# struct.pl # use strict; use warnings; use Inline C => Config => BUILD_NOISY => 1, CLEAN_AFTER_BUILD => 0, USING => 'ParseRegExp', ; use Inline C => <<'EOC'; struct _Edje_Message_String_Set { int count; AV * str; }; typedef struct _Edje_Message_String_Set EdjeMessageStringSet; void struct_size(void) { printf("Size of _Edje_Message_String_Set struct: %d\n", sizeof(EdjeMessageStringSet) ); } EdjeMessageStringSet * _new(AV * val_arr) { EdjeMessageStringSet *message; /* int i; */ /* SV ** elem; */ Newx(message, 1, EdjeMessageStringSet); if(message == NULL) croak("Failed to allocate memory in _new function"); message->count = av_len(val_arr) + 1; message->str = val_arr; return message; } void _iterate(EdjeMessageStringSet * strs) { int i; SV ** elem; for(i = 0; i < strs->count; i++) { elem = av_fetch(strs->str, i, 0); printf("%s\n", SvPV_nolen(*elem)); } } void DESTROY(EdjeMessageStringSet * x) { Safefree(x); printf("destroyed _new EdjeMessageStringSet*\n"); } void foo(AV * arref) { EdjeMessageStringSet *m; m = _new(arref); _iterate(m); DESTROY(m); } EOC struct_size(); my @in = ("hello foo", "hello bar","hello world", "goodbye"); # The XSub foo() will create a new EdjeMessageStringSet object # using _new(), then pass that object to _iterate() which # prints out all of the strings contained in the object. # Finally, foo() calls DESTROY() which frees the memory that # was assigned to create the EdjeMessageStringSet object. foo(\@in);