#!/usr/bin/perl -slw use strict; use threads; use Thread::Queue; our $T = 10; ## 10 walkers; adjust to suit. sub listener { my( $Qout ) = @_; require 'IO::Socket::INET::Daemon'; ## Requiring here means other threads don't carry the redundant weight my $host = new IO::Socket::INET::Daemon( host => '', port => 7777, timeout => 20, callback => { data => sub { my ($io, $host) = @_; chomp( my $line = <$io> ); return 0 unless $line; $Qout->enqueue( $line ); ## send work to listener ##-> aren't going to the walker ? return !0; } }, ); $host->run; return; } sub walker { my( $Qin, $Qout ) = @_; while( $Qin->dequeue ) { ## receive work from listener my( $type, $ip, $mac, $bsid, $datecode ) = split( ',', $_ ); $mac =~ tr[-][]d; my $output = qx( snmpwalk -v2c -t1 -c public $ip . 2>&1 ); my( $rssi, $error ) = 0; if( $output eq "Timeout: No Response from $ip" ) { $error = 'SNMP not responding. Upgrade firmware'; } else { my @result = split( /:/, $output ); $rssi = $result[ 3 ]; $rssi =~ tr[ \n][]d; if( $rssi < -100 ) { $rssi = $rssi / 100; } $rssi = int( $rssi ); } $Qout->enqueue( join $;, $mac, $ip, $bsid, $rssi ); ## Send data items to DBI as one scalar } } use enum qw[ IN DBI ]; my @Qs = map Thread::Queue->new(), 1 .. 2; # set up two Qs ## start the listener thread my $tListener = threads->create( \&listener, $Qs[ IN ] ); ## One for the listener to send work to the walkers ## start 10 walkers my @walkers = map{ threads->create( \&walker, @Qs[ IN, DBI ] ) } 1 .. $T; ## And one for the walkers to forward data for adding to the db require DBI; ## Avoid loading DBI into threads my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=cpe_info;host=;port=3306","account_process","neting.!" ); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO cpe_info(mac,ip,bsid,rssi) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ? ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ip = ?, bsid = ?, rssi = ?"); ## process data produced by walkers while( $Qs[DBI]->dequeue ) { my( $mac, $ip, $bsid, $rssi ) = split $;; ## Retrieve individual data $sth->execute( $mac, $ip, $bsid, $rssi, $ip, $bsid, $rssi ); ## bind and execute } $dbh->disconnect(); #### ./lines_dispacher_and_consumer_threads.pl Thread 1 terminated abnormally: Can't locate IO::Socket::INET::Daemon in @INC (@INC contains: /root/perl5/lib/perl5/5.16.3/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /root/perl5/lib/perl5/5.16.3 /root/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /root/perl5/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at ./lines_dispacher_and_consumer_threads.pl line 10. Can't call method "connect" without a package or object reference at ./lines_dispacher_and_consumer_threads.pl line 65. Perl exited with active threads: 10 running and unjoined 1 finished and unjoined 0 running and detached