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Re: PERL csv files to Excel

by harangzsolt33 (Chaplain)
on Mar 25, 2023 at 07:01 UTC ( [id://11151187]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to PERL csv files to Excel

Okay, I know you have asked this question several days ago, and maybe you have already found a solution to it. But it inspired me to write a little program that performs this conversion. What's unique about this Perl script is that it does not rely on any Perl modules or external libraries or inline C code. It doesn't even require you to have Windows or Office installed at all. Here is the program:

By the way, it converts one CSV file to one XLSX Excel file, but converting multiple CSV files into one Excel file should be relatively easy with only some slight tweaking.

#!/usr/bin/perl ##################################################################### # # Pure Perl CSV-to-XLSX Converter v1.0 Last Update: 2023.3.24 # # This Perl script converts a CSV file to XSLX format without relying # on any external programs or modules or libraries or inline C code. # That means this program will work regardless of whether you have # Office installed on your PC or whether or not you have a ZIP # compression library or utility. This program will run on Windows, # Linux, MacOS, and even MS-DOS. # # Microsoft Excel 2007 introduced the XLSX file format, which # stores spreadsheets in XML files which are then compressed into # a ZIP file and renamed to XLSX. When creating a ZIP archive, # the user can pick maximum compression, normal compression, fast, # super fast, or no compression. This perl script uses the latter # one, because it's the simplest solution using pure perl. # The only downside is that the resulting XLSX file is going to # be larger than usual. For example, let's say, you have a CSV file # that is 5 KB in size. Excel would convert this to 20 KB XML format # behind the scenes. Then it would compress it to about 5KB and save # it as XLSX. This perl script, however, will simply save it as a # 20KB XLSX file with no compression. # # NOTE: The input CSV file name and its contents may not # contain any Unicode characters! # # Written by Zsolt N. Perry in March 2023, Pensacola, Florida. # Developed with TinyPerl 5.8 on Windows XP. For questions, comments, # feature requests, or bug reports, write to # This file was downloaded from # # THIS ENTIRE SOURCE CODE IS FREEWARE. # If you want to incorporate it or parts of it into your program, # just copy and paste whatever you need! There is no need to ask # for permission. This software is distributed "AS IS." There is # no warranty of any kind. The author will not be held liable for # any loss resulting from the use or misuse of this software. # ##################################################################### use 5.004; use strict; use warnings; $| = 1; ##################################################################### # # All of this will be inserted into the Excel file's header: # my $SHEET = 'Worksheet'; # Name of sheet my $SUBJECT = ''; # Document subject my $TITLE = ''; # Document title my $COMMENTS = ''; # Comments my $KEYWORDS = ''; # Keywords separated by space my $CATEGORY = ''; # Enter a word for category my $AUTHOR = ''; # Person who originally made the document my $EDITOR = ''; # Person who made the most recent changes my $REVISION = ''; # How many edits have been done to this document my $MANAGER = ''; # Name of manager my $COMPANY = ''; # Name of company # The following attributes will apply to ALL cell values: my $FONT = 'Calibri'; # Font name my $TXSIZE = 11; # Font size my $TXCOLOR = '000000'; # Text Color in RRGGBB hex format my $BOLD = 0; # This should be 0 or 1 my $VALIGN = 'center'; # Vertical align within cell my $HALIGN = 'center'; # Horizontal align my $COLWIDTH = 17; # Column width my $ROWHEIGHT = 7; # Row height ##################################################################### # The input file name can be provided in two different ways. # First, the script will check if $F contains a file name. # And if not, then it will check if a file name is provided # as an argument. If not, then it displays the program usage. my $F = ''; # a file name may be specified here # Program header to be displayed: print "\n\n CSV-TO-XLSX Converter", " v1.0 by Zsolt N. Perry (zsnp\", "\n This perl script converts a CSV file to XLSX file format.", "\n\n You are using Perl $] " . (length(pack('P', 0)) << 3), "-bit running on $^O.