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Re: Simple indentation. Does it need improvement?

by siberia-man (Friar)
on Dec 17, 2017 at 19:52 UTC ( [id://1205744]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Simple indentation. Does it need improvement?

As I mentioned in the beginning: there are a lot of competitors implementing almost the same functionality. But all of their implementations don't follow my requirements -- to be simple, to be easy, to be flexible (but someone could say this is personal favor. May be...) That's why I have reinvented the wheel.

And one question has arised. What is the best namespace for the module?

Thank evevryone how was involved into this fruitful discussion. I have improved the module. Please have a look and give your feedback.

The source code in the actual state is located on github by the link Here I am posting the minimized version (no POD, no more descriptions, the bare code only and some examples of use cases).

Example 1:
use Indent( text => " ", eol => 1, level => 1 ); my @str = qw( down stairs to hell ); Indent::printf "@str"; ( Indent::over, Indent::printf $_ ) for ( @str ); Indent::reset; Indent::printf("there is no way");

Example 2:
use Indent; our $indent = Indent->new( text => " ", eol => 1, level => 1 ); local $\ = "\n"; my @str = qw( down stairs to hell ); print($indent, "@str"); { local $indent = $indent; ( ++$indent )->printf($_) for ( @str ); } print($indent - 1, "there is no way");

Source code:
package Indent; use strict; use warnings; # ==================================================================== +===== # Clamp a value on the edge, that is minimum. # So the value can't be less than this restriction. sub _lclamp { my ( $min, $v ) = @_; $v < $min ? $min : $v; } # Set the valid level and evaluate the proper indentation. sub _set_indent { my $p = shift; my $v = shift // 0; $p->{level} = _lclamp( 0, $p->{level} += $v ); $p->{indent} = $p->{text} x $p->{level}; } # Detect argument type and get the level value sub _get_level { my $v = shift; ref $v eq __PACKAGE__ ? $v->{level} : $v; } # ==================================================================== +===== sub new { my $class = shift; my %p = @_; my $self = { text => $p{text} // ( $p{tab} ? "\t" : " " x _lclamp( 1, $p{si +ze} // 4 ) ), EOL => $p{eol} ? "\n" : $\, level => _lclamp( 0, $p{level} // 0 ), }; _set_indent $self; bless $self, $class; } # ==================================================================== +===== use overload ( '=' => sub { my $self = shift; bless { %{ $self } }, ref $self; }, '""' => sub { shift->{indent}; }, '++' => sub { _set_indent shift, +1; }, '--' => sub { _set_indent shift, -1; }, '+' => sub { my $self = shift; my $v = shift; my %self = %{ $self }; _set_indent \%self, +_get_level($v); bless { %self }, ref $self; }, '-' => sub { my $self = shift; my $v = shift; my %self = %{ $self }; _set_indent \%self, -_get_level($v); bless { %self }, ref $self; }, ); # ==================================================================== +===== sub import { shift; goto &config if @_; } # ==================================================================== +===== my $indent; sub config { $indent = __PACKAGE__->new(@_); } sub reset { $indent = $indent - $indent; } sub over { $indent++; } sub back { $indent--; } sub print { my $self = ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ ? shift : $indent; local $\ = $self->{EOL}; CORE::print $self, @_; } sub vprint { my $self = shift; local $\ = $self->{EOL}; CORE::print $self, $_ for ( @_ ); } sub printf { my $self = ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ ? shift : $indent; $self->print(sprintf shift // "", @_); }; 1; # ==================================================================== +===== # EOF

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