in reply to Perl Foundation Community Affairs Team Transparency Report

How could this be off-topic??? (note: the original post had been tagged as Off-Topic)

Matt Trout, an important member of the Perl community which huge and key contributions has been banned for life by a three-people committee (the Community Affairs Team) following a quite unusual procedure and with dubious charges.

I don't know what happened. I have seen some IRC logs, and a Twitter conversation that IMO doesn't really deserve the imposed penalty (if any at all). But, well, maybe there are other causes that didn't become public.

In any case, there are two things that really worry me. One is the powers attributed to that committee: TPF doesn't have a CoC, there is one for conferences, P5P has its own, but nothing really focused on the community as a whole. So, are they doing the rules along the way, deciding what is acceptable and what not? Are they also able to set the penalties on the go? It also seems they can rule everywhere, even in places way outside the domains of the Perl Foundation as Twitter or Freenode.

The other point that worries me is the possibility of Matt being punished just by criticizing the pumpkin, his ideas or his actions. The pumpkin (or the PSC now) is a volunteer and the work he does is inestimable. But he is also a public figure with a great responsibility and his actions are going to impact our future, so I think it is the right of everybody on the community, and specially of somebody like Matt, to scrutinize what he does and challenge him whenever he things he is doing wrong. And even to do it vehemently and persistently.

The pumpkin (or PSC) as a public figure, IMO, doesn't have the right to silence people opposing him, his actions or his ideas.