\n The current local time is " . localtime(), ".\n Script name: $0\n\n ", '-' x 76; if (length($F) == 0) { if (@ARGV == 0) # Display program usage: { print "\n\n Usage: perl <filename.csv>\n\n The ", "output file will have the same name as the original CSV file.\n +", " The only difference is that it will have an .XLSX ending.\n"; exit; } $F = shift(@ARGV); } # Remove illegal characters from input file name. $F =~ tr`<>*%$?\x00-\x1F\"\|``d; # Create output file name. my $XLSXFILE = $F; if ($F =~ m/\.csv$/i) { if ($XLSXFILE =~ m/\.CSV$/) { $XLSXFILE =~ s/\.CSV$/\.XLSX/; } else # CSV -> XLSX { $XLSXFILE =~ s/\.csv$/\.xlsx/i; } # csv -> xlsx } else { $XLSXFILE .= '.xlsx'; } # Add .XLSX extension print "\n\n Reading file: $F "; my $ERR = ''; # Error message my $DATA = ''; # File content will go here. my $FILESIZE = 0; local *INFILE; my $FILEDATE = GetFileDate($F); # Here we set up a try {} catch {} structure using a foreach() loop. # If everything goes well, the foreach() loop will only run once. # First, we open the file for reading, and if everything goes well, # we will exit at the bottom using "last;" # However, if an error occurs, we use "next;" to go back to the # beginning of the loop, and this time we print an # error message and terminate the script. foreach (0, 1) { if ($_) { print "\n\n Error: $ERR\n"; exit; } # Error handler. unless (-e $F) { $ERR = "File not found - $F"; next; } unless (-f $F) { $ERR = "Not a plain file - $F"; next; } $FILESIZE = -s $F; unless (sysopen(INFILE, $F, 0)) # Open file for read only. { $ERR = "Cannot open file for reading - $F"; next; } binmode INFILE; print '(', Commify($FILESIZE), " bytes)\n"; sysread(INFILE, $DATA, $FILESIZE); # Read the entire file. close INFILE; last; } ################################################## # # # Here we convert the CSV file's contents from string to an array. # # $DATA =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; # Convert DOS to Linux style line breaks $DATA =~ s/\r/\n/g; # Convert MacIntosh to Linux style line breaks # Remove strange characters that will not show up in Excel: $DATA =~ tr|\x00-\x09\x0B-\x1F\x7F\x81\x8D\x8F\x90\xA0\xFE\xFF||d; $DATA =~ tr|\x80-\xFF||d; my @LINES = split(/\n/, $DATA); # Move file content into an array undef $DATA; ################################################## # # Here we split the CSV lines and convert the # individual cell values to XLSX spreadsheet structure. # # This "spreadsheet structure" is basically two arrays. # One array holds the cell values, and the other array # holds pointers to those values. It's very simple. # my @STRINGS; # Store each string (cell values) my @REFS; # Store pointers to cell values in this array my $MAXCOL = 0; # Number of columns used my $STRXML = ''; # Strings XML output my $STRCOUNT = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @LINES; $i++) { my $ROW = $i + 1; my @ITEMS = SplitCSV($LINES[$i]); # Convert CSV line to an array $REFS[$i] = ''; for (my $j = 0; $j < @ITEMS; $j++) { my $ITEM = $ITEMS[$j]; # By default, spaces before and after a cell value won't show # up in Excel unless we add the xml:space="preserve"> modifier. # Most of these spaces get into Excel unintentionally anyway, # so we're not going to preserve them. $ITEM =~ s/\A\s+//; # Trim space from the left $ITEM =~ s/\s+\z//; # Trim space from the right # If this value could be better stored as a number, then # we don't want to store it as a string. If we store a value # as a string which happens to be a number, then Excel will # offer to convert it to a number. But we'll try to do that # automatically on our own if it is possible. my $k = 0; # Check each cell value to see if it has been stored already. # And then store a reference to the appropriate @STRINGS element. if (length($ITEM)) { if ($MAXCOL < $j) { $MAXCOL = $j; } # Remember max width for ($k = 0; $k < @STRINGS; $k++) { if ($STRINGS[$k] eq $ITEM) { last; }} if ($k == @STRINGS) # Did not find cell value in @STRINGS? { if (GetExcelType($ITEM) == 0) # Type string? { push(@STRINGS, $ITEM); $STRXML .