in reply to Net SSH2 auth_publickey not working in Windows

I experienced exactly same problem. How I resolved it is following.

1. Generated SSH-2DSA and dsa.ppk with puttygen on Windows

2. Converted dsa.ppk to openssh.ppk ( Conversion-> Export OPENSSH key) in puttygen

3. Loaded openssh.ppk and saved from Key window in puttygen

4. copied content to authorised_keys on server and on local windows computer

5. Voila

my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new(trace => -1); #$ssh2->debug(1); $ssh2->connect('server_ip') or die $!; print $ssh2->error; $ssh2->auth_publickey('username','','openssh.ppk') or die + "$!\n"; my $chan = $ssh2->channel(); $chan->blocking(0); $chan->exec('ls -al'); my @output; while (<$chan>) { print $_; }
works with no problems