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Re^2: What esteemed monks think about changes necessary/desirable in Perl 7 outside of OO staff

by tobyink (Canon)
on Sep 11, 2020 at 08:44 UTC ( [id://11121602]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: What esteemed monks think about changes necessary/desirable in Perl 7 outside of OO staff
in thread What esteemed monks think about changes necessary/desirable in Perl 7 outside of OO staff

Potentially ambiguous. What if $it->{$key} returns a blessed scalarref that overloads both @{} and %{}? Is the next step $it->{$key}[$idx] or $it->{$key}{$idx}?

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Re^3: What esteemed monks think about changes necessary/desirable in Perl 7 outside of OO staff
by Perlbotics (Archbishop) on Sep 11, 2020 at 17:12 UTC

    Good point. That's the drawback where edge-cases can add a lot of complexity.
    Perhaps throw an exception? Allow annotations on how to resolve (see below)? Implicit rules? — down the rabbit hole of smart-matching :(

    Example: Resolve overloaded @{} by using the standard notation as a hint like so?

    $it->@( $key [$idx] section $i some.doc method1() sub1(5) method2($x) +);
    It should be rarely needed.

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