= '<si><t>' . HTMLQuote($ITEM) . '</t></si>'; $STRCOUNT++; } } } else { $k = ''; } $REFS[$i] .= "$k,"; } } ################################################## # # # Here we will generate two XML files in memory. # The first XML file contains the cell values. # And the second XML file contains the references. # # my $XMLVAL = ''; # This variable will be populated with XML content # that has the cell values. The name of this file # will be s.xml, but it will never be saved to disk # as an individual file. We will write everything # into an XLSX file at the end when we're done. my $XMLREF = ''; # This variable will be populated with XML content # that contains references. The name of this file wil +l # be called 1.xml, but it will not be written to disk # as an individual file. We will write everything # into an XLSX file at the end when we're done. map { s/\&/\&amp\;/g } @STRINGS; # Replace "&" with "&amp;" map { s/\</\&lt\;/g } @STRINGS; # Replace "<" with "&lt;" map { s/\>/\&gt\;/g } @STRINGS; # Replace ">" with "&gt;" map { s/\"/\&quot\;/g } @STRINGS; # Replace '"' with "&quot;" $XMLVAL = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><sst + xmlns='' un +iqueCount='$STRCOUNT'>$STRXML</sst>"; # Okay, this XML file is ready to go. # Next we will work on the references file. my $ROWS = @REFS; my $COLS = GetColumnLetter($MAXCOL); my $RANGE = 'A1:' . $COLS . $ROWS; $XMLREF = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>\n" . "<worksheet xml:space='preserve' xmlns='http://schemas.openxmlform' xmlns:r='http://schemas.openxmlforma' xmlns:xdr='http://schemas.o' xmlns:x14='http: +//' xmlns:mc='h +ttp://' mc:Ignora +ble='x14ac' xmlns:x14ac=' +eetml/2009/9/ac'>" . "<sheetPr><outlinePr summaryBelow='1' summaryRight='1'/></sheetPr> +" . "<dimension ref='$RANGE'/><sheetViews><sheetView tabSelected='1' w +orkbookViewId='0' showGridLines='true' showRowColHeaders='1'><selecti +on activeCell='A1' sqref='A1'/></sheetView></sheetViews>" . "<sheetFormatPr customHeight='false' defaultRowHeight='22' default +ColWidth='16' outlineLevelRow='0' outlineLevelCol='0'/><sheetData>"; for (my $i = 0; $i < @REFS; $i++) { my $ROW = $i + 1; my @VAL = SplitCSV($LINES[$i]); # Convert CSV line to an array my @ITEMS = split(/,/, $REFS[$i]); my $SPAN = @ITEMS; my $COMMAS = $LINES[$i] =~ tr|,|,|; # Count number of commas in thi +s my $EMPTY = $COMMAS == length($REFS[$i]); if ($EMPTY) { next; } $XMLREF .= "<row r='$ROW' spans='1:$SPAN'>"; for (my $j = 0; $j < @VAL; $j++) { my $COL = GetColumnLetter($j); # Column my $REF = "$COL$ROW"; # Cell reference my $VAL = $VAL[$j]; length($VAL) or next; # If value is blank, it's empty cel +l my $PTR = $ITEMS[$j]; # String pointer my $TYPE = GetExcelType($VAL); unless (defined $PTR && length($PTR)) { $PTR = 1; } if ($TYPE == 0) # Write string: { $XMLREF .= "<c r='$REF' s='1' t='s'><v>$PTR</v></c>"; } elsif ($TYPE == 1) # Write number: { $XMLREF .= "<c r='$REF' s='1'><v>$VAL</v></c>"; } elsif ($TYPE == 2) # Write formula: { $XMLREF .= "<c r='$REF' s='1' t='s'><f>$VAL</f></c>"; } } $XMLREF .= '</row>'; } $XMLREF .= "</sheetData><printOptions headings='false' gridLines='fals +e' gridLinesSet='true' horizontalCentered='false' verticalCentered='f +alse'/><pageMargins left='0.7' right='0.7' top='0.7' bottom='0.7' hea +der='0.5' footer='0.5'/><pageSetup paperSize='1' scale='100' firstPag +eNumber='1' fitToWidth='1' fitToHeight='1' pageOrder='downThenOver' o +rientation='portrait' usePrinterDefaults='false' blackAndWhite='false +' draft='false' cellComments='none' useFirstPageNumber='true' horizon +talDpi='300' verticalDpi='300' copies='1'/><headerFooter differentFir +st='false' differentOddEven='false'><oddHeader></oddHeader><oddFooter +></oddFooter></headerFooter></worksheet>"; # Add date created and date modified... my $CORE = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>" . "<cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp=' +ckage/2006/metadata/core-properties' " . "xmlns:dc='' xmlns:dcterms='http:/ +/' " . "xmlns:dcmitype='' xmlns:xsi='http://w'>" . "<dcterms:created xsi:type='dcterms:W3CDTF'>$FILEDATE</dcterms:cre +ated>" . "<dcterms:modified xsi:type='dcterms:W3CDTF'>$FILEDATE</dcterms:mo +dified>" . (length($REVISION) ? '<cp:revision>' . HTMLQuote($REVISION) +. '</cp:revision>' : '') . (length($AUTHOR) ? '<dc:creator>' . HTMLQuote($AUTHOR) +. '</dc:creator>' : '') . (length($TITLE) ? '<dc:title>' . HTMLQuote($TITLE) +. '</dc:title>' : '') . (length($EDITOR) ? '<cp:lastModifiedBy>' . HTMLQuote($EDITOR) +. '</cp:lastModifiedBy>' : '') . (length($COMMENTS) ? '<dc:description>' . HTMLQuote($COMMENTS) +. '</dc:description>' : '') . (length($SUBJECT) ? '<dc:subject>' . HTMLQuote($SUBJECT) +. '</dc:subject>' : '') . (length($KEYWORDS) ? '<cp:keywords>' . HTMLQuote($KEYWORDS) +. '</cp:keywords>' : '') . (length($CATEGORY) ? '<cp:category>' . HTMLQuote($CATEGORY) +. '</cp:category>' : '') . '</cp:coreProperties>'; my $APP = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>" . "<Properties xmlns=' +nt/2006/extended-properties' " . "xmlns:vt=' +ocPropsVTypes'>" . "<TotalTime>0</TotalTime>" . "<Application>Microsoft Excel</Application>" . "<DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity>" . "<ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop>" . "<HeadingPairs>" . "<vt:vector size='2' baseType='variant'>" . "<vt:variant><vt:lpstr>Worksheets</vt:lpstr></vt:variant>" . "<vt:variant><vt:i4>1</vt:i4></vt:variant>" . "</vt:vector>" . "</HeadingPairs>" . "<TitlesOfParts>" . "<vt:vector size='1' baseType='lpstr'>" . "<vt:lpstr>Worksheet</vt:lpstr>" . "</vt:vector>" . "</TitlesOfParts>" . "<Company>$COMPANY</Company>" . "<Manager>$MANAGER</Manager>" . "<LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate>" . "<SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc>" . "<HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged>" . "<AppVersion>12.0000</AppVersion> " . "</Properties>"; my $STYLES = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>" . "<styleSheet xml:space='preserve' xmlns='http://schemas.openxmlfor'>" . "<numFmts count='0'/><fonts count='2'><font><b val='$BOLD'/><i val +='0'/><strike val='0'/>" . "<u val='none'/><sz val='$TXSIZE'/><color rgb='FF$TXCOLOR'/><name +val='$FONT'/></font>" . "<font><b val='$BOLD'/><i val='0'/><strike val='0'/><u val='none'/ +><sz val='$TXSIZE'/>" . "<color rgb='FF$TXCOLOR'/><name val='$FONT'/></font></fonts>" . "<fills count='2'><fill><patternFill patternType='none'/></fill>" . "<fill><patternFill patternType='gray125'><fgColor rgb='FFFFFFFF'/ +>" . "<bgColor rgb='FF000000'/></patternFill></fill></fills><borders co +unt='1'><border/></borders>" . "<cellStyleXfs count='1'><xf numFmtId='0' fontId='0' fillId='0' bo +rderId='0'/></cellStyleXfs>" . "<cellXfs count='3'><xf xfId='0' fontId='0' numFmtId='0' fillId='0 +' borderId='0' applyFont='0' " . "applyNumberFormat='0' applyFill='0' applyBorder='0' applyAlignmen +t='0' applyProtection='true'>" . "<alignment horizontal='general' vertical='bottom' textRotation='0 +' wrapText='false' shrinkToFit='false'/>" . "<protection hidden='false'/></xf><xf xfId='0' fontId='1' numFmtId +='49' fillId='0' borderId='0' applyFont='1' " . "applyNumberFormat='1' applyFill='0' applyBorder='0' applyAlignmen +t='1' applyProtection='true'>" . "<alignment horizontal='$HALIGN' vertical='$VALIGN' textRotation=' +0' wrapText='false' shrinkToFit='false'/>" . "<protection hidden='false'/></xf><xf xfId='0' fontId='1' numFmtId +='49' fillId='0' borderId='0' applyFont='1' " . "applyNumberFormat='1' applyFill='0' applyBorder='0' applyAlignmen +t='1' applyProtection='true'>" . "<alignment horizontal='$HALIGN' vertical='$VALIGN' textRotation=' +0' wrapText='false' shrinkToFit='false'/>" . "<protection hidden='false'/></xf></cellXfs><cellStyles count='1'> +" . "<cellStyle name='Normal' xfId='0' builtinId='0'/></cellStyles><dx +fs count='0'/>" . "<tableStyles