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Re: Win32::OLE and Excel: Iterating when certain row numbers are missing

by davies (Prior)
on Jun 21, 2021 at 13:22 UTC ( [id://11134108]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Win32::OLE and Excel: Iterating when certain row numbers are missing

A quick first impression: your approach is never going to work. In your ### Do some stuff block, you are inserting a row. This will create the same problem as deleting a row, something I have analysed in RFC Tutorial - Deleting Excel Rows, Columns and Sheets. Start at the end and work backwards and you will eliminate at least one of your problems.

Almost immediate update: the rows are numbered sequentially in every implementation of Excel (and every other spreadsheet - dozens) I have seen. However, rows and columns may be hidden. If they are hidden, that is from the human eye, not VBA or Perl. Your code will go from row 1 to row 2 regardless of whether row 2 is visible to you.

Update 2: some code. Update 3 changed the code to include a demonstration of testing whether a row is hidden.

use strict; use warnings; use Win32::OLE; my $xl = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application'); $xl->{Visible} = 1; my $wb = $xl->Workbooks->Add; # Make sure there is precisely 1 sheet for my $nSht (2..$wb->Sheets->{Count}) { $wb->Sheets(2)->Delete; } # Put some data in my $sht = $wb->Sheets(1); $sht->Cells(1, 1)->{Value} = "A"; $sht->Cells(2, 1)->{Value} = "B"; $sht->Cells(3, 1)->{Value} = "C"; # Hide row 2 $sht->Cells(2, 1)->EntireRow->{Hidden} = 1; # Process 3 rows, demonstrating a bug for my $row (1..3) { if ("A" ne $sht->Cells($row, 1)->{Value}) { $sht->Cells($row + 1, 1)->EntireRow->Insert; $sht->Cells($row, 1)->EntireRow->Copy($sht->Cells($row + 1, 1) +); } } use feature 'say'; for my $row (1..5) { if ($sht->Cells($row, 1)->EntireRow->{Hidden}) { say "Row $row is hidden"; } }

Run this code and you will see three hidden rows. This is because row 2 (B) has been copied to row 3. After that, row 3 (a copy of B) has been copied to row 4. This is the loop error bug I mention in my post about deleting rows.

To reveal the rows, select rows 1 to 5, the two visible rows and the three hidden ones. Doing this with the mouse can be awkward, but I always prefer the keyboard anyway. Alt-H (Home), O (Format), U (Hide & Unhide), O (Unhide Rows) will show the three copies of what was row 2. If you are using a version with the old menu tree, it's Alt-O, R, U.


John Davies

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Re^2: Win32::OLE and Excel: Iterating when certain row numbers are missing
by ownlifeful (Beadle) on Jun 21, 2021 at 14:55 UTC

    Thanks for your prompt response!

    Well, I knew that my approach would not work as-is, because inserting/deleting rows/columns will cause a one-off error, which the counter would have to account for by incrementing/decrementing.

    I'm glad you pointed out that the spreadsheet does indeed have sequential rows, and the "missing" rows are only "invisible" rows. With this knowledge, I'm thinking that I could look for a "Hidden" attribute on rows/cells.

    for (my $i = $min_row; $i <= $max_row; $i++) { my $current_cell = $sheet->cells($i, 1); if ( $current_cell->("Hidden") ) { next; } ... ### Do clever row insertions here. ### Increment $i as needed. }

    Of course, a little bit of googling suggests that Win32::OLE does not surface a "hidden" or "visible" property. Any other ideas?

      I think you posted your reply as I was posting my second update. There is indeed a "hidden" property exposed, as demonstrated in my line $sht->Cells(2, 1)->EntireRow->{Hidden} = 1;. You can test this with something like if ($row->{Hidden}) {do stuff}.

      Update: I've now updated my code to demonstrate testing the hidden property.


      John Davies

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