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Re^6: Battleship solitaire puzzle generator

by toolic (Bishop)
on Sep 02, 2016 at 13:55 UTC ( [id://1171057]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^5: Battleship solitaire puzzle generator
in thread Battleship solitaire puzzle generator

Your GUI looks beautiful!
I'm not really interested in playing the game
But, if your goal is to create a fully functioning puzzle, you should play a few practices puzzles to see how the whole thing works. The reason I created an ugly ASCII version is that a GUI version was going to take me too long. But, you are on your way to a nice GUI.

Take a look at this online version.

  • Comment on Re^6: Battleship solitaire puzzle generator

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Re^7: Battleship solitaire puzzle generator
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 02, 2016 at 14:23 UTC

    I have been playing it some, it's slightly addictive :)

    Here's the latest version with slight tweaks:

    #!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use warnings; my $total = 0; my $sea = ((' ' x 10) . "\n") x 10; sub transpose { local $_ = $sea; tr/<>^v/^v<>/; $sea = ''; $sea .= "\n" while s/^(.)/ $sea .= $1; '' /gem; } my @allplaces; for my $ship ( 4,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1,1 ) { $total += $ship; my @places; push @places, $-[0] while $sea =~ /(?= {$ship})/g; push @allplaces, scalar @places; substr $sea, $places[rand @places], $ship, ('O', '<>', '<#>', '<##>' )[$ship - 1]; $sea =~ s/(?<=[<>^v#O].{$_}) | (?=.{$_}[<>^v#O])/~/gs for 0, 9..11; $ship > 1 and rand > 0.5 and transpose; } tr/ /~/ for $sea; print "\n@allplaces"; print "\n", $sea; my @chars = $sea =~ /./g; use Tk; # for my $hits = my $misses = 0; my $font = 'courierbold 20'; my $canvassize = 40; my $message = 'Click Square to Play'; my $msg; my $mw = MainWindow->new( -title => "Battleship" ); my $grid = $mw->Frame()->pack; my (@cols, @rows); for my $y (0..9) { for my $x (0..9) { my ($char, $c) = shift @chars; $cols[$x] += $char =~ /[<>^v#O]/; $rows[$y] += $char =~ /[<>^v#O]/; $c = $grid->Canvas( -bg => 'SeaGreen3', -width => $canvassize, -height => $canvassize, -highlightthickness => 1, -highlightbackground => 'black', )->grid(-row => $y, -column => $x); $c->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-1>' => sub { $hits == $total and return; if( $char eq '~') {$c->configure(-bg => 'SeaGreen4'); } if( $char =~ /[<>^v#O]/ ) { $c->createOval(1, 1, $canvassize, $canvassize, -fill => 'black +') } if($char eq '#') {$c->createRectangle(0, 0, $canvassize, $canvassize, -fill => 'black') } elsif($char eq '<') {$c->createRectangle($canvassize / 2, 0, $canvassize, $canvassize, -fill => 'black') } elsif($char eq '>') {$c->createRectangle(0, 0, $canvassize / 2, $canvassize, -fill => 'black') } elsif($char eq 'v') {$c->createRectangle(0, 0, $canvassize, $canvassize / 2, -fill => 'black') } elsif($char eq '^') {$c->createRectangle(0, $canvassize / 2, $canvassize, $canvassize, -fill => 'black') } ($char =~ /[<>^v#O]/ ? $hits : $misses) += 1; $hits == $total and $message = "You Win !", $msg->configure(-fg => 'green3', -font => 'courierbold 36'); $c->Tk::bind('<ButtonRelease-1>'=> sub {}); }); } } for my $i (0..9) { $grid->Label(-text => $cols[$i], -font =>$font, )->grid(-row => 11, -column => $i, -sticky => 'nsew'); $grid->Label(-text => $rows[$i], -font =>$font, -padx => 6, )->grid(-row => $i, -column => 11, -sticky => 'nsew'); } $grid->Label(-text => ' ', )->grid(-row => 11, -column => 11, -sticky => 'nsew'); my $frame = $mw->Frame->pack; $frame->Label(-text => 'Hits: ', -font => $font)->pack(-side => 'left' +); $frame->Label(-textvariable => \$hits, -font => $font)->pack(-side => +'left'); $frame->Label(-text => " of $total Misses: ", -font => $font, )->pack(-side => 'left'); $frame->Label(-textvariable => \$misses, -font => $font)->pack(-side = +> 'left'); $msg = $mw->Label(-textvariable => \$message, -font => $font)->pack; MainLoop;

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