deprecated has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Um, I feel totally retarded. I have a ksh script that calls quite a few perl scripts to update the database, which is being called from a cgi script on a different machine:
[ localbox ] { cgi } -- [ telnet ] --> [ remotebox ] { ksh -> perl }
Since I dont want _my_ password, or a user with write privs to be stored in the script, im using a temporary user, say "foouser." but when foouser tries to execute my scripts, it gets all kinds of errors about modules not being found in @INC which are clearly there. I got a little irritated, and even ran a chmod -R a+r $HOMEDIR/perl/ , and that didnt work... it doesnt work making the ksh script u+s me either. What the heck do I have to do to make the script work for other users?

brother dep.

Laziness, Impatience, Hubris, and Generosity.