USAGE: [02packages.details.txt | or other valid file] NAVIGATION: . simple list of contained namespaces .. move one level up + detailed list of namespaces directly contained in the current one ++ dump a simple recursive tree of contained namespaces * read the readme file of current namespace; needs LWP::UserAgent ** download the current namespace's package; needs LWP::UserAgent ? print this help TAB completion, case insensitive, enabled on all sub namespaces #### #!perl use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump::Streamer; # if you wont to modify CPANnn take in consideration using Data::Dump::Streamer on the $cpan hasref # # UserAgent and cpan file handle. need to be here before BEGIN block,the file handle for cpan data too my ( $ua, $cpanfh ); # BEGIN block needed to set some ENV variables # and to evaluate LWP::UserAgent support # Also check some contions and set the file handle $cpanfh # and, eventually the LWP::UserAgent object $ua BEGIN { # WARNING !! string eval in action!! # let people to quit print "\n\nWARNING: $0 uses string eval!\n" ."Use at your own risk!\nENTER to continue or CTRL-C to terminate.\n"; while (){last if $_ } local $@; # force Term::ReadLine to load the Term::ReadLine::Perl if present $ENV{PERL_RL} = "Perl"; # TAB completion made possible on win32 via Term::Readline with TERM= $ENV{TERM} = 'not dumb' if $^O eq 'MSWin32'; # evaluate optional LWP::UserAgent support eval { require LWP::UserAgent; }; if ($@) { print "WARNING: no LWP::UserAgent support!" } # die if no LWP::UA nor filename given as arg if ( $@ and !$ARGV[0] ) { die "FATAL: no filename as argument nor LWP::UserAgent support!\n"; } # let's proceed $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; # this must go inside BEGIN or assignment is not run my $filename = defined $ARGV[0] ? $ARGV[0] : '02packages.details.txt'; # if we are here we have LWP support # so if no filename was given as arg we download it if ( !$ARGV[0] ) { print "Downloading $filename, please wait..\n"; $ua->get( '' . $filename, ':content_file' => $filename ); } # open the file (given or downloaded) # and set the filehandle open $cpanfh, '<', $filename or die "FATAL: unable to open '$filename' for reading!\n"; } use Term::ReadLine; my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('CPAN namespace navigator'); # the main cpan hasref, container of all namespaces my $cpan ={ '.' => 'CPAN' }; # regex used to skip secret hash keys: . .. + ++ my $skiprx = qr/^[\.\+]{1,2}$/; # used to divide in screenfulls the readme files my $pagination = 20; # infos about the file and help too my @infos = "\nINFO:\n\n"; # now feed @infos with headers from file 02packages.details.txt # fetching the cpan file until we reach an empty line # because after that strat namespaces enumeration while (<$cpanfh>) { print "Processing data, please wait..\n" and last if /^$/; push @infos, $_; } push @infos, $_ for "\n\n", "USAGE: $0 [02packages.details.txt | or other valid file]\n\nNAVIGATION:\n\n", ". simple list of contained namespaces\n", ".. move one level up\n", "+ detailed list of namespaces directly contained in the current one\n", "++ dump a simple recursive tree of contained namespaces\n", "* read the readme file of current namespace; needs LWP::UserAgent\n", "** download the current namespace's package; needs LWP::UserAgent\n", "? print this help\n", "\nTAB completion, case insensitive, enabled on all sub namespaces\n", "$0 by Discipulus as found at\n\n"; # main extrapolation loop # we go on fetchin the cpan file # because now there are only namespaces while (<$cpanfh>) { # AA::BB::CC 0.01 D/DI/DISCIPULUS/AA-BB-CC-0.001.tar.gz chomp; # split namespaces, version, partial path my @fields = split /\s+/; # split namespace in AA BB CC my @names = split /::/, $fields[0]; # die if received invalid data # or is better /\.gz|zip|tgz|bz2$/ ? unless (defined $names[0] and $fields[2]=~ /^[A-Z]{1}\/[A-Z]{2}\/[A-Z]+/ ) { die "FATAL: no valid data in the file?\nReceived: $_" . join ' ',@fields ."\n"; } # sanitize names containing ' that seems to valid map {s/'/\\'/} @names; # @ancestors are @names less last element my @ancestors = @names; pop @ancestors; local $@; # # evaluate the namespaces in order to build # a big hash structure where a namespaces has many key # as contained namespaces. # additional keys are created to store the name, # the parent, and an array with version and partial path # # start of cpan container; it ends before next = sign # AA::BB::CC was splitted in the @names array as: # AA BB CC the evaluation transfoms entries in # $cpan->{'AA'}{'BB'}{'CC'} # but eval autovivifies only BECAUSE there is an assignment: ie: # $cpan->{'AA'}{'BB'}{'CC'} = --hasref with data-- eval '$cpan->{\'' . ( join '\'}{\'', @names ) . '\'} =' # hasref start . '{' # hasref . is name and . '"."