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number of processes created by perl script.

by bsshetty17 (Acolyte)
on Oct 12, 2016 at 10:50 UTC ( [id://1173818]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

bsshetty17 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks, I run active perl in windows server 2008 r2 installed in a VM environment. I have a automated script which move a file from 1 location to another.

I have ws_ftp sever running on the server.I have a rule configured to move files to a different directory whenever there is a successful file drop.This is done by my perl script. Script is triggered for each file dropped on the server. When ever a large number of files are dropped in the server, the script does not work after few initial files. After some investigation we could find that perl.exe is getting locked with READ_ONLY. We had a case opened with microsoft for the same.The following are few highlights of the reply from microsoft:

"At this point I can tell you that there is a process/thread created for each of the files in the inbound folder. The ones that fail the process/thread terminates before doing the transfer. The transfer is not a copy operation, but a rename operation. The point where the termination occurs is after Perl loads the user32.dll and kernel32.dll. Here is the dilemma with this point of failure. Perl is choosing to terminate, finding out why is going to be difficult due to all the individual processes spinning up and this is inside of Perl and this process records nothing else between the time it loads these dlls and the time it starts termination process. I am going to check on how we might trace this, I have an idea but need to verify. This would be a point if there is any kind of Perl debugging that can be done would be good to look into it."

"I just spoke with Barry xxxx of Microsoft and he showed me that there are 436 processes running at the same time during one file transfer. He pointed out that for each process, there is a 2nd and 3rd process running simultaneously. For example, each svchost.exe., launches a conhost.exe. and a killhost.exe. 436 is the limit."

The summary of reply is that, Each instance of my perl script is creating 2 more sub processes.My question is Why my script is creating 2 more sub processes to simple "move" operation? Is there any way to avoid this so that memory consumption can be reduced? Is there any other reason for perl.exe getting locked?

  • Comment on number of processes created by perl script.

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Re: number of processes created by perl script.
by karlgoethebier (Abbot) on Oct 12, 2016 at 11:02 UTC
    "...I have a automated script... creating 2 more sub processes..."

    Mmh, i guess it might be helpful if you show that script...

    Regards, Karl

    «The Crux of the Biscuit is the Apostrophe»

