freonpsandoz has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm trying to pass paths that are folder names and that may contain non-ANSI characters to external commands in Windows. I've tried both Win32::GetANSIPathName and Win32::LongPath::shortpathL. The former seems to always return the original path and the latter seems to always return an empty string. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

use v5.16; use strict; use warnings; use Win32 (); use Win32::Console (); use Win32::LongPath qw(shortpathL); Win32::Console::OutputCP(65001); # Request Windows console command out +put in UTF-8 my $top = shift; foreach my $foldername ( map { chomp $_; $_ } qx(dir /b /a:d "$top") ) + { my $path = "$top\\$foldername"; test( "GetANSIPathName", $path, Win32::GetANSIPathName("$path") ); test( "shortpathL", $path, shortpathL($path) ); } sub test { my ($name, $path, $testpath) = @_; my @report = qx(robocopy /njh /nfl /ndl /np /l /s "$testpath" "x:\ +\nodir"); print( qq($name path "$testpath" didn't work for "$path"\n) ) unless grep(/^ *Bytes/, @report); }