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Re^3: Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle

by tybalt89 (Monsignor)
on Jun 18, 2017 at 23:12 UTC ( [id://1193066]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle
in thread Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle

Unsolved problem + boredom =

#!/usr/bin/perl # 15 puzzle solver use strict; use warnings; my $start = <<END; # initial layout, 0 for empty cell 14 15 1 2 12 7 6 10 13 3 11 9 8 4 5 0 END my @squarestomove = solve( split ' ', $start ); while( @squarestomove > 10 ) { print "steps: @{[ splice @squarestomove, 0, 10 ]}\n"; } print "steps: @squarestomove\n"; exit; sub solve # internally runs in letters, not numbers, for regex purpose +s { my (%numbers2letters, %letters2numbers); @numbers2letters{ 0..15 } = (' ', 'a'..'o'); %letters2numbers = reverse %numbers2letters; my $board = join '', @numbers2letters{@_}; $board =~ s/....\K(?=.)/\n/g; my $win = "abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmno "; my $moves = ''; for my $n (1..18) # place first, then first two, first three, etc. { (my $path, $board) = solvepart($board, substr $win, 0, $n ); print "path: $path\n\n$board\n\n"; $moves .= $path; } #print "\nmoves: $moves\n"; 1 while $moves =~ s/(.)\1//g; # remove dups print "\nmoves: $moves\n\n"; return @letters2numbers{ split //, $moves}; } sub solvepart { my ($have, $want) = @_; my @stack = $have; my %seen; my $delta = length $have =~ s/\n.*//sr; my $count = 0; while( $_ = shift @stack ) { $count++; if( $count > 1e7 ) # loop protection, may need to be larger { my $size = keys %seen; die "died with $size seen\n"; } my ($path, $board) = /(.*),(.*)/s ? ($1, $2 ) : ('', $_); #print "$board\n\n"; if( $want eq substr $board, 0, length $want) { return $path, $board; } elsif( $seen{$board}++ ) { } else { my $new = $board; if( $new =~ s/(\w) / $1/ ) # right { $seen{$new} or push @stack, "$path$1,$new"; } $new = $board; if( $new =~ s/ (\w)/$1 / ) # left { $seen{$new} or push @stack, "$path$1,$new"; } $new = $board; if( $new =~ s/(\w)(.{$delta}) / $2$1/s ) # down { $seen{$new} or push @stack, "$path$1,$new"; } $new = $board; if( $new =~ s/ (.{$delta})(\w)/$2$1 /s ) # up { $seen{$new} or push @stack, "$path$2,$new"; } } } die "no solution for $_"; }

It's just a simple breadth first search looking to position the 1 first, then 1 & 2, then 1 & 2 & 3, etc. Trying to do the whole thing at once was too big for my machine (and maybe any machine :).

There are still some debug prints left on, and some near infinite loop detection code.

Internally I use letters to simplify (and speed up?) the regex for finding moves.

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Re^4: Tk - Discipulus 15 puzzle
by zentara (Archbishop) on Jun 19, 2017 at 12:39 UTC

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