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Re^5: How to match more than 32766 times in regex?

by davido (Cardinal)
on Dec 01, 2015 at 21:48 UTC ( [id://1149082]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: How to match more than 32766 times in regex?
in thread How to match more than 32766 times in regex?

Matching a pattern across a 32767-length boundary is probably not the best solution. It feels like looking looking for nails because you have a hammer. Here's a solution that avoids quantifiers. I'm not going to take the time to test the speed of this algorithm. If it's not fast enough, drop into Inline::C and prefer a non-regex means of detecting boundaries.

use strict; use warnings; for (1 .. 25) { my $digits = join '', map {int rand 2} 1 .. 100_000; my ($pos, $len) = longest($digits); my $substr = substr($digits, $pos, $len); printf "%02d: At position (%6d), length (%6d) => $substr\n", $_, $ +pos, $len; } sub longest { my ($seq, $lastpos, $maxpos, $maxlen) = (shift, 0, 0, 0); while ($seq =~ m/(.)(?!\1)/g) { my $p = pos $seq; my $len = $p - $lastpos; $lastpos = $p; if ($len > $maxlen) { $maxlen = $len; $maxpos = $p-$len; } } return $maxpos, $maxlen; } __END__ 01: At position ( 54044), length ( 18) => 111111111111111111 02: At position ( 22821), length ( 15) => 000000000000000 03: At position ( 84563), length ( 18) => 111111111111111111 04: At position ( 97707), length ( 18) => 000000000000000000 05: At position ( 2567), length ( 16) => 1111111111111111 06: At position ( 31038), length ( 18) => 111111111111111111 07: At position ( 73339), length ( 16) => 0000000000000000 08: At position ( 26644), length ( 19) => 0000000000000000000 09: At position ( 9906), length ( 21) => 111111111111111111111 10: At position ( 50662), length ( 15) => 111111111111111 11: At position ( 86843), length ( 15) => 111111111111111 12: At position ( 15995), length ( 16) => 0000000000000000 13: At position ( 4399), length ( 15) => 000000000000000 14: At position ( 25401), length ( 19) => 0000000000000000000 15: At position ( 65784), length ( 21) => 000000000000000000000 16: At position ( 37043), length ( 14) => 00000000000000 17: At position ( 63608), length ( 18) => 111111111111111111 18: At position ( 69870), length ( 17) => 00000000000000000 19: At position ( 20108), length ( 18) => 000000000000000000 20: At position ( 33099), length ( 19) => 1111111111111111111 21: At position ( 40355), length ( 17) => 00000000000000000 22: At position ( 98429), length ( 18) => 000000000000000000 23: At position ( 43568), length ( 16) => 1111111111111111 24: At position ( 71050), length ( 16) => 0000000000000000 25: At position ( 45697), length ( 19) => 0000000000000000000

This scales up to any string size and any greatest-common-substring size. In other words, '1' x (100000) is not a problem. By doing away with the use of the regex altogether, and by eliminating the use of substr, it could even be adapted to work with infinite streams of digits.


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Re^6: How to match more than 32766 times in regex?
by Anonymous Monk on Dec 01, 2015 at 22:38 UTC
    Hm, I don't know what it has to do with alternating substrings, but here's another version of your program :)
    use strict; use warnings; use List::Util 'reduce'; for (1 .. 25) { my $digits = join '', map {int rand 2} 1 .. 100_000; my $substr = longest($digits); printf "%02d: At position (%6d), length (%6d) => $substr\n", $_, index($digits, $substr), length($substr); } sub longest { return reduce { length($a) > length($b) ? $a : $b; } split /(?<=0)(?=1)|(?<=1)(?=0)/, $_[0]; }
    Works a bit faster, too.

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