Re: number of processes created by perl script.
by bsshetty17 (Acolyte) on Oct 12, 2016 at 14:50 UTC
    use Config::IniFiles; use Net::FTP; use File::Basename; use File::Compare; use File::Find qw(find); use File::Copy; use English; use File::stat; use XML::Writer; use IO::File; use Perot::Guid; # PHF20080930 # prod: my $dir = "d:\\config\\"; my $config_path = "$dir\\ini"; ###!!! my $config_path = 'config'; # test: #my $dir = 'C:\projects\iesn\scrums\scrum5'; #my $config_path = 'C:\projects\iesn\scrums\scrum5\ini'; #<---- location of settings tie my %settings, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => "$config_path\\setting +s.ini"); my $setup = \%{$settings{INBOUND}}; my $log = $setup->{ftp_inbound}; my $datestamp = localtime; LogIt("------------------------------------------------"); LogIt("$datestamp"); my $ServerSetting="ServerSetting"; tie my %server_ini, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => "$config_path\\serve +r.ini"); my $ServerConfig = \%{$server_ini{$ServerSetting}}; my $server=$ServerConfig->{server}; # LogIt("server is $server"); my $root = InitializeIt("root"); my $config = InitializeIt("config"); my($account, $file, $DEBUG, $ftp, $sig, $type); ARGUMENT: foreach (@ARGV) { #$_ = lc ($_); # catches file names with spaces & replaces them w/ unders +cores if ($_ =~ /(\s)/) { if ($_ =~ /^-f(.*)$/) { s/ /_/g; } } $account = uc $1, next ARGUMENT if(/^-a(\S+)/); $file = $1, next ARGUMENT if(/^-f(\S+)/); $DEBUG = $1, next ARGUMENT if(/^-d(\S+)/); } tie my %ini, 'Config::IniFiles', (-file => "$config", -default => "def +aults"); my $profile = \%{$ini{$account}}; my ($file_name,$directory_name) = fileparse($file, '\.[^\.]'); my $mapdir = $profile->{MapDIR}; if ($mapdir =~/true/) { $outputfile = $file; $outputfile =~ s/inbound/outbound/i; LogIt("MapDIR is true.Placing in appropriate subdirectory \n") if + ($DEBUG); my ($file_name,$directory_name) = fileparse($outputfile, '\.[^\.] +'); $output ="$directory_name$file_name"; } else { $output = $profile->{Destination}. "\\$file_name"; } # print filesize on received file my $inode = stat($file); my $received = $inode->size; LogIt ("---- Received file $file with $received bytes ----");# if ($DE +BUG); my $success = " Account $account Sourcefile $file Destination $output " ; ## JHE 11/6/13 Fix a 0.1% intermittent failure problem w/ the system +call: #jhe @args = ("move", $file, $output); #jhe if (system(@args) == 0) { my $placing; if (move($file, $output)) { ### Log filesize on decrypted file my $inode1 = stat($output); $placing = $inode1->size; LogIt("---- Placing file $output with $placing bytes ----") if ($D +EBUG); LogIt("$success"); my $rvmessage = ("$datestamp, $account, $file, $output, $received, + $placing"); LogIt("---- XML file created ----"); createXML($rvmessage); unlink ($file); } else { my $errormove = "ERROR--MOVE"; my $rverrormove = ("$errormove"); LogIt ("Creating error message XML"); createXML($rverrormove); #jhe LogIt ("NOTE : system @args failed: $?. \n Error detacted +: $!"); LogIt ("***ERROR*** move($file, $output) call failed due to: +$!"); unlink ($file); } #####does not change it....unlink $random; finish(); # Subroutines # -------------------- sub finish{ # Uses TASKKILL from Windows Resource Kit to Stop Applicati +on LogIt("Here is the PID $PID") if $DEBUG; if ($PID) { close STDERR; my @args = ("taskkill /F /PID $PID"); system(@args); } } { my $fh = ''; sub LogIt{ unless ($fh) { open $fh, ">> $log" or die "**** DIE **** Can't open log f +ile '$log' due to: $!\n"; open STDOUT, ">> $log" or die "**** DIE **** Can't redirec +t STDOUT to log file '$log' due to: $!\n"; open STDERR, ">> $log" or die "**** DIE **** Can't redirec +t STDERR to log file '$log' due to: $!\n"; } print $fh "[$$] @_\n"; } } sub InitializeIt{ local $_ = shift(); LogIt("---- Initializing $setup->{$_} ----") if ($DEBUG); if (-e $setup->{$_}) { return ($setup->{$_}); } else{ LogIt("Can't find $setup->{$_}"); die; } } sub ExtIt{ local $_ = shift(); local @_ = (); #LogIt("---- Loading $_ Configurations ----") if ($DEBUG); my $file_extensions = $setup->{$_}; #LogIt("---- These are the file extensions $file_extensions ----") + if ($DEBUG); open(EXT, $file_extensions); while (<EXT>) { chomp; s/\#.*//; # no comments s/^\s+//; # no leading white s/\s+$//; # no trailing white s/\./\\./; next unless length; push(@_, $_); } close EXT; return(join ( '\.