#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; my $git = system('git fetch --tags'); print "What's here? --- $git\n"; #### my $git = system('git fetch --tags &> /dev/null'); #### git fetch --tags &> /tmp/git.txt #### #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Capture::Tiny ':all'; use Version::Compare; use Sort::Key::Natural qw( natsort ); my $GIT_HOME = '/usr/local/src/Arelle_Web/DQC_Test/'; my (@git) = capture{system("git --git-dir=${GIT_HOME}.git fetch --tags");}; @git = grep { $_ ne '' } @git; my @tags; if(scalar(@git) > 1){ print "Tags have been updated\n"; my $string = join("\n", @git); @tags = ($string =~ m/\[new tag\]\s+(.+?)\s/g); } else { @tags = split("\n",capture{system("git --git-dir=${GIT_HOME}.git tag")}); print "No New Tags\n"; } @tags = natsort @tags; chomp(my $running_version = capture{system("git --git-dir=${GIT_HOME}.git describe --tag");}); $running_version =~ s/^v//; my ($ver_major) = $running_version =~ /^(\d)/; my @version = grep(/^v$ver_major.+/,@tags); if(@version){ @version = natsort @version; my $newest = pop(@version); $newest =~ s/^v//; if(&Version::Compare::version_compare($newest,$running_version) == 1){ print "v$newest is greater than the running version v$running_version\n"; } }