#!/usr/bin/perl # http://perlmonks.org/?node_id=1192662 use strict; use warnings; use IO::Select; my $childcount = 3; my $hasterminal = 1; my %who; my %pipes; for my $from (1 .. $childcount) { for my $to (1 .. $from - 1, $from + 1 .. $childcount) { pipe( my $readhandle, my $writehandle) or die "$! on pipe"; $writehandle->autoflush; $pipes{$from}{$to}{rh} = $readhandle; $pipes{$from}{$to}{wh} = $writehandle; } } for my $me (1 .. $childcount) { if( my $pid = fork ) # parent { $who{$pid} = $me; } elsif( defined $pid ) # child { my $sel = IO::Select->new; $me == $hasterminal and $sel->add(*STDIN); for my $from (1 .. $me - 1, $me + 1 .. $childcount) { $sel->add($pipes{$from}{$me}{rh}); close $pipes{$from}{$me}{wh}; } while(1) { for my $handle ($sel->can_read) { defined( my $command = <$handle> ) or exit; print "$me got $command"; $command =~ /^(\d+)\s+(.*\n)/ and $1 != $me and print { $pipes{$me}{$1}{wh} } $2; } } } else { die "fork failed with $!"; } } use Data::Dump 'pp'; pp \%who; my $pid = wait; # on first exit, kill rest print "$who{$pid} exited\n"; kill 15, keys %who; print "$who{$pid} exited\n" while ($pid = wait) > 0; #### 2 3 foobar #### 1 got 2 3 foobar 2 got 3 foobar 3 got foobar