=>$names[-1],' . # .. is a ref to father # if there is at least one parent # now evaluate the path to parent # else main cpan hasref is the parent '".."=> \%{$cpan' . ( defined $ancestors[0] ? '->{\'' . ( join '\'}{\'', @ancestors ) . '\'}' : '' ) . '},' # + key is used to store in an array # with version and partial path . '"+"=> [$fields[1],$fields[2]],' . # hashref containted in the current key ends here '}; '; print "WARNING: $@\n\t@fields\n" if $@; } # the current hashref namespace starts at top level of the hash my $current = \%$cpan; # first time header &header($current); # take track of namespaces and, if empty, tell us we are at top level my @cur_names; # lines below is the first time initalization for autocompletion $term->Attribs->{completion_function} = sub { my $txt = shift; return grep { /^$txt/i } grep $_ !~ $skiprx, sort keys %$current; }; # # interactive part of the program while ( defined( $_ = $term->readline( ( join '::', @cur_names ) . '>' ) ) ) { # next on empty lines, chomp input otherwise /^$/ ? next : chomp; # remove eventual spaces on input s/\s+//g; # if exists the given (input) key (not matching the skip regex) in # the current hashref we set current and cur_names and next cycle if ( exists $$current{$_} and $_ !~ $skiprx ) { $current = \%{ $$current{$_} }; push @cur_names, $_; } # . -> ls # print current keys (not matching the skip regex) elsif ( $_ eq '.' ) { print "$_\n" for grep $_ !~ $skiprx, sort keys %$current; } # + -> ls -l # print current keys (not matching the skip regex) # with additional infos: version and partial author's path # if such infos are not there, the namespace is a container only one elsif ( $_ eq '+' ) { foreach my $k ( grep $_ !~ $skiprx, sort keys %$current ) { print "$k\t", ${ $current->{$k}{'+'} }[0] ? join "\t", @{ $current->{$k}{'+'} } : "--CONTAINER NAMESPACE--", "\n"; } } # ++ -> tree # print current keys (not matching the skip regex) # with additional infos: version and partial author's path # if such infos are not there, the namespace is a container only one elsif ( $_ eq '++' ) { &header($current); tree_dump($current); } # .. -> cd .. # go up one level in the datastructure elsif ( $_ eq '..' ) { pop @cur_names; $current = \%{ eval '$cpan->{\'' . ( join '\'}{\'', @cur_names ) . '\'}' || $cpan }; } # * -> dump the readme # if LWP::UserAgent is present we fetch the readme file # of the current distribution we are navigating. # silently skip container only namespaces elsif ( $_ eq '*' ) { unless ($ua) { print "WARNING: no LWP::UserAgent support!\n"; next; } if ( defined $$current{'+'}->[0] ) { ( my $url = '' . $$current{'+'}->[1] ) =~ s/\.tar\.gz/\.readme/; my $line_count; my $resp = $ua->get($url); if ( $resp->is_error ) { print "WARNING: ", $resp->status_line, " for $url\n"; next; } # rough pagination à la more # prints chunks of 20 ($pagination) lines foreach my $line ( split "\n", $resp->content() ) { ++$line_count; print "$line_count:" . $line . "\n"; if ( $line_count % $pagination == 0 ) { print "-- press Enter to continue.."; while () { last if $_ } } } } } # ** -> download the package # if LWP::UA is present download the current package in the current dir elsif ( $_ eq '**' ) { unless ($ua) { print "WARNING: no LWP::UserAgent support!\n"; next; } if ( defined $$current{'+'}->[0] ) { ( my $gzfile = '' . $$current{'+'}->[1] ) =~ s{.+/}{}; my $resp = $ua->get( '' . $$current{'+'}->[1], ':content_file' => $gzfile ); print $resp->is_success ? "OK: download of '$gzfile' succesfull\n" : "WARNING: ", $resp->status_line, "!\n"; } } # ? -> shows infos and help # show the content of @infos array # id est: headers of the cpan file and usage of the program elsif ( $_ eq '?' ) { print for @infos } # unknown command else { print "WARNING: '$_' command not found!\n"; next } } # in the continue block print the header of current namespace continue { &header($current); } sub header { my $hr = shift; my $num = scalar @{ [ grep $_ !~ $skiprx, keys %$hr ] }; print "\n", ( join '::', @cur_names or 'CPAN' ), ( $$hr{'+'}->[0] ? "\t$$hr{'+'}->[0]\t$$hr{'+'}->[1]" : "" ), " contains ", $num, " namespace" . ( $num > 1 ? 's' : '' ) . "\n\n"; } sub tree_dump { my $ref = shift; my $deep = shift || 1; foreach my $k (grep $_ !~ $skiprx, sort keys %{$ref}) { print "\t" x $deep . "$k\n"; if (ref( ${$ref}{$k}) eq 'HASH') {&tree_dump (${$ref}{$k}, ($deep+1))} } }