in reply to Deferring variables

Keeping the default in the %par hash could be one way. Seems relatively clean to me...

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # use warnings; my %par = map { split ' ', $_, 2 } split /\n/, <<END; margin-left defaults to margin-horizontal margin-horizontal defaults to margin margin 20 margin-right 3 margin-bottom defaults to margin-right END use Data::Dump 'dd'; dd 'dump of %par', \%par; sub get { my $want = shift; $want = $1 while ($par{$want} // '') =~ /^defaults to (.+)/; return $par{$want} // 'not defined'; } for my $parameter ( sort 'margin-top', keys %par ) { printf "%30s => %s\n", $parameter, get($parameter); }


( "dump of %par", { "margin" => 20, "margin-bottom" => "defaults to margin-right", "margin-horizontal" => "defaults to margin", "margin-left" => "defaults to margin-horizontal", "margin-right" => 3, }, ) margin => 20 margin-bottom => 3 margin-horizontal => 20 margin-left => 20 margin-right => 3 margin-top => not defined

UPDATE: fixed typo in regex