gflohr has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am trying to transform this piece of Python code into Perl:

PCHR = ["K", "Q", "R", "B", "N", "P"] w1 = "QRKPNB" w2 = "".join(sorted(w1, key=PCHR.index)) # Translate this to Perl .. +. print(w1 + " -> " + w2)

My current version is this:

my $i = 0; use constant PCHR => split //, 'KQRBNP'; my %pchr = map { $_ => $i++ } PCHR; my $w1 = 'QRKPNB'; my $w2 = join '', sort { $pchr{$a} <=> $pchr{$b} } split //, $w1; print "$w1 -> $w2\n";

The output should be KQRBNP.

The Perl code works but compared to the Python version it looks a little bit awkward. Any ideas on how to pimp that up *without* writing a sorted() sub?

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by choroba (Cardinal) on Feb 18, 2022 at 17:30 UTC
    Interestingly, the Python code fails if w1 contains characters outside of PCHR. Therefore, using only valid characters the following should work:
    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw{ say }; my @pchr = qw( K Q R B N P ); my $w1 = 'QRKPNBQ'; # <- Q is repeated! my $w2 = join "", map $_ x (() = $w1 =~ /$_/g), @pchr; say "$w1 \-> $w2";
    map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]
      Cool! And, yes, it is checked elsewhere that the string only contains "valid" characters.
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by Fletch (Bishop) on Feb 18, 2022 at 16:22 UTC

    You could avoid the temp $i by iterating over the indexes instead. Doing that that just puts you one line more (also presuming this is run under a use 5.010 or higher directive so you have say so that gets it back absolute line count wise). You could also use List::MoreUtils for sort_by, but otherwise I couldn't say anything looks particularly awkward in your code.

    use 5.010; use List::MoreUtils qw( sort_by ); my @PCHR = qw( K Q R B N P ); my %pchr = map { $PCHR[$_] => $_ } 0..$#PCHR; my $w1 = 'QRKPNB'; my $w2 = join '', sort_by { $pchr{$_} } split( //, $w1 ); say "$w1 -> $w2";

    If you really didn't need @PCHR for anything other than creating the ordering hash you could create %pchr with something like this. Still has a temp but it's lexical to the do block, and you can get what was in @PCHR with sort_by {$pchr{$_}} keys %pchr. Really kind of depends what else exactly you're doing which one I'd go with.

    my %pchr = do { my $i; map { $_ => $i++ } qw( K Q R B N P ) };

    The cake is a lie.
    The cake is a lie.
    The cake is a lie.

      Yes, List::Util::sort_by makes it look better. Maybe, the Pythonian sorted() could also be an enhancement for List::Util resp. List::MoreUtils.
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by rsFalse (Chaplain) on Feb 18, 2022 at 16:29 UTC
    Ye, it looks awkward or longer, because Perl have no such array index function or sort by array index function in its core.

    Perl has some string index functions (index and rindex). In your example they may be used instead of hash, e.g. using Schwartzian transform:
    my $i = 0; # use constant PCHR => split //, 'KQRBNP'; # my %pchr = map { $_ => $i++ } PCHR; use constant PCHR => 'KQRBNP'; my $w1 = 'QRKPNB'; my $w2 = join '', map $_->[1], sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } map [ ( index PCHR, $_ ), $_ ], split //, $w1; print "$w1 -> $w2\n";
    I'm not sure if it looks less awkward ;)
      Interesting idea, thanks!
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by alexander_lunev (Pilgrim) on Feb 18, 2022 at 18:44 UTC
    Oh, I've done exactly this recently, here's the sub for sorting cloth sizes:
    my @sizes = qw/6XS 5XS 6XL L S xL m 3xs/; my $sort_sizes_sub = sub { my $uc_a = uc($a); my $uc_b = uc($b); my @sizes_sorted = qw/6XS 5XS 4XS 3XS 2XS XS S M L XL XXL 2XL 3XL 4X +L 5XL 6XL/; return 0 if $uc_a eq $uc_b; foreach my $s (@sizes_sorted) { if ($s eq $uc_a) { return -1; } if ($s eq $uc_b) { return 1; } } }; print join(' ', @sizes). "\n"; print join(' ', sort $sort_sizes_sub @sizes). "\n";


