in reply to Ordering Colours Problem

Colour value is a point in 3d space, how would you "order" these points along (which?) single axis? That said, the "ordering" can be considered as TSP, where simple greedy nearest neighbour algorithm and arbitrarily/heuristically chosen starting point (black) produce "good enough" result. (The fact that black is among source colours (moreover, first) is irrelevant -- root isn't included in solution)

Here are 5 colour ramps:

Well, how much scientific ramp is more "pleasing" is in the eye of beholder :). Maybe dumb NN is limiting factor here.

use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Imager; use Convert::Color; use Convert::Color::RGB8; my @colors = map tr/#//dr, split "\n", <<'END_OF_COLORS'; #000000 #716373 #704A2B #AF7E45 #963049 #AA2261 #B24551 #E6212E #FF0000 #001200 #FFDE72 #F55B73 END_OF_COLORS my $HEIGHT = 50; my $TILE_W = 50; my $WIDTH = $TILE_W * @colors; my $START = '000000'; my $c = Convert::Color::RGB8-> new( $START ) # -> convert_to( 'hsv' ); # 1 my @data = map [ $_, Convert::Color::RGB8-> new( $_ )-> convert_to( 'hsv' ), # 2 0 ], @colors; my @sorted; my $len = 0; while ( @data ) { $_-> [ 2 ] = $_-> [ 1 ]-> dst_hsv( $c ) # 3 for @data; @data = sort { $a-> [ 2 ] <=> $b-> [ 2 ] } @data; $len += $data[ 0 ][ 2 ]; ( my $str, $c ) = @{ shift @data }; push @sorted, $str; } say $len; my $im = Imager-> new( xsize => $WIDTH, ysize => $HEIGHT, model => 'rgb' ); my $x = 0; for ( @sorted ) { $im-> box( filled => 1, xmin => $x, color => $_ ); $x += $TILE_W } $im-> write( file => 'result.png' ); __END__ use PDL; use PDL::Transform::Color; use PDL::Graphics::ColorDistance; my $c = t_lab-> apply((!t_srgb)-> apply( # pdl [ Convert::Color::RGB8-> new( $START )-> rgb8 ])); # 1 t_lab-> apply((!t_srgb)-> apply( # pdl [ Convert::Color::RGB8-> new( $_ )-> rgb8 ])), # 2 $_-> [ 2 ] = delta_e_2000( $_-> [ 1 ], $c ) # 3

Edit: s/Through/Throw/ :)