defaultTableStyle='TableStyleMedium9' defaultPivotSt +yle='PivotTableStyle1'/></styleSheet>"; my $MAIN = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><Ty +pes xmlns=' +es'><Override PartName='/y.xml' ContentType='application/vnd.openxmlf +ormats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml'/><Default Extension=' +rels' ContentType='application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationshi +ps+xml'/><Default Extension='xml' ContentType='application/xml'/><Ove +rride PartName='/w.xml' ContentType='application/vnd.openxmlformats-o +fficedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml'/><Override PartName='/a.x +ml' ContentType='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extend +ed-properties+xml'/><Override PartName='/c.xml' ContentType='applicat +ion/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml'/><Override PartNa +me='/1.xml' ContentType='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocumen +t.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml'/><Override PartName='/s.xml' ContentTy +pe='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.share +dStrings+xml'/></Types>"; my $WREL = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><Re +lationships xmlns=' +ationships'><Relationship Id='rId1' Type='http://schemas.openxmlforma' Target='y.xml'/><Rel +ationship Id='rId3' Type=' +ument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings' Target='s.xml'/><Relationship + Id='rId4' Type=' +6/relationships/worksheet' Target='1.xml'/></Relationships>"; my $RELS = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><Re +lationships xmlns=' +ationships'><Relationship Id='rId1' Type='http://schemas.openxmlforma' Target='w.xm +l'/><Relationship Id='rId2' Type=' +ackage/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties' Target='c.xml'/>< +Relationship Id='rId3' Type=' +Document/2006/relationships/extended-properties' Target='a.xml'/></Re +lationships>"; my $BOOK = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><wo +rkbook xml:space='preserve' xmlns=' +spreadsheetml/2006/main' xmlns:r=' +fficeDocument/2006/relationships'><fileVersion appName='xl' lastEdite +d='4' lowestEdited='4' rupBuild='4505'/><workbookPr codeName='ThisWor +kbook'/><bookViews><workbookView activeTab='0' autoFilterDateGrouping +='true' firstSheet='0' minimized='false' showHorizontalScroll='true' +showSheetTabs='true' showVerticalScroll='true' tabRatio='600' visibil +ity='visible'/></bookViews><sheets><sheet name='$SHEET' sheetId='1' r +:id='rId4'/></sheets><definedNames/><calcPr calcId='999999' calcMode= +'auto' calcCompleted='1' fullCalcOnLoad='0' forceFullCalc='0'/></work +book>"; # Okay, at this point, all the XML file content is ready to go. # We just need to pack all this into a ZIP file, and we're done! # Now, I am not sure how ZIP files store the file date and time, # so I'll just use these constant values to set the date and time. # The file date and time doesn't really matter. I think, it will # never be seen by anyone, so it doesn't matter what this is as # long as it works. Ideally, it would be nice if $MDATE and $MTIME # reflected the last modified time of the CSV file, but who cares... my $MDATE = 0x2806; # This is set to 3/22/2023 5:00 AM my $MTIME = 0x5676; CreateZipArchive($XLSXFILE, '[Content_Types].xml', $MAIN, '_rels/w.xml.rels', $WREL, '_rels/.rels', $RELS, 's.xml', $XMLVAL, 'a.xml', $APP, 'c.xml', $CORE, 'y.xml', $STYLES, '1.xml', $XMLREF, 'w.xml', $BOOK) and print '(', Commify(-s $XLSXFILE), " bytes)\n\n SUCCESS!\n\n"; exit; ################################################## # Excel | v2023.3.22 # This function decides how a value should be stored # in Excel. Returns: # 0=value should be stored as a string # 1=value should be stored as a number # 2=value should be stored as a formula # # Usage: INTEGER = GetExcelType(STRING) # sub GetExcelType { my $S = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : ''; # Check the length of string. my $L = length($S); $L or return 0; if (substr($S, 0, 1) eq '=') { return 2; } $L < 16 or return 0; # String must contain only these characters: if ($S =~ m/[^0-9\.