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Re: How has your coding style changed over the years?

by choroba (Cardinal)
on Aug 07, 2022 at 21:45 UTC ( [id://11146008]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How has your coding style changed over the years?

Nice! I've recently started documenting my style used in my personal projects, the document is not complete. Over the years, my style changed a lot. The main difference is I hated spaces when I was younger which makes most of my old code unreadable :-)

Here's the document (converted from pod):

Choroba's Perl Style


Omit parentheses in builtin functions where possible.

print int rand $x;

Sometimes, I add parentheses to keep parallel structures similar.

return if substr($x, 0, 2) eq substr($y, 0, 2); # Second pair not ne +eded.

For subroutines, almost always use parentheses. You can omit them when it creates a nice DSL-like effect:

my $first = first { $x > 0 } @array; # List::Util

I also don't write them after test assertions.

is_deeply $response->{content}, bag(1 .. 10); # Test::Deep

I don't write empty parentheses after method calls.


For m, s, and qr, I use / or m{} (resp. s{}{}, qr{}). I use qx{} for code and usually q() and qq() for lists. I use different types of brackets for qw depending on the semantics of the enclosed expression:

use Exporter qw{ import }; # sub name my $from_roman = {qw{ I 1 II 2 III 3 IV 4 V 5 }}; my $primes = [qw[ 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 ]];

Whitespace, indentation, aligning

I use 4 spaces for indentation and spaces to align. No tabs at all.

I use a space after control flow statements and before the opening curly bracket:

while (my $item = $iter->next) {

I use spaces inside parentheses when the parenthesised expression does something on its own, e.g. changes a variable value. I only do it after functions, though, not control flow statements.

chomp( my @lines = <> );

I don't put spaces after [ or { when indexing an array or hash with a simple index. I usually use spaces for complex indices (both around the operators and around the whole expression). I write spaces after commas.

my $first = $array[0]; my $middle = $array[ $#array / 2 ];

I don't add space after a bracket starting a list, unless it's a qw() list or dereference.

my $arr = [1, 2, 3]; my @directions = qw( left right ); my @items = @{ $ref{items} };

I cuddle elses and use the K&R style:

if ($x > 0) { say 'Positive'; } elsif ($x < 0) { say 'Negative'; } else { say 'Zero'; }

For lists, though, I use the List style for the closing bracket:

my @planets = qw( Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune );

After a control flow command, I usually insert an empty line (unless the following line is a closing bracket).

while ($x = $iter->next) { next if $x > $threshold; $x -= $correction; }

If there is a longer sequence of the same commands, the inner empty lines might be omitted.

return if $x > $threshold; return if $err || ! $success; return [] if $not_found; my $result = count($x);

I use empty lines to separate code chunks semantically. In larger projects, I use two empty lines to separate subroutine definitons.

Boolean operators

I use ||, &&, and ! in expressions and and and or for control flow (which means I don't use not much).

Implicit variable

I usually don't type the $_ if not needed (i.e. map and grep blocks).

my @normalised = map lc, @words;

Expression forms of map and grep

Expression forms of map and grep are OK. I switch to the block form when the expression can't be written without +().

my %pairs = map { $_ => value($_) } @labels;

I don't use map and grep in void context. That's why we have for (and I never spell it foreach).


I don't put a semicolon after the command that leaves the block.

sub new { my ($class, $name) = @_; return bless { name => $name }, $class }

It protects me from adding code below and wondering why it's never executed.

Similarly, I don't put a semicolon after the 1 at the end of a module. Moreover, I usually spell it


I also omit the semicolons in short one-line subs:

sub second { $_[0][1] }

I never put whitespace (including newline) before a semicolon.

map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]

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