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Re: Special binary search

by davido (Cardinal)
on Jun 22, 2021 at 18:36 UTC ( [id://11134184]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Special binary search

A few suggestions:

  • The List::BinarySearch module contains a function called binsearch_range that will return the index of the min and max you set as targets. I think that's what you're looking for. If it weren't for my next suggestion, you could probably use it out of the box.
  • You could tie your array to a class that generates its elements only upon FETCH. This would allow List::BinarySearch to just work, while avoiding spending time generating values that aren't needed. Unfortunately tie doesn't play well with binsearch_range, so we have to use the binsearch function to implement our own ranger.
  • Additionally, your tied array could cache any values previously FETCHed. This may have minimal value, though. It could save a few comparisons in bad cases. In good cases, there wouldn't be any cache hits.
  • An alternative to tie is to make each element an instance of a class that only calculates the value if it is needed. This would eliminate the need for tie. More on this toward the end of my post...

So here's the problem. tie doesn't work nicely with List::BinarySearch's binsearch_range function. It has something to do with that module's usage of package globals $a and $b. So we have to get a little creative, and implement our own binsearch_range. Observe the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env perl package MyArray; use Tie::Array; use strict; use warnings; our @ISA = qw(Tie::StdArray); my %inside_out; sub FETCH { my ($self, $index) = @_; if (!defined($inside_out{"$self"}->{'cache'}->[$index])) { my $count = ++$inside_out{"$self"}->{'cache_miss_count'}; warn "FETCH (miss) $count: $index\n"; sleep 1; $inside_out{"$self"}->{'cache'}->[$index] = $self->[$index]; } else { my $count = ++$inside_out{"$self"}->{'cache_hit_count'}; warn "FETCH (hit) $count: $index\n"; } return $inside_out{"$self"}->{'cache'}->[$index]; } 1; package main; use strict; use warnings; use List::BinarySearch qw(binsearch); my ($min_sample_index, $max_sample_index) = sort {$a <=> $b} map {int(rand(100))} (0,1); # Generate two random indices in low to high order. my ($min_find_value, $max_find_value); tie my @array, 'MyArray'; my $curr_value = 0; foreach (1 .. 100) { $curr_value += int(rand(10)); push @array, $curr_value; $min_find_value = $curr_value if $_ == $min_sample_index; $max_find_value = $curr_value if $_ == $max_sample_index; } print "Looking for the range $min_find_value, $max_find_value in an ar +ray with ", scalar(@array), " elements\n"; my ($min_found_ix, $max_found_ix) = binsearch_range($min_find_value, $ +max_find_value, @array); print "Found indexes of $min_found_ix, $max_found_ix\n"; # This algorithm was taken from Mastering Algorithms with Perl, OReill +y. sub binsearch_range { my $min = shift; my $max = shift; my $min_found_ix = binsearch {$a <=> $b} $min, @_; my $max_found_ix = binsearch {$a <=> $b} $max, @_; if ($max_found_ix == scalar(@array) || ($array[$max_found_ix] <=> +$max_find_value) > 0) { $max_found_ix--; } return($min_found_ix, $max_found_ix); }

The MyArray package implements an array class that can be tied and that overrides FETCH. Its version of FETCH sleeps for a second to simulate generating the value. It also caches results. And it keeps a tally of cache hits and cache misses.

The main code generates a list in sorted order of integers. The integers have random offsets just to simulate a non-sequential list. That list of integers lives in a tied array that has the behaviors described above. Next, the code calls my own version of binsearch_range that does the double binary search for you. And it returns the array offset to the min value and max value sought in the array. The specific algorithm used for binsearch_range is one that came from Mastering Algorithms with Perl, from OReilly. It's an oldie but goodie.

If you run the code, sample runs look something like this:

Looking for the range 232, 339 in an array with 100 elements FETCH (miss) 1: 49 FETCH (miss) 2: 74 FETCH (miss) 3: 62 FETCH (miss) 4: 56 FETCH (miss) 5: 53 FETCH (miss) 6: 55 FETCH (miss) 7: 87 FETCH (miss) 8: 81 FETCH (miss) 9: 84 FETCH (miss) 10: 86 FETCH (miss) 11: 85 FETCH (hit) 1: 86 Found indexes of 56, 86

As you can see, nearly all our FETCHes were cache misses. But the range is array offset 56 through 86. Six of those misses were within the target range, so subsequent use of that target range would benefit from the caching.

An alternative -- probably a better alternative -- would be to store in a plain old array (not a tied array) a list of objects. Those objects would be implemented such that they only calculate their value on fetch, and cache results. What follows is untested example code:

use List::BinarySearch qw(binsearch_range); foreach my $ix (0..99) { my @params = params($ix); push @array, MyClass->new(@params); } my ($low_ix, $high_ix) = binsearch_range { $a <=> $b->fetch } $min_wan +ted, $max_wanted, @array;

Your MyClass could be implemented something like this:

package MyClass; sub new { my ($class, @parameters) = @_; return bless {params => \@parameters}, $class; } sub fetch { my $self = return $self->{'cache'} //= do { sleep 1; warn "cache miss. Generating value...\n"; _gen_value($self->{'params'}) #; Generate the expensive value +and store it in the cache. }; }

This gets you away from the tricky implementation shortcomings of tie and how it interacts with List::BinarySearch::binsearch_range (patches to the module are welcome).

In either case, your worst case scenario is log2(100) + log2(100) lookups, which is 14 lookups for a list of 100 elements, so at two minutes per lookup, your worst case is about a half hour. Not great, but to get any better you would have to find ways to cache sub-calculations or something (I'm thinking of how nicely memoization works for recursive solutions of the Fibonacci Sequence because the sub-calculations are cached).


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