetEOLFilled SCE_PL_POD_VERB 1 ## subroutine prototype StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_SUB_PROTOTYPE 000000 ## format identifier StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_FORMAT_IDENT C000C0 ## format body StyleSetForeground SCE_PL_FORMAT C000C0 StyleSetBackground SCE_PL_FORMAT FFF0FF StyleSetEOLFilled SCE_PL_FORMAT 1 # Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in +. # LICENSE # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself.
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