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Re: Create union from ranges, but compare respectively

by kcott (Archbishop)
on Jun 10, 2022 at 09:07 UTC ( [id://11144645]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Create union from ranges, but compare respectively

Out of curiosity, and for a bit of fun, I wondered how a pure Perl solution would stack up against the two solutions using CPAN modules.

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Benchmark 'cmpthese'; use Test::More tests => 3; my $TM_part1 = "25-40,74-93,95-120,130-149"; my $TM_part2 = "31-47,84-99,107-123,137-151"; my @split_TM1 = split ',', $TM_part1; my @split_TM2 = split ',', $TM_part2; my $union = '31-40,84-93,107-120,137-149'; is _span(), $union; is _pair(), $union; is _perl(), $union; cmpthese 0 => { Span => \&_span, Pair => \&_pair, Perl => \&_perl, }; sub _span { use Set::IntSpan; my @u_set; for my $i (0 .. $#split_TM1) { my $set1 = Set::IntSpan->new($split_TM1[$i]); my $set2 = Set::IntSpan->new($split_TM2[$i]); my $u_set = intersect $set1 $set2; push @u_set, $u_set; } return join ',', @u_set; } sub _pair { use List::AllUtils qw( max min pairwise ); return join ',', pairwise { my $low = max map /^(\d+)/, $a, $b; my $high = min map /-(\d+)/, $a, $b; $low <= $high ? "$low-$high" : (); } @split_TM1, @split_TM2; } sub _perl { my @u_set; for my $i (0 .. $#split_TM1) { my %seen; for ([split /-/, $split_TM1[$i]], [split /-/, $split_TM2[$i]]) + { ++$seen{$_} for $_->[0] .. $_->[1]; } push @u_set, join '-', (sort grep $seen{$_} == 2, keys %seen)[ +0, -1]; } return join ',', @u_set; }

I ran that five times; here's a median result:

1..3 ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 Rate Span Perl Pair Span 16937/s -- -20% -84% Perl 21145/s 25% -- -80% Pair 106033/s 526% 401% --

If you're interested, feel free to tweak the code for better (different) results.

— Ken

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: Create union from ranges, but compare respectively (SQL Pg)
by erix (Prior) on Jun 10, 2022 at 11:13 UTC

    I had to add SQL (postgres) :P

    Rate Span SQL (Pg) Perl Pair Span 8489/s -- -44% -56% -86% SQL (Pg) 15132/s 78% -- -22% -75% Perl 19388/s 128% 28% -- -68% Pair 60727/s 615% 301% 213% --


    sub _sql { return $dbh->selectrow_arrayref(" select array_to_string( array( select lower(r) || '-' || upper(r)-1 from ( select (select unnest(r1) limit 1 offset n -1) * (select unnest(r2) limit 1 offset n -1) as r from (values (('{[' || replace(replace('$TM_part1', ',', '],['), '-', ',' +) || ']}')::int4multirange, ('{[' || replace(replace('$TM_part2', ',', '],['), '-', ',' +) || ']}')::int4multirange )) as f(r1,r2) , lateral generate_series(1, 4) as g(n) ) as g ), ',') as h ; ")->[0] ; }

    Update: see my next message; it has improved/faster SQL and different Benchmark

Re^2: Create union from ranges, but compare respectively (postgres: int4range-intersect)
by erix (Prior) on Jun 12, 2022 at 07:12 UTC

    I improved the SQL, this one here is a bit faster. I also include below changes to your test program, as lines to be added. The DBI connect will inevitably need some tweaking, depending on host machine.

    use DBI; #my $dbh = DBI->connect or die "hm - $@\n"; # easier when ENV vars are + set my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:', "app_user1", "P4ss_W0rd1") or die " +meh - no db connection - $@\n" ; # two test lines: is _sql() , $union; "SQL/Pg" => \&_sql, # and the statement itself sub _sql { return $dbh->selectrow_arrayref(" select array_to_string( array( select lower(isect) || '-' || upper(isect)-1 from( select ('['||replace(unnest(string_to_array('$TM_part1', ',')), '-', ', +')||']')::int4range * ('['||replace(unnest(string_to_array('$TM_part2', ',')), '-', ', +')||']')::int4range ) as h(isect) ), ',') ")->[0] ; }

    and this is the new result:

    Rate Span Perl SQL/Pg Pair oneliner Span 8373/s -- -57% -68% -86% -100% Perl 19261/s 130% -- -27% -69% -100% SQL/Pg 26397/s 215% 37% -- -57% -100% Pair 61443/s 634% 219% 133% -- -99% oneliner 5644800/s 67313% 29207% 21284% 9087% --

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