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Re^3: Threads From Hell #3: Missing Some Basic Prerequisites

by marioroy (Prior)
on Jun 02, 2015 at 04:21 UTC ( [id://1128702]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Threads From Hell #3: Missing Some Basic Prerequisites
in thread Threads From Hell #3: Missing Some Basic Prerequisites [Solved]

Update: See this post for a faster version. A MCE + Inline::C demonstration is also included.

Parallelism is possible with just one line of code for the next demonstration. As in the previous examples, am using the sequence generator with chunk_size set to 1. Thus, $_ is the next sequence number when specifying chunk_size => 1.

mce_flow_s sub { draw_line($_) }, 0, $h - 1;

Folks will be pleased to know that this will work for non-threads in the upcoming MCE 1.7 release with MCE::Shared. One simply replaces ( use threads; use threads::shared ) with ( use MCE::Shared ) and ( my @picture : shared; ) with ( my @picture : Shared; ). That's all.

The code outputs the image in pbm format.

# synopsis: perl 1024 > image.pbm # # # mandelbrot/mandelbrot.perl # # The Computer Language Benchmarks Game # # # contributed by Mykola Zubach # shorten by Mario Roy from using MCE use strict; use threads; use threads::shared; use MCE::Flow chunk_size => 1, max_workers => 'auto'; use constant MAXITER => 50; use constant LIMIT => 4.0; use constant XMIN => -1.5; use constant YMIN => -1; use constant WHITE => "\0"; use constant BLACK => "\001"; my ($w, $h, $invN); my @picture : shared; sub draw_line($) { my $y = shift; my $line; my $Ci = $y * $invN + YMIN; X: for my $x (0 .. $w - 1) { my ($Zr, $Zi, $Tr, $Ti); my $Cr = $x * $invN + XMIN; for (1 .. MAXITER) { $Zi = $Zi * 2 * $Zr + $Ci; $Zr = $Tr - $Ti + $Cr; $Ti = $Zi * $Zi; $Tr = $Zr * $Zr; if ($Tr + $Ti > LIMIT) { $line .= WHITE; next X; } } $line .= BLACK; } $picture[$y] = pack 'B*', $line; } ## MAIN() $w = $h = shift || 200; $invN = 2 / $w; mce_flow_s sub { draw_line($_) }, 0, $h - 1; binmode STDOUT; print "P4\n$w $h\n"; # PBM image header print @picture;

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