use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use JSON; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use IO::Handle qw( ); # For flush my $basedir = 'c:/somedir/'; my $outfile = $basedir.'fs_out_2.txt'; my $last_lat_file = $basedir.'_last_lat.cfg'; my $errorfile = $basedir.'fs_error.txt'; my $client_id = 'xxx'; my $client_secret = 'yyy'; my ($lat,$lng,$decoded,$req,$qurl,$inp,$out,$out2,$s,$i,$j,$content,$response,$remaining,$total,$pct,$id,$name,$sw,$ne,$start_lat); my $user = 'user'; my $pass = 'psw'; my $lat_min = 11.1; my $lat_max = 12.1; my $lng_min = 23.4; my $lng_max = 24.4; my $geo_inc = .001; my $limit = 50; my $v = '20160901'; my $sep = "\t"; my @venues=(); print 'Started: '.(localtime)."\n"; my $url = ''; $url .= "client_id=$client_id"; $url .= "&client_secret=$client_secret"; $url .= "&v=$v"; $url .= "&limit=$limit"; $url .= "&intent=browse"; if(-e $last_lat_file){ open($inp,"$last_lat_file") or die "Cannot read $last_lat_file: $!\n"; chomp($content=<$inp>); $start_lat = $content; close $inp; }else{ $start_lat = $lat_min; } if(-e $outfile){ open($out,">>:encoding(utf8)", $outfile) or die "Cannot write to $outfile: $!\n"; }else{ open($out,">:encoding(utf8)", $outfile) || die "Cannot write to $outfile: $!\n"; print $out 'id'.$sep.'name'.$sep.'olat'.$sep.'olng'.$sep.'lat'.$sep.'lng'.$sep.'country'.$sep.'city'.$sep.'distance'.$sep.'checkinsCount'.$sep.'usersCount'.$sep.'cat_shortName'."\n"; }; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0' ); $ua->proxy('http', 'http://'.$user.':'.$pass.'@my.proxy.server:8080/'); $ua->proxy('https', 'connect://'.$user.':'.$pass.'@my.proxy.server:8080/'); for ($lat = $start_lat; $lat <= $lat_max; $lat += $geo_inc){ $pct = round(100*($lat-$lat_min)/($lat_max-$lat_min),2); print "$pct% ".(localtime)."\n"; $out->flush(); open($out2,">$last_lat_file") or die "Cannot write to $last_lat_file: $!\n"; print $out2 $lat; close $out2; for ($lng = $lng_min; $lng <= $lng_max; $lng += $geo_inc){ $qurl = $url."&sw=$lat,$lng&ne=".($lat+$geo_inc).",".($lng+$geo_inc); $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $qurl); $req->header(Accept => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8", Accept_Language => "en-US,en;q=0.5", Connection => "keep-alive" ); # get response $response = $ua->request($req); $remaining = $response->{'_headers'}{'x-ratelimit-remaining'}; if($remaining == 0){ print 'Sleeping for 5 mins: '.(localtime); if($response->{_rc} ne '200'){ print "; ".$response->{_msg}."\n"; open($out2,">$errorfile") or die "Cannot write to $errorfile: $!\n"; print $out2 Dumper $response; close $out2; }else{ print ", srv: ".substr($response->{'_headers'}{'date'},5)."\n"; } $out->flush(); sleep 5*60; redo; } # get content of response $content = $response->content(); $decoded = decode_json($content); @venues = @{ $decoded->{'response'}{'venues'}}; foreach $s ( @venues ) { $name = $s->{'name'}; $name =~ s/\t/ /g; if(length(trim($s->{'id'})) > 0){ $id = trim($s->{'id'}); }else{ $id = md5_hex($name,$s->{'location'}{'lat'},$s->{'location'}{'lng'}); } print $out $id.$sep; print $out $name.$sep; print $out $lat.$sep; print $out $lng.$sep; print $out $s->{'location'}{'lat'}.$sep; print $out $s->{'location'}{'lng'}.$sep; print $out $s->{'location'}{'country'}.$sep; print $out $s->{'location'}{'city'}.$sep; print $out $s->{'location'}{'distance'}.$sep; print $out $s->{'stats'}{'checkinsCount'}.$sep; print $out $s->{'stats'}{'usersCount'}.$sep; print $out $s->{'categories'}[0]{'shortName'}."\n"; } } } close $out; unlink $last_lat_file; print 'Finished: '.(localtime)."\n"; sub trim{ my $s = shift @_; $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return($s); } sub round{ my $val = shift; my $num = shift; return(int(10**$num*$val+.5)/10**$num); }