\,\-\+\(\)\$]+/) { return 0; } # Now, let's replace all digits with letter 'N' and # replace all plus signs with a minus. $S =~ tr|\+0123456789|\-NNNNNNNNNN|; my $DIGITS = $S =~ tr|N|N|; # Count all digits 0-9 $DIGITS && $DIGITS < 12 or return 0; $S =~ tr|,||d; # Remove all commas $S =~ tr|N||s; # Remove multiple consecutive 'N's # So, we end up with a pattern string, # and now we try to see if it matches any of these: my $OK = '|N|N.N|.N|N.|-N|-N.N|-.N|-N.|(N)|(N.N)|(.N)|(N.)|$N|$N.N|$ +.N|$N.|-$N|-$N.N|-$.N|-$N.|($N)|($N.N)|($.N)|($N.)|'; return (index($OK, "|$S|") < 0) ? 0 : 1; } ################################################## # Excel | v2023.3.20 # This function converts a number to Excel column # letters such as 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, and so forth... # The maximum number of columns in Excel is 16,384 # which is column XFE. The upper limit of this # function is 18,277 which is ZZZ. Any number # greater than this will produce 'AAAA' as output. # # Usage: STRING = GetColumnLetter(INTEGER) # sub GetColumnLetter { no warnings; my $c = defined $_[0] ? int($_[0]) : 0; use warnings; $c > 0 or return 'A'; $c > 25 or return chr($c + 65); my $PREFIX = ''; my $LIMIT = 17601; for (my $i = 90; $i > 64; $i--) # Calculate three-letter prefix { if ($c > $LIMIT) { $PREFIX = chr($i); $c -= $LIMIT - 25; last; } $LIMIT -= 676; } if ($c < 702) # Calculate 1-letter and 2-letter columns. { $LIMIT = 52; for (my $i = 65; $i < 91; $i++) { if ($c < $LIMIT) { return $PREFIX . chr($i) . chr($c + 91 - $LIMIT); } $LIMIT += 26; } } return 'AAAA'; } ################################################## # This function inserts commas into a number at # every 3 digits and returns a string. # Usage: STRING = Commify(INTEGER) # Copied from # sub Commify { my $N = reverse $_[0]; $N =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g; return scalar reverse $N; } ################################################## # String | v2023.3.18 # Thie function calculates a 32-bit CRC for any string. # This was written by Eli Billauer ( # All I did was change the name of the sub. I copied it from: # # Thank you very much! :-) # # Usage: INTEGER = GetCRC32(STRING) # sub GetCRC32 { my ($input, $init_value, $polynomial) = @_; $init_value = 0 unless (defined $init_value); $polynomial = 0xedb88320 unless (defined $polynomial); my @lookup_table; for (my $i=0; $i<256; $i++) { my $x = $i; for (my $j=0; $j<8; $j++) { if ($x & 1) { $x = ($x >> 1) ^ $polynomial; } else { $x = $x >> 1; } } push @lookup_table, $x; } my $crc = $init_value ^ 0xffffffff; foreach my $x (unpack ('C*', $input)) { $crc = (($crc >> 8) & 0xffffff) ^ $lookup_table[ ($crc ^ $x) & 0xf +f ]; } return $crc ^ 0xffffffff; } ################################################## # CSV | v2023.3.20 # Splits a single line from a CSV file along commas # and returns a list of strings. # # Usage: LIST = SplitCSV(STRING) # sub SplitCSV { my @LIST; my $L = defined $_[0] ? length($_[0]) : 0; my $ITEM = ''; my $QUOTED = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $L; $i++) { my $c = vec($_[0], $i, 8); if ($c == 34) # Quote { $QUOTED++; $c = ($QUOTED == 3) ? 34 : 0; if ($QUOTED > 2) { $QUOTED = 1; } } elsif ($QUOTED == 2) { $QUOTED = 0; } if ($c == 44) # Comma { unless ($QUOTED) { push(@LIST, $ITEM); $ITEM = ''; $c = 0; } } elsif ($c < 32 || $c > 253) { $c == 9 or $c = 0; } # Special char +s $c and $ITEM .= chr($c); } length($ITEM) and push(@LIST, $ITEM); undef $ITEM; return @LIST; } ################################################## # File | v2022.11.8 # Creates and overwrites a file in binary mode. # If the file has already existed, it erases the # old content and replaces it with the new content. # Returns 1 on success or 0 if something went wrong. # # Usage: STATUS = CreateFile(FILENAME, CONTENT) # sub CreateFile { my $F = defined $_[0] ? shift : ''; $F =~ tr/\x00-\x1F\"\|*%$?