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Re: Parsing Emacs Lisp sexpr?

by choroba (Cardinal)
on Apr 07, 2020 at 22:12 UTC ( [id://11115197]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Parsing Emacs Lisp sexpr?

> I guess whipping up a new parser is not hard...

Not as easy as it seems. I probably started from a wrong end, the logic in the actions collapse and tuple should be handled by the grammar itself, but hey: it's slow, but it works for the input.

#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Marpa::R2; use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)'; my $dsl = << '__DSL__'; :default ::= action => ::first lexeme default = latm => 1 PackageList ::= ('(1') Packages (')') Package ::= ('(') Name ('. [') Date Deps Desc Format Detail ('])') action => assemble Packages ::= Package Packages action => merge | Package action => [values] Date ::= List Deps ::= List | Nil Desc ::= String Format ::= Name Detail ::= List | Nil Dot ::= dot action => dot Nil ::= 'nil' action => nil String ::= ('"') Quoteds ('"') Quoteds ::= Quoted Quoteds action => concat | Quoted Keyed ::= (':') Name Elements action => tuple List ::= ('(') Elements (')') action => collapse Elements ::= Element Elements action => merge | Element action => [values] Element ::= number || Nil | String | Keyed | List | Dot || Name Name ::= id_chars Quoted ::= no_qq | escaped_qq action => unescape :discard ~ whitespace whitespace ~ [\s]+ id_chars ~ [-+@\w]+ no_qq ~ [^"] escaped_qq ~ '\"' number ~ [0-9]+ dot ~ '.' __DSL__ sub nil { undef } sub dot { \'.' } sub unescape { substr $_[1], 1 } sub concat { $_[1] . $_[2] } sub merge { [ $_[1], @{ $_[2] } ] } sub assemble { +{ name => $_[1], date => $_[2], dependencies => $_[3], description => $_[4], format => $_[5], details => { map @{ $_->[0] }, @{ $_[6] } } } } sub collapse { if (3 == @{ $_[1] } && 'SCALAR' eq ref $_[1][1]) { +{ $_[1][0] // "" => $_[1][2] } } else { $_[1] } } sub tuple { [ ('SCALAR' eq ref $_[2][0]) ? ($_[1] => $_[2][1]) : ('SCALAR' eq ref $_[2][1]) ? ($_[1] => { ($_[2][0] // "") => $ +_[2][2] }) : ($_[1] => $_[2]) ] } my $grammar = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'->new({ source => \$ds +l }); my $recce = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::R'->new({ grammar => $gra +mmar, semantics_package => 'ma +in' }); my $input = do { local $/; <> }; $recce->read(\$input) or die; my $value = ${ $recce->value }; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($_) for @$value;

map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Parsing Emacs Lisp sexpr?
by perlancar (Hermit) on Apr 09, 2020 at 03:00 UTC

    Nice work! I wonder why you opt to parse this format specifically instead of the generic lisp format though.

    As for the speed, it's actually rather on-par with Data::SExpression, which uses Parse::Yapp. I commented out the dumping and then:

    % time perl archive-contents
    real    0m7.449s
    user    0m7.036s
    sys     0m0.413s
    % time perl -MFile::Slurper=read_text -MData::SExpression -E'$ds=Data::SExpression->new; ($sexp, $text) = $ds->read(read_text "archive-contents.2");'
    real    0m5.411s
    user    0m5.386s
    sys     0m0.025s

    archive-contents.2 is just the original file with replaced with ( ), and then the problematic @ atom replaced by "@".

    Perl regex or Regexp::Grammars will probably be several times faster.

      > I wonder why you opt to parse this format specifically instead of the generic lisp format though.

      As I said, I started from a wrong end. I'm kind of busy working from home and staying there with a wife and three children, so I didn't have time to fix it immediately. Here's a much simpler and faster version, which parses melpa's archive-contents in less than 5 seconds on my machine:

      #! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Marpa::R2; my $dsl = << '__DSL__'; :default ::= action => ::first lexeme default = latm => 1 List ::= ('(') Elements (')') Elements ::= Element+ action => [values] Element ::= List | Vector | Atom | String | Pair Vector ::= ('[') Elements (']') Atom ::= identifier String ::= ('"') Quoteds ('"') Quoteds ::= Quoteds Quoted action => concat | Quoted Quoted ::= backslash || qq || plain Pair ::= Element (dot) Element action => pair :discard ~ whitespace whitespace ~ [\s]+ dot ~ '.' backslash ~ '\\' qq ~ '\"' identifier ~ [-\w@:+]+ plain ~ [^\\"]+ __DSL__ sub concat { $_[1] . $_[2] } sub pair { +{ $_[1] => $_[2] } } my $grammar = 'Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'->new({source => \$dsl}); my $lisp = do { local $/; <> }; my $value_ref = $grammar->parse(\$lisp, {semantics_package => 'main'}) +; use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $value_ref;

      map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]
        Thanks for this, choroba. It finishes in about 2 seconds on my computer, pretty impressive. I'll see what I can use to improve my SExpression::Decode::Marpa.

      And here's my stab at creating a Marpa-based parser, based on JSON::Decode::Marpa: It's unfinished (its number and string rules, particularly, are still not adjusted), but can already parse the original archive-contents file, a bit faster than Data::SExpression:

      % time perl -Ilib -MSExpression::Decode::Marpa=from_sexp -MFile::Slurper=read_text -E'from_sexp(read_text "archive-contents")'
      real    0m4.023s
      user    0m3.818s
      sys     0m0.204s
      Anyhow, I tried hacking a regex-based parser here. It's "working" with some problem: 1) segmentation fault for larger data, indicating a leak somewhere. 2) parsing failure when e.g. the NUMBER rule fails to match and it matches ATOM instead, e.g. in this sexp: (1a) which fails, but (1) and (a) succeed.

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