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Re: Default encoding rules leave me puzzled... (use open qw/ :std :locale /;

by Anonymous Monk
on Jun 20, 2014 at 09:04 UTC ( [id://1090591]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Default encoding rules leave me puzzled...

My question is: Why do I have to specify this encoding ? I thought that Perl adapted to its environment, and the localization environment variables should all be readable, right ? Can someone explain the reason to me, or point me to relevant documentation ?

use open qw/ :std :locale /;

Tutorials: perlunitut: Unicode in Perl

Also download tarball from Perl Unicode Essentials: OSCON 2011 - O'Reilly Conferences, July 25 - 29, 2011, Portland, OR for even more unicode info

why no default unicode?

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Re^2: Default encoding rules leave me puzzled... (use open qw/ :std :locale /;
by kzwix (Sexton) on Jun 20, 2014 at 09:36 UTC

    Sorry, I realize I wasn't specific enough:
    I've read about Encode, and successfully used it in a previous project. I know about the need to decode and encode streams, too. However, it seemed to me that Perl did some of this job itself (as I had tried to explicitly decode data from the standard input, or from command-line arguments, and had experienced strange results)

    So, is there some place where it is explicitly stated what is converted by perl, in a transparent manner, and what isn't ?

    Furthermore, even though I didn't Encode or Decode the streams, shouldn't it "just work", if the scalar value is specified in UTF-8 (because the file is encoded as such), and Perl is AWARE that it is UTF-8 (because of 'use utf8;'), and Perl stores it internally in UTF-8, and the expected output format is UTF-8 too ?

    I'm pretty sure there is a catch I haven't figured out, there, but pointing it to me, even if obvious, could help. Thanks !

    EDIT: I've run a short test, using a Latin-1 terminal (this test script is fully encoded in UTF-8):

    #!/usr/bin/perl use utf8; use Encode; $\ = "\n"; my $unicodeScalar = "Je suis une chaîne accentuée là où il faut."; print '['.Encode::is_utf8($unicodeScalar).'] '.$unicodeScalar;

    Using my Latin-1 terminal, I displayed the source file, and, sure enough, the contents were garbled (2 strange bytes for each accentuated character, which confirmed me the file was truly UTF-8), then I ran the script. And I got a perfect display.

    So, does Perl assume by default, even in a UTF-8 environment, that it should output everything in Latin-1 ?

      So, does Perl assume by default, even in a UTF-8 environment, that it should output everything in Latin-1 ?

      Perl tries to not convert anything at all, automatically.

      And since Latin-1 (mostly?) maps the first 256 codepoints 1:1 to bytes, outputting something without any conversion is the same as outputting it as Latin-1.

      Note that this round-trips binary data, which means that if your scripts or input use UTF-8, and you don't use utf8;, the output will be UTF-8 again.

      But, Latin-1 is limited to codepoints up to 255, so if something higher than that shows up in your string, perl falls back to UTF-8 (and warns).

      (As always, I'm linking to Encodings and Unicode in Perl, in the hope that it's useful to you).

        I'm sorry, but I think that your "Perl tries to not convert anything at all, automatically" statement is wrong.
        I mean, else, why would a string internally stored as UTF-8 be converted to Latin-1 when sent to the standard output ?
        (That is, without having used any funny encoding/decoding/layer stuff...)
Re^2: Default encoding rules leave me puzzled...
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 20, 2014 at 09:33 UTC

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