<>//d; # Remove illegal characters. local *FILE; open(FILE, ">$F") or return 0; binmode FILE; foreach (@_) { defined $_ and length($_) and print FILE $_; } close FILE; -e $F or return 0; # File exists? -f $F or return 0; # It's a plain file? return 1; } ################################################## # HTML | v2023.3.23 # This function converts text containing the following # characters to safe HTML code: " < > & # # Usage: STRING = HTMLQuote(STRING) # sub HTMLQuote { my $S = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : ''; $S =~ s/\&/\&amp\;/g; # Replace "&" with "&amp;" $S =~ s/\</\&lt\;/g; # Replace "<" with "&lt;" $S =~ s/\>/\&gt\;/g; # Replace ">" with "&gt;" $S =~ s/\"/\&quot\;/g; # Replace '"' with "&quot;" return $S; } ################################################## # Time | v2023.3.23 # This function converts a file date given in seconds # to "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ" format as expected in # the Excel XML file. # # Usage: STRING = GetFileDate(INTEGER) # sub GetFileDate { my @INFO = stat($_[0]); my $FILEDATE = $INFO[9]; @INFO = localtime($FILEDATE); my $YYYY = $INFO[5] + 1900; my $MM = $INFO[4]; my $DD = $INFO[3]; my $HR = $INFO[2]; my $MIN = $INFO[1]; my $SEC = $INFO[0]; my $DATE = sprintf('%0.4d-%0.2d-%0.2d', $YYYY, $MM, $DD); my $TIME = sprintf('%0.2d:%0.2d:%0.2d', $HR, $MIN, $SEC); return "${DATE}T${TIME}Z"; } ################################################## # ZIP | v2023.3.23 # This function converts a file name and file content # into a single ZIP sub-package that can be inserted # straight into a ZIP file. It returns the ZIP content # and the CRC-32 number that was calculated. # Usage: (ZIPSTRING, CRC) = CreateSingleZip(FILENAME, CONTENT) # sub CreateSingleZip { my $FILENAME = $_[0]; my $CRC = GetCRC32($_[1]); my $MARKER = "PK\3\4"; my $MINVER = 20; my $FLAGS = 0; my $COMPR = 0; # Using no compression my $REALSIZE = length($_[1]); # Uncompressed size my $COMPSIZE = $REALSIZE; # Compressed size is the same my $NAME = $_[0]; my $EXTRA = ''; my $XLEN = length($EXTRA); my $NAMELEN = length($NAME); return ($MARKER . pack('v5V3vv', $MINVER, $FLAGS, $COMPR, $MDATE, $MTIME, $CRC, $COMPSIZE, $REALSIZE, $NAMELEN, $XLEN) . $NAME . $EXTRA . $_[1], $CRC); } ################################################## # ZIP | v2023.3.24 # This function builds an archive and saves it # to a ZIP file. The first argument should be the # name of the zip file. The files to be added to # the ZIP archive must be provided in the arguments. # The files must reside in the memory already. # # Usage: CreateZipArchive(ZIPFILE, <- name of ZIP file to be created # # FILENAME, <- file name to be saved # CONTENT, <- file content as a string # # FILENAME, # CONTENT, # # ... ) # sub CreateZipArchive { @_ > 2 or return 0; my $ZIPFILE = shift; my $OUTPUT = ''; my $MAINDIR = ''; my $FILECOUNT = 0; my $i = 0; while ($i < @_) { $FILECOUNT++; my $NAME = $_[$i++]; my $CONTENT = $_[$i++]; my ($ZIPUNIT, $CRC) = CreateSingleZip($NAME, $CONTENT); my $P = length($OUTPUT); $OUTPUT .= $ZIPUNIT; $MAINDIR .= "PK\1\2" # Central directory header signature . pack('v6V3v5VV', 20, # 2 BYTES: Version made by 10, # 2 BYTES: Version needed to extract (minimum) 0, # 2 BYTES: Flags 0, # 2 BYTES: Compression method (Store) $MDATE, # 2 BYTES: File last modified date $MTIME, # 2 BYTES: File last modified time $CRC, # 4 BYTES: CRC-32 length($CONTENT), # 4 BYTES: Compressed size length($CONTENT), # 4 BYTES: Uncompressed size length($NAME), # 2 BYTES: File name length 0, # 2 BYTES: Extra field length 0, # 2 BYTES: File comment length 0, # 2 BYTES: Disk number where file starts 0, # 2 BYTES: Internal file attributes 0, # 4 BYTES: External file attributes $P) # 4 BYTES: File pointer to local file header . $NAME; } my $PP = length($OUTPUT); my $EOCD = "PK\5\6" . pack('vvvvVVv', 0, # 2 BYTES: Number of this disk 0, # 2 BYTES: Disk where central directory starts $FILECOUNT, # 2 BYTES: Number of central directory records here $FILECOUNT, # 2 BYTES: Number of central directory records total length($MAINDIR), # 4 BYTES: Size of central directory (bytes) $PP, # 4 BYTES: File pointer to central directory 0); # 2 BYTES: ZIP file comment length print "\n Writing : $ZIPFILE "; CreateFile($ZIPFILE, $OUTPUT . $MAINDIR . $EOCD); } ##################################################

