in reply to Simple CLI calculator based on Perl's eval()

G'day reisinge,

"Sometimes I need to do a quick calculation. I'm too lazy to open a GUI calculator ..."

Me, too. I have a file, .bash_functions, that I source from .bashrc, which contains this function:

function perls () { eval "echo \`perl -T -Mstrict -Mwarnings -Mautodie=:all -E ' my \$ev = eval \"$@\"; say defined \$ev ? \"\$ev\" : \"$@\"; '\`" }

Here's some examples. The first two show normal operation; the third shows error handling.

$ perls 6*7 42 $ perls 196**.5 14 $ perls 196***.5 Number found where operator expected at (eval 6) line 1, near "*.5" (Missing operator before 5?) 196***.5

Obviously, that has less functionality than ++yours; however, it has served me well for quick calculations on the command line.

In anticipation of the question, "What does the 's' stand for?"; the answer is, "I don't remember". I've been using that function for probably a decade or more; the meaning of 's' has been lost in the mists of time. :-)

— Ken