in reply to Re: how to check for a word in a file and if found remove that line, the above line and the below line from the file.
in thread how to check for a word in a file and if found remove that line, the above line and the below line from the file.

I was sure it would be easier with splice but i falled in the 'modifying an array while iterating over it' pitfall..
To avoid a copied data I needed to undef some value and grep for defined values when printing the copy output.. anyway it works.
I have modified the DATA a little to be easier to follow
use strict; use warnings; my @lin = <DATA>; map { $lin[$_] and $lin[$_] =~/XXXXX/ ? $_ == 0 ? splice @lin,0,2,undef,undef : $_ == $#lin ? splice @lin,$_-1,2,undef,undef : splice @lin,$_-1,3,undef,undef,undef : 1 } 0..$#lin; print "$_" for grep {defined} @lin; __DATA__ XXXXX Aoooo XXXXX is my name Boooo 11111 22222 33333 Coooo XXXXX is what I play Doooo 44444 # OUTPUT 11111 22222 33333 44444

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Reinvent the wheel, then learn The Wheel; may be one day you reinvent one of THE WHEELS.