in reply to Sorting numerials first and then numerials with alpha characters last

Though there are ways to do it in a single pass, I found it a bit easier to think about if one first splits the list out into two and then sorts them individually. Note I'm using Sort::Key::Natural to sort the mixed values in a hopefully intuitive way (Update: you may note I added the test case "12c" to demonstrate the difference to a simple sort).

use warnings; use strict; use Test::More; use List::Util qw/uniq/; use Sort::Key::Natural qw/natsort/; my @in = ( "2bc", "1", "12c", "12", "21", "1", "1a", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "35", "31", "2b", "4", "42", "5", "51", "2ac", "52", "6", "7" ); my @expect = ( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "12", "21", "31", "35","42", "51", "52", "1a", "2ac", "2b", "2bc", "12c" ); my (@nums, @mixed); /^\d+$/ and push @nums, $_ or push @mixed, $_ for @in; my @out = uniq( sort( { $a <=> $b } @nums), natsort(@mixed), ); is_deeply \@out, \@expect or diag explain \@out; done_testing;

As opposed to your previous thread, these tags look much more like HTML/XML, so you really should use an appropriate parser!