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Re: Rosetta Code: Long List is Long - JudySL code

by marioroy (Prior)
on Jan 24, 2023 at 02:50 UTC ( [id://11149800]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Rosetta Code: Long List is Long

It has been a long journey. I'm completing my participation with a JudySL array implementation.

The mini-shuffle script ensures random data for simulating worst case scenario.

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use List::Util 'shuffle'; my @arr = shuffle <>; print @arr;
./ big1.txt >tmp && mv tmp big1.txt ./ big2.txt >tmp && mv tmp big2.txt ./ big3.txt >tmp && mv tmp big3.txt ./ long1.txt >tmp && mv tmp long1.txt ./ long2.txt >tmp && mv tmp long2.txt ./ long3.txt >tmp && mv tmp long3.txt


The testing consumes one core for get_properties and parallel processing (8 threads) for sorting. The MAX_STR_LEN_L define is commented out.

$ NUM_THREADS=1 ./llil4judy-no6 big{1,2,3}.txt long{1,2,3}.txt >out.tx +t llil4judy start use OpenMP use boost sort get properties 2.336 secs judy to vector 0.252 secs vector stable sort 0.566 secs write stdout 0.220 secs total time 3.375 secs $ NUM_THREADS=1 ./llil4map-no6-flat big{1,2,3}.txt long{1,2,3}.txt >ou +t.txt llil4map start use OpenMP use boost sort get properties 1.847 secs map to vector 0.198 secs vector stable sort 0.513 secs write stdout 0.224 secs total time 2.784 secs $ NUM_THREADS=1 ./llil4vec-no6 big{1,2,3}.txt long{1,2,3}.txt >out.txt llil4vec start use OpenMP use boost sort get properties 0.510 secs sort properties 1.046 secs vector reduce 0.266 secs vector stable sort 1.125 secs write stdout 0.283 secs total time 3.233 secs

The J script solution from Anonymous Monk.

~/j904/bin/jconsole llil5.ijs big{1,2,3}.txt long{1,2,3}.txt out.txt Read and parse input: 2.44621 Classify, sum, sort: 4.82435 Format and write output: 2.05906 Total time: 9.32962

// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ // // // A Judy SL demonstration. // By Mario Roy, April 7, 2024 // Based on llil3m.cpp // Original challenge // and summary // Other demonstrations // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ // OpenMP Little Book - // // This requires the boost library: boost::static_strings::basic_stati +c_string. // // Obtain, build, and install the Judy array library. // I downloaded two patch files from the gentoo site. // // // +files // // tar xf ~/Downloads/Judy-1.0.5.tar.gz // cd judy-1.0.5 // // patch -p0 < ~/Downloads/judy-1.0.5-parallel-make.patch // patch -p1 < ~/Downloads/judy-1.0.5-gcc49.patch // // sed -i 's/automake-1.9/automake/' bootstrap // sed -i 's/AM_CONFIG_HEADER/AC_CONFIG_HEADERS/g' // // ./configure --enable-64-bit // // # Omit passing the -j option to make. It may fail due to paralle +l build. // make // sudo make install // sudo rm /usr/local/lib/ // sudo ldconfig // // Compile on Linux (clang++ or g++): // clang++ -o llil4judy -std=c++20 -fopenmp -Wall -O3 +-I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lJudy // // The g++ command also works with mingw C++ compiler (https://sourcef // that comes bundled with Strawberry Perl (C:\Strawberry\c\bin\g++.ex +e). // // Obtain and from +?node_id=11148681 // perl big1.txt 200 3 1 // perl big2.txt 200 3 1 // perl big3.txt 200 3 1 // perl long1.txt 600 // perl long2.txt 600 // perl long3.txt 600 // // To make random input, obtain from +?node_id=11149800 // perl big1.txt >tmp && mv tmp big1.txt // perl big2.txt >tmp && mv tmp big2.txt // perl big3.txt >tmp && mv tmp big3.txt // // Example run: llil4judy big1.txt big2.txt big3.txt >out.txt // NUM_THREADS=3 llil4judy ... // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ #include <cassert> #include <cstdio> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <ctime> #include <compare> #include <chrono> #include <string> #include <string_view> #include <array> #include <vector> #include <thread> #include <execution> #include <atomic> #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <Judy.h> static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(int64_t), "size_t too small, ne +ed a 64-bit compile"); // Specify 0/1 to use boost's parallel sorting algorithm; faster than +__gnu_parallel::sort. // +lel.html // This requires the boost header files: e.g. devpkg-boost bundle on C +lear Linux. // Note: Another option is downloading and unpacking Boost locally. // (no need to build it because the bits we use are header file only) #define USE_BOOST_PARALLEL_SORT 1 #if USE_BOOST_PARALLEL_SORT #ifdef __clang__ #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow" #include <boost/sort/sort.hpp> #pragma clang diagnostic pop #else #include <boost/sort/sort.hpp> #endif #endif #ifdef _OPENMP #include <omp.h> #endif class spinlock_mutex { // // public: // Assignment is disabled. spinlock_mutex& operator=(const spinlock_mutex& rhs) = delete; void lock() noexcept { for (;;) { if (!, std::memory_order_acquire)) break; while (lock_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) __builtin_ia32_pause(); } } void unlock() noexcept {, std::memory_order_release); } private: alignas(4 * sizeof(std::max_align_t)) std::atomic_bool lock_ = fals +e; }; // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ // Judy wrappers // // The Judy C macros are not compatible with C++, so created wrappers. // One of the difficulties in using the Judy function calls lies in // determining whether to pass a pointer or the address of a pointer. // I looked up the functions in /usr/local/include/Judy.h. // inline PWord_t judysl_ins( Pvoid_t &(array), const char* index ) { return (PWord_t) ::JudySLIns(&(array), (const uint8_t *) index, NUL +L); } inline Word_t judysl_freearray( Pvoid_t &(array) ) { return (Word_t) ::JudySLFreeArray(&(array), NULL); } inline PWord_t judysl_get( Pcvoid_t array, const char* index ) { return (PWord_t) ::JudySLGet(array, (const uint8_t *) index, NULL); } inline PWord_t judysl_first( Pcvoid_t array, char* index ) { return (PWord_t) ::JudySLFirst(array, (uint8_t *) index, NULL); } inline PWord_t judysl_next( Pcvoid_t array, char* index ) { return (PWord_t) ::JudySLNext(array, (uint8_t *) index, NULL); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ typedef uint32_t int_type; // All words in big1.txt, big2.txt, big3.txt are <= 6 chars in length. // big.txt max word length is 6 // long.txt max word length is 208 // // Based on rough benchmarking, the short fixed string hack below is o +nly // worth trying for MAX_STR_LEN_L up to about 30. // See also // // To use (limited length) fixed length strings uncomment the next lin +e. #define MAX_STR_LEN_L (size_t) 12 #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L #include <boost/static_string/static_string.hpp> using hash_type = uint32_t; using str_type = boost::static_strings::basic_static_string<MA +X_STR_LEN_L, char>; #else using hash_type = uint64_t; using str_type = std::basic_string<char>; #endif using str_int_type = std::pair<str_type, int_type>; using vec_str_int_type = std::vector<str_int_type>; // Mimic the Perl get_properties subroutine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ // fast_atoll64 // // c-most-efficient-way-to-convert-string-to-int-faster-than-atoi // convert positive number from string to uint32_t inline uint32_t fast_atoll64(const char* str) { uint32_t val = 0; // int sign = 0; // if (*str == '-') { // sign = 1, ++str; // } uint8_t digit; while ((digit = uint8_t(*str++ - '0')) <= 9) val = val * 10 + digit; // return sign ? -val : val; return val; } // Helper function to find a character. inline char* find_char(char* first, char* last, char c) { while (first != last) { if (*first == c) break; ++first; } return first; } inline constexpr size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 32768; inline constexpr size_t MAX_LINE_LEN = 255; inline constexpr size_t NUM_MAPS = 963; static int64_t get_properties( const char* fname, // in : the input file name const int nthds, // in : the number of threads auto& L, // in : the locks array auto& M, // inout : the maps array auto& T) // inout : the totals array { int64_t num_lines = 0; std::ifstream fin(fname, std::ifstream::binary); if (!fin.is_open()) { std::cerr << "Error opening '" << fname << "' : " << strerror(er +rno) << '\n'; return num_lines; } #pragma omp parallel reduction(+:num_lines) { std::string buf; buf.resize(CHUNK_SIZE + MAX_LINE_LEN + 1, '\0') +; char *first, *last, *found; size_t len, klen, idx; int_type count; PWord_t PValue; hash_type hv; while (fin.good()) { len = 0; // Read the next chunk serially. #pragma omp critical {[0], CHUNK_SIZE); if ((len = fin.gcount()) > 0) { if (buf[len - 1] != '\n' && fin.getline(&buf[len], MAX_ +LINE_LEN)) { // Getline discards the newline char and appends nul +l char. // Therefore, change '\0' to '\n'. len += fin.gcount(); buf[len - 1] = '\n'; } } } if (!len) break; buf[len] = '\0'; first = &buf[0]; last = &buf[len]; // Process max Nthreads chunks concurrently. while (first < last) { char* beg_ptr{first}; first = find_char(first, last, '\n +'); char* end_ptr{first}; ++first, ++num_lines; if ((found = find_char(beg_ptr, end_ptr, '\t')) == end_ptr +) continue; count = fast_atoll64(found + 1); #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L klen = std::min(MAX_STR_LEN_L, (size_t)(found - beg_ptr)); beg_ptr[klen] = '\0'; #else klen = found - beg_ptr; beg_ptr[klen] = '\0'; #endif hv = std::hash<std::basic_string_view<char>>{}( std::basic_string_view<char>{ reinterpret_cast<const ch +ar*>(beg_ptr), klen }); idx = ( ((hv & 0x000000000000ffffULL) << 16) | ((hv & 0x00000000ffff0000ULL) >> 16) ) % NUM_MAPS; if (nthds == 1) { PValue = judysl_get(M[idx], beg_ptr); if (! PValue) { PValue = judysl_ins(M[idx], beg_ptr); ++T[idx]; } (*PValue) += count; } else { L[idx].lock(); PValue = judysl_get(M[idx], beg_ptr); if (! PValue) { PValue = judysl_ins(M[idx], beg_ptr); ++T[idx]; } (*PValue) += count; L[idx].unlock(); } } } } fin.close(); return num_lines; } // Output subroutine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ size_t divide_up(size_t dividend, size_t divisor) { if (dividend % divisor) return (size_t)(dividend / divisor) + 1; else return (size_t)(dividend / divisor); } static void out_properties( const int nthds, // in : the number of threads vec_str_int_type& vec) // in : the vector to output { size_t num_chunks = divide_up(vec.size(), CHUNK_SIZE); int nthds_out = 1; #ifdef _OPENMP nthds_out = std::min(nthds, 32); #endif #pragma omp parallel for ordered schedule(static, 1) num_threads(nt +hds_out) for (size_t chunk_id = 1; chunk_id <= num_chunks; ++chunk_id) { std::string str(""); str.reserve(2048 * 1024); auto it = vec.begin() + (chunk_id - 1) * CHUNK_SIZE; auto it2 = vec.begin() + std::min(vec.size(), chunk_id * CHUNK_S +IZE); for (; it != it2; ++it) { #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L str.append(it->; #else str.append(it->, it->first.size()); #endif str.append("\t", 1); str.append(std::to_string(it->second)); str.append("\n", 1); } #pragma omp ordered std::cout << str << std::flush; } } typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock