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Re^3: Simple web server to ingest POST

by haukex (Archbishop)
on Jun 08, 2022 at 19:04 UTC ( [id://11144528]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Simple web server to ingest POST
in thread Simple web server to ingest POST

Just for fun (and to stay sharp with Mojo), I went ahead and coded up a little example of calling another HTTP API and getting the response asynchronously:

#!/usr/bin/env perl use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures; use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::UserAgent; use Mojo::Util qw/dumper/; my $OTHER_API = 'http://localhost:3000/second_api'; post '/toMFF' => sub ($c) { state $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; my $body = $c->req->body; my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new->xml(1)->parse($body); # example my $quz = $dom->at('bar[quz]')->{quz}; $c->render_later; $ua->post_p( $OTHER_API => form => { quz => $quz } ) ->then(sub ($tx) { my $res = $tx->result; my %stash = ( code=>$res->code, msg=>$res->message, timestamp => scalar gmtime, debugmessage=>"" ); if ($res->is_success) { my $j = $res->json; $stash{debugmessage} = "Server response: ".dumper($j); if ( not $j->{response} ) { $stash{code} = 599; $stash{msg} = "Endpoint reported error"; } } else { $stash{debugmessage} = "HTTP error" } $c->render('response', format=>'xml', %stash); })->catch(sub ($err) { # this sends a 500 response to the client: $c->reply->exception("The endpoint could not be reached: $ +err"); }); }; # this API would actually be on a different server post '/second_api' => sub ($c) { my $quz = $c->param('quz'); my $resp = $quz && $quz=~/\S/ ? { response => "Thanks for $quz!" } : { error => "You didn't provide a quz" }; # pretend this API is a bit slow $c->render_later; Mojo::IOLoop->timer(1 => sub { $c->render(json=>$resp) }); }; app->start; __DATA__ @@ response.xml.ep <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM " +td"> <cXML payloadID="" xml:lang="en-US" timestamp="<%= $t +imestamp %>"> <Response> <Status code="<%= $code %>" text="<%= $msg %>" /> <!-- <%= $debugmessage %> --> </Response> </cXML>

Test with e.g. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d '<foo><bar quz="baz"/></foo>'

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