    6XS 5XS 6XL L S xL m 3xs 6XS 5XS 3xs S m L xL 6XL
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by tybalt89 (Monsignor) on Feb 18, 2022 at 21:38 UTC
    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; use List::AllUtils qw( nsort_by ); my $pchr = 'KQRBNP'; my $w1 = 'QRKPNB'; my $w2 = join '', nsort_by { index $pchr, $_ } split //, $w1; print "Given pchr = $pchr, then $w1 -> $w2\n";
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by salva (Canon) on Feb 18, 2022 at 18:30 UTC
    my $pchr = "KQRBNP"; my $w1 = "QRKPNBNBQRK"; my $ascii = join '', map chr $_, 0..length($pchr); my $w2 = join '', sort split //, eval "\$w1 =~ y/\Q$pchr\E/\Q$ascii\E/ +r"; eval "\$w2 =~ y/\Q$ascii\E/\Q$pchr\E/"; print "$w1 --[$pchr]--> $w2\n"
    sub mk_sort { my $pchr = shift; my $a = join '', map chr, 0..length(\$pchr); eval qq{sub { (join '', sort split //, (shift =~ y/\Q$pchr\E/\Q$a\ +E/r)) =~ y/\Q$a\E/\Q$pchr\E/r }}; } my $sort = mk_sort "KQRBNP"; my $w1 = "QRKPNBNBQRK"; my $w2 = $sort->($w1); print "$w1 --> $w2\n"
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by LanX (Saint) on Feb 18, 2022 at 22:06 UTC
    > The Perl code works but compared to the Python version it looks a little bit awkward.

    The question is if you want it fast or pretty.

    Without extra modules, this doesn't look particular awkward to me.

    use strict; use warnings; my $PCHR = "KQRBNP"; my $w1 = "QRKPNB"; my $w2 = join "", sort { index ($PCHR, $a) <=> index ($PCHR, $b) } split //, $w1; print "$w1 -> $w2";

    of course it's far more efficient to store the index in a hash, which in turn needs to be precalculated.

    Others have shown you external "sort_by" implementations using so-called "key-functions" like in Python ( That's when you can avoid to repeat code for $a and $b).

    But I'm not sure if these key-functions - in Python or CPAN - actually cache the results for performance optimization in a hash. (This might be too clever if a key function is supposed to vary results)

    Which brings us back to the question: fast or pretty?

    Cheers Rolf
    (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
    Wikisyntax for the Monastery

Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by johngg (Canon) on Feb 18, 2022 at 22:10 UTC

    How about a hash slice? No sorting required.

    johngg@abouriou:~$ perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -E 'say q{}; my @PCHR = qw{ K Q R B N P }; my $w1 = q{QRKPNB}; my %w1LU = map { $_ => $_ } split m{}, $w1; say join q{}, @w1LU{ @PCHR };' KQRBNP

    I hope this is of interest.



      I see multiple limitations:
      • you can't sort lists with repeated elements in $w1
      • the slice will produce undef for every order-element from PCHR missing in the list
      • list-elements without order won't show up

      Cheers Rolf
      (addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
      Wikisyntax for the Monastery

Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by salva (Canon) on Feb 20, 2022 at 09:35 UTC
    I would say this is a radix sort:
    my $pchr = "KQRBNP"; my $w1 = "QRKPNBNBQRK"; my %s; $s{$_}++ for split //, $w1; my $w2 = $pchr =~ s/(.)/$1 x $s{$1}/egr; print "$w1 -> $w2\n"
      Similar to yours and choroba's solutions but without string multiplication ('x'):
      my $pchr = "KQRBNP"; my $w1 = "QRKPNBNBQRK"; my $w2 = ""; for my $L ( split //, $pchr ){ $w1 =~ m/$L(?{ $w2 .= $L })(*FAIL)/; } print "$w1 -> $w2\n"
      And a bit similar to drclaw's idea:
      my $pchr = "KQRBNP"; my $w1 = "QRKPNBNBQRK"; my $w2 = ""; my $re = join "|", map { ".*$_" } split //, $pchr; $w1 =~ m/^(?:$re)(?<=(.))(?{ $w2 .= $1 })(*FAIL)/; print "$w1 -> $w2\n"
      Not sure if regex is optimized in some versions and this code fails.
Re: Sort list by position of items in another list
by drclaw (Acolyte) on Feb 19, 2022 at 04:16 UTC

    What about inverting the search? You already know the order of the characters. Match them as many times as possible against the input string as a regex with each character as an alternative (ie input "QRKPNB" becomes /Q|R|K|P|N|B/ )?

    These couple of lines generate the regex based on the input and match the sorted list against it. The joined matches become the (sorted) output string:

    my $PCHR="KQRBNP"; my $w1="QRKPNB"; my $w2=join "", $PCHR=~/@{[join "|",split "",$w1]}/g; print "$w1 -> $w2\n";

    Hope it might be of use or interest to your application