high_resolution_clock; typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point time_point; typedef std::chrono::milliseconds milliseconds; double elaspe_time( time_point cend, time_point cstart) { return double ( std::chrono::duration_cast<milliseconds>(cend - cstart).count() ) * 1e-3; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +~~~~~~~~~ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { if (argc > 0) std::cerr << "usage: llil4judy file1 file2 ... >out.txt\n"; return 1; } std::cerr << std::setprecision(3) << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fix +ed); #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L std::cerr << "llil4judy (fixed string length=" << MAX_STR_LEN_L << +") start\n"; #else std::cerr << "llil4judy start\n"; #endif #ifdef _OPENMP std::cerr << "use OpenMP\n"; #else std::cerr << "don't use OpenMP\n"; #endif #if USE_BOOST_PARALLEL_SORT == 0 std::cerr << "don't use boost sort\n"; #else std::cerr << "use boost sort\n"; #endif time_point cstart1, cend1, cstart2, cend2, cstart3, cend3s, cend3; cstart1 = high_resolution_clock::now(); #ifdef _OPENMP // Determine the number of threads. const char* env_nthds = std::getenv("NUM_THREADS"); int nthds = ( env_nthds && strlen(env_nthds) ) ? ::atoi(env_nthds) : std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); omp_set_dynamic(false); omp_set_num_threads(nthds); omp_set_max_active_levels(1); int nthds_move = std::min(nthds, 12); #else int nthds = 1; int nthds_move = 1; #endif // Get the list of input files from the command line int nfiles = argc - 1; char** fname = &argv[1]; spinlock_mutex L[NUM_MAPS]; Pvoid_t M[NUM_MAPS]; std::size_t T[NUM_MAPS] {}; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_MAPS; ++i) M[i] = (Pvoid_t) NULL; int64_t num_lines = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i) num_lines += get_properties(fname[i], nthds, L, M, T); int64_t num_keys = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_MAPS; ++i) num_keys += T[i]; cend1 = high_resolution_clock::now(); double ctaken1 = elaspe_time(cend1, cstart1); std::cerr << "get properties " << std::setw(8) << ctaken1 << " + secs\n"; cstart2 = high_resolution_clock::now(); // Store the properties into a vector vec_str_int_type propvec; propvec.resize(num_keys); std::array<vec_str_int_type::iterator, NUM_MAPS> I; I[0] = propvec.begin(); for (size_t i = 1; i < NUM_MAPS; ++i) I[i] = I[i-1] + T[i-1]; #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1) num_threads(nthds_move +) for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_MAPS; ++i) { char index[MAX_LINE_LEN+1]; index[0] = '\0'; PWord_t PValue; auto it = I[i]; PValue = judysl_first(M[i], index); while (PValue != NULL) { *it++ = std::make_pair(index, *PValue); PValue = judysl_next(M[i], index); } } cend2 = high_resolution_clock::now(); double ctaken2 = elaspe_time(cend2, cstart2); std::cerr << "judy to vector " << std::setw(8) << ctaken2 << " + secs\n"; if (!propvec.size()) { std::cerr << "No work, exiting...\n"; return 1; } cstart3 = high_resolution_clock::now(); // Sort the vector by (count) in reverse order, (name) in lexical o +rder auto reverse_order = [](const str_int_type& left, const str_int_typ +e& right) { return left.second != right.second ? left.second > right.second #ifdef MAX_STR_LEN_L : ::memcmp(,, MAX_STR_LEN +_L) < 0; #else : left.first < right.first; #endif }; #if USE_BOOST_PARALLEL_SORT == 0 // Standard sort std::sort(propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order); #else // Parallel sort boost::sort::block_indirect_sort( propvec.begin(), propvec.end(), reverse_order, #ifdef __NVCOMPILER_LLVM__ std::min(nthds, 32) #else nthds #endif ); #endif cend3s = high_resolution_clock::now(); // Output the sorted vector out_properties(nthds, propvec); cend3 = high_resolution_clock::now(); double ctaken = elaspe_time(cend3, cstart1); double ctaken3s = elaspe_time(cend3s, cstart3); double ctaken3o = elaspe_time(cend3, cend3s); std::cerr << "vector stable sort " << std::setw(8) << ctaken3s << +" secs\n"; std::cerr << "write stdout " << std::setw(8) << ctaken3o << +" secs\n"; std::cerr << "total time " << std::setw(8) << ctaken << +" secs\n"; std::cerr << " count lines " << num_lines << "\n"; std::cerr << " count unique " << num_keys << "\n"; // Hack to see Private Bytes in Windows Task Manager // (uncomment next line so process doesn't exit too quickly) // std::this_thread::sleep_for(milliseconds(9000)); return 0; }

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Re^2: Rosetta Code: Long List is Long - JudySL summary
by marioroy (Prior) on Jan 26, 2023 at 20:00 UTC

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