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Re^2: PERL csv files to Excel
by kcott (Archbishop) on Mar 25, 2023 at 07:52 UTC
    "What's unique about this Perl script is that it does not rely on any Perl modules ..."

    The first three lines of code:

    use 5.004; use strict; use warnings;


    $ corelist warnings Data for 2022-05-27 warnings was first released with perl v5.6.0

    So, clearly this will not work with Perl 5.004. If you're going to assert a minimum version, ensure you have tested with that version.

    On an unrelated note, please stop messing with colours. I'm pretty sure that you've been pointed to "Writeup Formatting Tips" in the past; if not, or if you didn't read it, please do read it, paying particular attention to the Don't get carried away section (near the end). What it says there about <font> tags applies equally to bgcolor attributes. Putting your <code> content inside a <table> with BGCOLOR=66CCDD is not a clever way to exploit what perhaps you considered a loophole.

    If you want to see fancy colours when viewing code, go to your Display Settings and set up appropriate CSS. Don't force your preferences on others.

    — Ken

      Okay, I removed the colors.

      Yes, I know. To make it work, I added a dummy file into the lib directory of perl called and it has a number 1 in it. So, that way I can leave the warnings in it yet will work on old Perl! Yes, maybe I should clarify that. Right? But I figured that the number of people who would need that advice is really small. I could probably count on one hand how many will run this code using an old perl interpreter. And of course, when they try it, it's going to say that there is no such thing us Now, at this point, I hope these guys will use their brilliant mind to either remove the first line where warnings is mentioned or they'll add a fake file like I have.

        "Okay, I removed the colors."

        But you have failed to add an Update: indicating this change. Please reread "How do I change/delete my post?" which will explain that to you; in particular, note the It is uncool to update a node in a way that renders replies confusing or meaningless section. I recall we had this discussion last month: "Re^2: Error handling in a module".

        "To make it work, I added a dummy file into the lib directory of perl called ..."

        So, your code relies on this addition of a "dummy" pragmatic module; however, your post still retains the statement "... it does not rely on any Perl modules ..." which you should correct.

        I suggest you look at $^W which was available in Perl 5.004 (see$^W).

        If you are going to present code to run on ancient versions of Perl — 5.004 was released 26 years ago; see perlhist — please state that clearly near the start of your post. As it stands, you have to scroll through an entire screenful of comments to find 'use 5.004;'.

        Please reread "Writeup Formatting Tips"; this time paying attention to the Use <readmore> tags in long posts section. The code you posted takes up 14 screenfuls on my 27" monitor; probably many more for those with smaller devices. Please be considerate of your fellow monks.

        — Ken

        A reply falls below the community's threshold of quality. You may see it by logging in.
Re^2: PERL csv files to Excel
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 25, 2023 at 11:28 UTC
    You've done a really bad job at trying to deliver one thing, badly reinventing wheels. Why would a non-masochist use anything like this?
      I don't know. The goal is to get an XLSX file. Is it not? This thing does the job right. In the next version, I may add an LZW compressor written in pure Perl to deliver smaller content. :-)

        As is often the case in such cases, i'm the person with the strange opinion here. I like what you have done here.

        No, that the code itself. There are better ways, like using tested and more feature-complete modules instead of your messy spaghetti code.

        What i like is that you took the initiative, looked into how the file format actually works and in the process learned something!

        And what's more: I learned something: I could stuff the generation of Excel files into some Template Toolkit file(*), damn the incompatibilities and full speed ahead. If someone uses Excel, they are used to pain and suffering and random error messages popping up anyway.

        (*) Which would come in quite handy if i could pull that off. That would mean i get relatively "free" XLSX generation in one of my web tools without having to implement a second data handling module.

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