Name f1 f2 f3 f4 africa1 18 1 48 23 usa2 48 23 60 23 africa2 17 3 49 25 africa3 20 6 52 30 usa1 55 20 56 25 china1 35 37 55 87 china2 40 33 50 73 #### use strict; use warnings; my @array = (37,35,59,70); #Are in the same order as in matrix f1 f2 f3 f4 for(my $i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { my %hash; my @allval; my $fh=read_fh($ARGV[0]); #Matrix file here while(<$fh>) { chomp; next if $. ==1; #Ignore header my @val = split('\t', $_); $hash{$val[0]}=$val[$i]; push (@allval, $val[$i]); } close $fh; #foreach (sort keys %hash) { print "$_ : $hash{$_}\n";} my @allval_sorted = sort {$a <=> $b} @allval; my $find =$array[$i-1]; #my $nearest = @{nearest(\@allval_sorted)}[0]; use List::Util 'max'; my $selected = max grep { $find >= $_ } @allval_sorted; my $nearest=$selected; my @keys = grep { $hash{$_} == $nearest } keys %hash; print "nearest to $find in array is: $nearest and name is $keys[0]\n"; undef @allval; undef %hash; sub nearest { my ($a) = @_; my $size = @$a; return $a if $size == 1; my $mid = int(($size-1) / 2); my $test = @$a[$mid]; return $test <= $find ? (abs($test-$find)= @$a[$mid-1] ? [@$a[$mid-1]] : nearest([@$a[0 .. $mid]])); } } #Open and Read a file sub read_fh { my $filename = shift @_; my $filehandle; if ($filename =~ /gz$/) { open $filehandle, "gunzip -dc $filename |" or die $!; } else { open $filehandle, "<$filename" or die $!; } return $filehandle; } #### WITH NEAREST sub jitendra@jitendra-Aspire-S3-391[test] perl mat.txt [10:17PM] nearest to 37 in array is: 35 and name is china1 nearest to 35 in array is: 37 and name is china1 nearest to 59 in array is: 48 and name is africa1 nearest to 70 in array is: 30 and name is africa3 WITH use List::Util 'max' jitendra@jitendra-Aspire-S3-391[test] perl mat.txt [10:19PM] nearest to 37 in array is: 35 and name is china1 nearest to 35 in array is: 33 and name is china2 nearest to 59 in array is: 56 and name is usa1 nearest to 70 in array is: 30 and name is africa3