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Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX and images in Excel

by the_hawk_1 (Scribe)
on Jan 13, 2016 at 22:51 UTC ( [id://1152725]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

the_hawk_1 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Great monks and others, hi

I'm trying to "merge" several single-worksheeded Excel files into one multi-worksheeded huge file.

I do use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX, Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format and Excel::Writer::XLSX to acheive it and it do work corectly. For data only.

I can't do anything with the images!

Somebody can help?

Here is the wonderfull but not completed code:

# Pour une meilleure programmation use strict; use warnings; $|++; use Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Format; use Excel::Writer::XLSX; my @files=("file1.xlsx","file2.xlsx","file3.xlsx"); my $fichier_sortie="out_merged.xlsx"; my $out_workbook = Excel::Writer::XLSX->new($fichier_sortie); my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX->new; for my $f (0..$#files) { print "=== ".$files[$f]." =======================\n"; my $in_workbook = $parser->parse($files[$f]); if ( !defined $in_workbook ) { die $parser->error(), ".\n"; } my $in_worksheet = $in_workbook->worksheet(0); my $sheet = $out_workbook->add_worksheet($in_worksheet->get_name() +); my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $in_worksheet->row_range(); my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $in_worksheet->col_range(); for my $row ($row_min..$row_max) { for my $col ($col_min..$col_max) { my $cell = $in_worksheet->get_cell( $row, $col ); next unless $cell; my $in_format = $cell->get_format(); my $out_format= $out_workbook->add_format(); CopyFormat($in_format, $out_format); $sheet->write($row, $col, $cell->value(),$out_format); } } if(defined($in_worksheet->get_merged_areas())) { my $merged_areas = $in_worksheet->get_merged_areas(); my $cnt=0; while (defined($merged_areas->[$cnt])) { my $first_row=$merged_areas->[$cnt]->[0]; my $first_col=$merged_areas->[$cnt]->[1]; my $last_row=$merged_areas->[$cnt]->[2]; my $last_col=$merged_areas->[$cnt]->[3]; my $cell = $in_worksheet->get_cell( $first_row, $first_col + ); my $in_format = $cell->get_format(); my $out_format= $out_workbook->add_format(); CopyFormat($in_format, $out_format); $sheet->merge_range( $first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $l +ast_col, $cell->value(), $out_format ); $cnt++; } } } $out_workbook->close(); ## SUBS ############################################################## +######### sub CopyFormat() { use Switch; my $in_format=shift; my $out_format=shift; # Font my $font=$in_format->{Font}; $out_format->set_font($font->{Name}); $out_format->set_bold($font->{Bold}); $out_format->set_italic($font->{Italic}); $out_format->set_size($font->{Height}); $out_format->set_underline($font->{UnderlineStyle}); $out_format->set_color($font->{Color}); $out_format->set_font_strikeout($font->{Strikeout}); $out_format->set_font_script($font->{Super}); #Format my $align; switch( $in_format->{AlignH}) { #case 0 { $align='No alignment';} case 1 { $align='left';} case 2 { $align='center';} case 3 { $align='right';} case 4 { $align='fill';} case 5 { $align='justify';} case 6 { $align='center_across';} #case 7 { $align='Distributed/Equal spaced';} else { $align='';} } $out_format->set_align($align); switch( $in_format->{AlignV}) { case 0 { $align='top';} case 1 { $align='vcenter';} case 2 { $align='bottom';} case 3 { $align='vjustify';} #case 4 { $align='Distributed/Equal spaced';} else { $align='';} } $out_format->set_align($align); $out_format->set_indent($in_format->{Indent}); $out_format->set_text_wrap($in_format->{Wrap}); $out_format->set_shrink($in_format->{Shrink}); my $rotation=$in_format->{Rotate}; if (!defined($rotation)) { $rotation=0; } elsif ($rotation==255) { $rotation=270; } $out_format->set_rotation($rotation); $out_format->set_text_justlast($in_format->{JustLast}); # $in_format->{ReadDir}); my $border=$in_format->{BdrStyle}; $out_format->set_bottom($border->[3]); $out_format->set_top($border->[2]); $out_format->set_left($border->[0]); $out_format->set_right($border->[1]); my $border_color=$in_format->{BdrColor}; if(defined($border_color->[3])) {$out_format->set_bottom_color($bo +rder_color->[3]);} if(defined($border_color->[2])) {$out_format->set_top_color($borde +r_color->[2]);} if(defined($border_color->[0])) {$out_format->set_left_color($bord +er_color->[0]);} if(defined($border_color->[1])) {$out_format->set_right_color($bor +der_color->[1]);} # (my$kind, my$style, my$color)=$in_format->{BdrDiag}; # $out_format->set_diag_type($kind); # $out_format->set_diag_border($style); # $out_format->set_diag_color($color); my $fill=$in_format->{Fill}; $out_format->set_pattern($fill->[0]); if ($fill->[0]!=0) { $out_format->set_fg_color($fill->[2]); $out_format->set_bg_color($fill->[1]); } # $in_format->{Lock}); # $in_format->{Hidden}); # $in_format->{Style}); }
The_Hawk_1 - an ignorant monk to be...

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX and images in Excel
by choroba (Cardinal) on Jan 14, 2016 at 15:24 UTC
    Crossposted to Stack Overflow. It's considered polite to inform about crossposting such that people not attending both sites don't waste their efforts hacking a problem already solved at the other end of the internets.
    ($q=q:Sq=~/;[c](.)(.)/;chr(-||-|5+lengthSq)`"S|oS2"`map{chr |+ord }map{substrSq`S_+|`|}3E|-|`7**2-3:)=~y+S|`+$1,++print+eval$q,q,a,

      Sorry, I didn't realized...

      The_Hawk_1 - an ignorant monk to be...
Re: Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX and images in Excel
by poj (Abbot) on Jan 14, 2016 at 15:00 UTC

    Have you considered using Win32::OLE to copy whole sheets ?


      Win32::ole can't be used because Excel isn't installed on the server who create all the files.

      The goal is to make it works, but at the end, we will combine more than 160 spreadsheet into 40 files. All for not-really-used reporting!

      The_Hawk_1 - an ignorant monk to be...
        What you are doing is ... stupid. At best.

        You have DATA. But you spend all your time trying to deal with format. Don't use Excel. Use a database. Use JSON.

        Stop being idiots.

Re: Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX and images in Excel
by the_hawk_1 (Scribe) on Jan 20, 2016 at 21:09 UTC

    I'm ashamed, but I did go through this without Perl. I've used a .vbs file and Excel macro.


    More info on StackOverflow question page.

    The_Hawk_1 - an ignorant monk to be...

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