use 5.014; # Safer eval+$@ handling. use strictures; package HURR_DERR_ERR { use Moo; use Devel::StackTrace; use overload '""' => sub { +shift->as_string }; has code => is => "ro", default => sub { "[uncoded]" }; has message => is => "ro", required => 1; has stacktrace => is => "ro", default => sub { Devel::StackTrace->new->as_string }; sub as_string { my $self = shift; join ": ", $self->code, $self->message; } }; for ( 1 .. 100 ) { eval { die HURR_DERR_ERR->new( message => "Unlucky number encountered: $_" ) if /\b4\b/; # You'll have to localize if you don't want Chinese values. }; if ( $@ ) { # If you want it -> say $@->stacktrace; die "Got an error -> $@"; } else { say; } } #### 1 2 3 Got an error -> [uncoded]: Unlucky number encountered: 4 at line 33.