|', @_)); } ###_------------------------WORKING HERE sub detainment{ LogIt("---- Locking him up DETAINMENT ----") if ($DEBUG); my $Lockdown = \%{$ini{defaults}}; foreach (@_) { my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime(time); my ($inmate) = fileparse($_); my $inmate_name = ($account . "_" . $inmate . "_" . $mon. $mday . +$year . $hour . $min . $sec); $ftp = Net::FTP->new($Lockdown->{FTPServer}, Debug => 0) || f +tp_error($_); $ftp->login($Lockdown->{FTPUsername},$Lockdown->{FTPPassword}) + || ftp_error($_); $ftp->binary; $ftp->put($_, $inmate_name) || ftp_error($_); $ftp->quit; LogIt(" The following file has been put into detainment: Account: $account File Name: $_ as $inmate_name "); unlink ($_); } finish(); } sub ftp_error{ LogIt("---- Problem moving file to detainment ----") if ($DEBUG); LogIt("ERROR-- Could not move the following file to detainment Filename: $_ "); LogIt($ftp->code() . " : " . $ftp->message()); my $errormessage = "ERROR--FTP"; my $rverrormessage = ("$errormessage"); LogIt ("Creating error message XML"); createXML($rverrormessage); die; } sub pgp_error{ LogIt("---- There was a PGP error ----") if ($DEBUG); LogIt("ERROR-- @_ Account Name: $account File Name: $file"); my $errormessage = "ERROR--PGP"; my $rverrormessage = ("$errormessage"); LogIt ("Creating Error message XML"); createXML($rverrormessage); if ($sig) { detainment($sig,$file); } else{ unlink $output; detainment($file); } } sub sig_check{ if ($type) { my $lower=100; my $upper=200000000; my $random = int(rand( 200000000-$lower+1 ) ) + $lower; my @cmds = ("@_ $random"); #LogIt("@cmds")if ($DEBUG); my @args = (@cmds); unless (system(@args) == 0) { unlink $random; pgp_error("GPG commands failed"); } LogIt("---- CMD is RUNNING ----") if ($DEBUG); my $gpgout; my $gpgin = join (" ",@args); #LogIt("GPGINPUT is $gpgin"); open(SYSOUT, "$gpgin 2>&1|"); close(SYSOUT); open (STATUS, "< $random"); local $/ = undef; $_ = <STATUS>; my $tempstore = $_; $tempstore = join ("\n", grep !/]/, split /\n/, $tempstore) ." +\n"; LogIt ("$tempstore"); if ($_ !~ /VALIDSIG/gi) { close STATUS; unlink $random; pgp_error("File may not be signed"); } close STATUS; unlink $random; } else { my @cmds = ("@_"); LogIt(@cmds, "\n") if ($DEBUG); my @args = (@cmds); system(@args) == 0 || pgp_error("GPG commands failed"); } unlink $random; } sub createXML { $message=shift; while( $message ne "" ) { #$datestamp,$account,$file,$output,$received,$placing,$server,$mes +sage,$guid my $guid_obj = Perot::Guid->new( file => $file ); # + PHF20080930 my $guid = $guid_obj->guid; print STDERR "getting location\n"; my $location = $setup->{ftp_inbound_xmllocation}; print STDERR "location: $location\n"; my $outputfilename=$location.$guid.'.xml'; my $outputfile = IO::File->new("> $outputfilename"); print STDERR "output file: $outputfile\n"; my $writer = XML::Writer->new(OUTPUT => $outputfile); $writer->xmlDecl("UTF-8"); $writer->startTag("root"); $writer->dataElement( datestamp => $datestamp ); $writer->dataElement( account => $account ); $writer->dataElement( pgpfile => $file ); $writer->dataElement( file => $output ); $writer->dataElement( received => $received ); $writer->dataElement( sending => $placing ); $writer->dataElement( server => $server ); $writer->dataElement( message => $message ); $writer->dataElement( guid => $guid ); $writer->endTag("root"); $writer->end(); #$output->close(); $message=shift; } }

    This is an existing code and not written by me. Excuse for coding structure and alignments.There are few unused subroutines.I have pasted the script as it is for your investigation

      I'm not exactly sure what's going on in this script as I can't see what fileparse() is supposed to be doing, but I suspect that whatever it is, $file may not have been closed properly by the time your script is trying to move it. (This may or may not be the script's fault -- please keep reading)

      I see that the script used to do a system() call to execute the shell command "move" directly but was revised to use File::Copy. Now, the commented lines have a time stamp suggesting that this problem has been around for a while and I have a feeling that the problem therefore isn't really related to how the move operation is executed at all.

      Searching around for a bit, I find that IF the files happen to be on a network share, this has been known to just happen occasionally, because Windows. (See the bottom answer in particular, it offers a possible solution that may or may not solve your underlying problem.)

      Apart from this, I don't know the internals of File::Copy but it's possible that module ends up spawning a shell to execute "move" or perhaps even "copy" followed by "delete" in order to be OS independent. If the number of processes is an actual problem then I suggest trying to do the copying yourself, in pure Perl, by opening a read handle + a write handle and then unlink the original file after you have verified the copy is good. Maybe this would atleast help you zero in on the root cause.

      -- FloydATC

      Time flies when you don't know what you're doing

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