vaitor15 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello Monks Seeking for wisdom I have this hash of hash where I have been asked to find sum of value when cost key is found. In this case 430, I was thinking some how mapping to find all the cost keys and iterating over to sum them. Sample
use Data::Dumper; my $VAR1 = { '153-1' => { '19-4' => { 'cost' => '6300.00', 'cost2' => '630.00' }, '135-1' => { '68-4' => { 'cost' => '300.00', 'cost2' => '130.00' } }, '1069-9' => {}, '35-1' => { '28-4' => { 'cost' => '30.00', 'cost2' => '10.00' } }, }, }; #%result = map { "$_->{0} => $_->{2}" } $VAR1; #print Dumper \%result;
I have tried using map but I am not able for find correct solution any guidance to reach my destination. Thank you in advance wise one!