exilepanda has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear monks, I have few files as follow:

package MyTest::Base; use strict; no autovivification; sub new { bless {}, shift; } sub chkAccessRight { my $self = shift; print "Base chkAccessRight @_$/"; my ( $usr, $service ) = @_ ; return 1; } sub tryAccess { my $self = shift; print "Base tryAccess @_$/"; my ( $usr, $service ) = @_ ; return $self -> chkAccessRight ( $usr => $service ) ; } 1;

package MyTest::Lite; no autovivification; use parent 'MyTest::Base'; use strict; sub new { my $self = shift; my $parent = $self -> SUPER::new ; return bless { Parent => $parent, @_} , $self; } sub chkAccessRight { my $self = shift; print "Lite chkAccessRight @_$/"; if ( $self -> {Usr} ) { return $self->{Parent}->SUPER::chkAccessRight ( $self->{Usr} , + shift ) ; } else { return $self->{Parent}->SUPER::chkAccessRight ( @_ ) ; } return 1; } sub tryAccess { my $self = shift; print "Lite tryAccess @_$/"; if ( $self -> {Usr} ) { return $self->{Parent}->SUPER::tryAccess ( $self->{Usr} , shif +t ) ; } else { return $self->{Parent}->SUPER::tryAccess ( @_) ; } } 1;

use MyTest::Lite; use strict; my $lite = new MyTest::Lite ( Usr => 'guest') ; $lite -> chkAccessRight ( "app2" ) ; print "======================$/"; $lite -> tryAccess ( "app1" );

And run the, I got this output:

Can't call method "SUPER::chkAccessRight" on an undefined value at MyT +est/ line 19. Lite chkAccessRight app2 Base chkAccessRight guest app2 ====================== Lite tryAccess app1 Base tryAccess guest app1 Lite chkAccessRight guest app1

The above codes are snapped (and modified) from my real project, and what I am trying to do is to re-interface the class accessing behavior.

From the last line of output, this is obviously the chkAccessRight() is calling to my overridden sub from MyTest::Lite but I would expect it calls the chkAccessRight() from MyTest::Base

I already have a solution though:
1. Not to use the same method name , so there will be no confusion about the SUPER::, and perl will not attempt to call the overridden method (from Base). BUT, I hope I can maintain the same method name as it seem most appropriate

2. Implement $lite -> tryAccess (  "app1"  ); within the MyTest::Lite class, ie. I dont call the SUPER::tryAccess. BUT some other methods are with more relevance to it's SUPER::* methods, so I like to remain calling the methods' super class for their jobs.

It there any better workaround out there ?

Thanks in advance!



I gave up on the inheritance way, and use the sub AUTOLOAD to return eval "\$self->\{Parent}->$subName\(\@_))". So there will be no more SUPER:: is needed.