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Re: column replacement evaluation on dataset

by choroba (Cardinal)
on May 24, 2023 at 15:37 UTC ( [id://11152402]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to column replacement evaluation on dataset

I'm not sure what the expected output is, but I'll probably avoid using eval.
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw{ say }; sub evaluate_row { my ($rules, $row) = @_; for my $column (keys %$row) { if (exists $rules->{$column}) { return 0 unless $rules->{$column}($row->{$column}); } } return 1 } sub is_greater_to_0 { $_[0] > 0 } sub is_even { 0 == $_[0] % 2 } my $rules = {a => \&is_greater_to_0, b => \&is_even}; my @rows = ({a => 1, b => 2}, {a => 0, b => 2}, {a => 1, b => 3}, {a => 0, b => 3}); for my $row (@rows) { say evaluate_row($rules, $row) ? 'ACCEPTED' : 'REJECTED'; }

In fact, as you'll probably use the same rules for all the rows, initialising an object with the rules as the constructor argument makes even more sense. It moves us a bit farther from the initial example, but here it is:

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw{ say }; { package My::RowChecker; sub new { my ($class, $rules) = @_; die 'Rules should be a hash' unless ref {} eq ref $rules; return bless {rules => $rules}, $class } sub check { my ($self, $row) = @_; for my $column (keys %$row) { if (exists $self->{rules}{$column}) { return 0 unless $self->{rules}{$column}($row->{$column +}); } } return 1 } } sub is_greater_to_0 { $_[0] > 0 } sub is_even { 0 == $_[0] % 2 } my $checker = 'My::RowChecker'->new({a => \&is_greater_to_0, b => \&is_even}); my @rows = ({a => 1, b => 2}, {a => 0, b => 2}, {a => 1, b => 3}, {a => 0, b => 3}); for my $row (@rows) { say $checker->check($row) ? 'ACCEPTED' : 'REJECTED'; }

You can also use an object orientation system to implement the class, e.g. Moo:

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw{ say }; { package My::RowChecker; use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( HashRef CodeRef ); has rules => (is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => HashRef[CodeRef]); sub check { my ($self, $row) = @_; for my $column (keys %$row) { if (exists $self->rules->{$column}) { return 0 unless $self->rules->{$column}($row->{$column +}); } } return 1 } } sub is_greater_to_0 { $_[0] > 0 } sub is_even { 0 == $_[0] % 2 } my $checker = 'My::RowChecker'->new(rules => {a => \&is_greater_to_0, b => \&is_even}); my @rows = ({a => 1, b => 2}, {a => 0, b => 2}, {a => 1, b => 3}, {a => 0, b => 3}); for my $row (@rows) { say $checker->check($row) ? 'ACCEPTED' : 'REJECTED'; }

Updated: Used named subs.
Update 2: Added the OO examples.

map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]

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